- WM7 Theme
- HTC Diamond Skin For Mobile Shell
- SPB Mobile Shell v2.1 Skin: Glacier Inferno
- SPB Mobile Shell Skin v2.1: Natural Green
- SPB Mobile Shell 2.1 Skin: Crisis Core
- iPhone SPB Mobile Shell Skin
- mario theme spb shell
- Vista Theme SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin FLATBLUE KULET78 Xda SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin FUSION 420 SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin SONY PS3 SPB Mobile Shell
- Carbon Pro SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin Leopard Graphite SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin Hitman SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin blueray SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin pointu SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin Simpsons SPB Mobile Shell
- Skin Vista Dark SPB Mobile Shell
- WM7 Spb Mobile Shell Skin (Newer Version)
- WM7 Theme With LANDSCAPE Support
- Kung Fu Panda Theme
- SPB Mobile 2.1 Skin - littlerainWM7
- New "Landscape" SPB MS2.1 Theme
- SPB Wood Theme
- SPB MS2.1 "Veryron Carbon" Theme
- MS2.1 Sexy "Adubade" Theme
- SPB MS2.1 "Gorillaz" Theme
- Diamond Spb Mobile Shell skins (freeware)
- GSmarted Spb Mobile Shell skins
- MS2.1 Cedzen Theme
- Orange diamond skin of Spb Mobile Shell(Freeware)
- Jstars Diamond Tilt Ver 2.5
- Updated WM7 Beta Release Skin
- Glass Vista Theme for SPB MS 2.1 by DOC3000
- [New Version 2.0] HTC Diamond Theme for SPB MS2.1
- Crisis Coore-Final Fantasy
- [2-Sep-08] XPERIA-ish Mobile Shell 2.1.2 Theme (compatible with version 2.1)
- Omnia SPB Mobile Shell 2.1.2 Theme
- Clean Black/Silver MS 2.1 Theme/Dialer/Today Theme in a .CAB!
- [FREEWARE] Manila 2D Skin for SPB Mobile Shell 212
- iPhone Theme for Mobile Shell 2.1
- [RELEASE] Kingdom Hearts II
- [UPDATES] Spb Mobile Shell 452 SKINs Fast Switch customization FOR SPB 35 20/11
- [Theme] M2D / IPHONE theme
- [Theme] APPLE OSX-mix
- [RELEASE] [Skin] WinMo 65 - Mobile Shell 215 - QVGA [3/11/09]
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Wallpapers Pack 1
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Wallpapers Pack 2
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Icons BY Zeppi
- All mobile shell 3 picture files
- [Theme] Mobile Shell berry 66 THEME (MS 30 Only)
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Vynil Theme
- [Theme] SPB Mobile Shell 3 Star Wars Theme
- [Theme] [VGA-QVGA] theme saint seiya by jeje1000 MS 3
- [UPDATES] SPB MS 3 Professional Background SPJ Exclusive(qvga wqvga vga)
- [Theme] LifeStyle Background Requests
- [RELEASE] Spb MS 3 Pro Background - Purple
- [Theme] MSH3 Drop Theme by keithdupont QVGA
- [RELEASE] Spb MS 3 Pro Backround - Metal
- Theme zen by jeje1000 VGA
- [Theme] SPB Mobile Shell 3...4 new themes
- [Theme] SPB 3 THEME VGA Theme WoW BY Jeje1000
- [Theme] SPB 3 VGA Theme terminator BY JEJE1000
- [Theme] SPB 3 VGA Theme dragonbal BY JEJE1000
- [RELEASE] [Skin] Titanium - Mobile Shell 30 - VGA [5/17/09]
- [UPDATES] Titanium 65 Skin SPBMS3(QVGA only)
- [FREEWARE] SPB Mobile Shell skin Changer
- [Theme] SPB 3 THEME JRFEE400 B3 by JRFEE400 qvga
- [Theme] iDiamond pour Mobile shell 3
- [Theme] SPB 3 WVGA-VGA alternative a osx BY JEJE1000
- [Theme] phenoms green fury VGA
- [Theme] phenoms pink fury VGA
- [RELEASE] Death Note SPB 3 QVGA WQVGA by ludo925
- [Theme] Cobalt SS VGA
- [Theme] Phenoms Batman SPB
- [Theme] Phenoms Superman SPB
- [Theme] Phenoms Mortal Kombat SPB
- [Theme] Phenoms Bleach SPB VGA
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Wallpapers - Green Pack
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Wallpapers - Red Pack
- SPB Mobile Shell 3 Wallpaper - Blue Pack
- [RELEASE] MSkip Pro Plus Elegance Theme for Spb Mobile Shell 301