View Full Version : ActiveSync

11-30-2007, 07:38 PM
Hi on my htc touch ActiveSync will start every few minuts. doues any one know how to stop it from starting on it own?

11-30-2007, 07:57 PM
make sure activ sync is turned off in your comm maneger and that you lock your phone when not in use (to help save batt life) this answer was also explained in the htc thread for batterry life go there and see if yu can find someanswer on the active sync problem if what i told you didnt work out

11-30-2007, 08:56 PM
i looked at that tread and under the file explorer/windows/startup ther is no activesync ther is only mw poutlook pushclient now in the comm manager active sync is off it is like activesync just starts on its own

11-30-2007, 10:36 PM
no, he's saying you want it turned off in the comm manager, you can access the comm manager by going Start > Settings > Connections Tab > Comm Manger then make sure Activesync is grayed out.

11-30-2007, 10:42 PM
i did it still willl start every other minute

11-30-2007, 10:47 PM
So if you dont want your battery to be drain again, you need to prevent the ActiveSync from waking up the device every five minutes. To do this read the lines below and follow the instructions:

1. Start ActiveSync on your Pocket PC.
2. Tap "Menu", then "Add Server Source"
3. Configure a server source with a fake IP address, id and password - you can enter anything you like, it doesn't matter
4. After that you will notice that "Menu -> Schedule..." item is no longer greyed out.
5. Change your schedule to manual under both fields.
6. You can now delete your fake server - your changes to the schedule will remain in effect. ActiveSync will no longer be able to drain your battery.

Try this, this is what I did to stop it coming on. Worked for me and my battery is awesome now. Hope that helps.

11-30-2007, 10:53 PM
aight theats what to do i did that wa while ago when i started to notice that prob sometim ago for me

11-30-2007, 10:58 PM
ther is no manul tab i have a htc touch

11-30-2007, 11:30 PM
There is manual in drop down at least there was for me and i have same phone....try it again and look carefully. Let me know bro

12-01-2007, 09:18 PM
ok thank you i did find the tab my bad