View Full Version : PTT For Non-Nextel PPC

05-04-2007, 07:37 AM
PTT For Non-Nextel PPC
Go there and sign up. they will send you a password sometime. i am still waiting for mine but i just signed up so ill post more info when i can get it loaded.

From what i have read it sounds cool. NO you cant ppt nextels but smartphones/ppc running this app you can. ill get more info on it when i get it installed.

05-04-2007, 07:38 AM
heres a ss of the app. its not connected as im still waiting for my password. looks like this may be a real good app one day so i suggest everyone sign up so they have a better chance at getting a key.

here are some features off the website.

» Voice: use your mobile to chat with friends by speaking or texting
» Messaging: leave messages even when contacts are not connected
» Availability: Instantly see status of contacts
» Interoperability: Connect to users of popular PC IM systems
» Open: Works independent of your mobile service provider

05-04-2007, 07:39 AM
ok just got my password sent to me and all and seems like it will be a very promising application. You can text through it, use instant messenger, and even use it as a walkie talkie sorta kinda like a nextel. The text and instant messenger is pretty self explanatory. But you might ask how does the walkie talkie feature work???? well basically you are logged on to the program (which runs seperate from your carrier and doesn't use internet so don't worry) than you push a button that says talk and than it will prompt you to talk and once done so you press it again to end and than the message is sent to the person....(if they are offline they will receive when they log back onto the program) the person that accepts and can listen to the message and send one back to you. A little bit more work that the nextel DC but it is still a great idea that i happen to love..lol...it seems to be very promising and will recommend it to anyone with a smartphone or PPC without question. As you can see in my signature i have my user name which you can feel free to add to your contacts to test it out and see how it works. So in conclusion it is a great program that works with all smartphones and PPC's and is well worth the 2 miutes that it takes to get running. Hope to see a lot of members here grab an account while it is still free since it is beta testing and we will learn and explore this new program together. Enjoy

05-04-2007, 07:40 AM
Yeah sorry bout the double post and all...lol....just did my first voice transaction with my boy and its actually not hard at all to use. you press the button to speak and let go when you are done than the person that you sent it to will hear what you said without having to push a button or anything. they than can respond to you and you will hear them without having to press anything. Real nice application with a huge future guarnteed!!! it also sends the messages just as quick as it would through a nextel!!! alright thats it cause i just got back from work and im tired and i have tobe up in 4.5 hours to go back and do a 12 hour shift. So as always if you need me hit me up at iamdasht19@mail2web.comor on aim at iamdasht19 whicj im almost alwayslogged onto at work...lol...aight take it easy P-Tech and goodnight.

05-04-2007, 07:41 AM
alrighty i decided to grab the name while it was still available. So you dont have to add everybody from the site individually all you have to do is go to join group and type in the name..... puertotech.....make sure there are no caps of spaces and everyone that has joined the group will automatically be added for you. So enjoy and hope to see someone else besides me in the puertotech group.

05-20-2007, 07:38 PM
Bump Done|