View Full Version : Rev A US Release date and info?
12-10-2007, 12:59 AM
Sorry in advance if this has been posted before but anyone know when the Rev A patch is going to be released for the touch in the US for Sprint? I have seen Q1 of 2008 a few places, has there been an exact month stated yet for the release? Also, I heard that it will enable gps and maybe even wi-fi? Anyone out there know the details?? Thanks!
12-10-2007, 01:03 AM
its been stated a few time but im felling good right now so ill give you the answer there hasnt been an exact realese date set yet but sometime around feburary to march is when it is expected to be released it enables gps and rev a not wifi
12-10-2007, 08:43 AM
like tigerz said they are saying release is in Q1 of the fiscal year. which could be anywhere from janurary to march of 08. but they way that sprint has been moving it will prolly be later from delays. it doesnt ebable wifi but the speeds and the gps are nice. i know since i have it already. and before you ask NO i cant distribute it since it is locked on my phone and there is no way for me to be able to do a rom dump have already tried on numerous occasions.
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