View Full Version : Get Out Of Your Sprint Contract(no early termination fee)

12-13-2007, 09:18 PM
Get Out Of Your Sprint Contract(no early termination fee)
Sup guys for those looking to get out of your sprint contract..dslreports.com has an article on just that.. hate to divert people of AMJ , but I found this could be very usefull to some.

(Taken from Dslreports article written by karl)

"Get Out Of Your Sprint Contract
Fee changes should void your contract
08:46AM Wednesday Dec 12 2007 by Karl
tags: legal · business · wireless · Sprint Broadband Direct
Yesterday we mentioned that Sprint was fiddling with some of the fees on your bill. Thanks to legal pressure from a lawsuit accusing them of misleading consumers with "unfees" -- or below the line charges dressed up as government-mandated fees. Sprint is renaming several of the fees, and it would appear that this technically constitutes a change in your contract allowing you to cancel service without an early termination fee:
Sprint's current policy as read by account services: "On Jan. 1st 2008 Sprint customers who have been affected by the fees will have their ETF waived if they wish to terminate their contract. There will be no post-dating of cancellation where the ETF will be waived as only customers affected by the new surcharges will be eligible."
So if you've been looking for a way to ditch Sprint without penalty -- you just got one."


12-13-2007, 09:27 PM
haha just told a customer about this earlier...oops :)

12-13-2007, 09:35 PM
lol tellin a customer that your not supposed to spread the word

03-27-2008, 05:42 PM
I just left Sprint and thought that I would have to pay the termination fee. Thanks for the info.

04-08-2008, 08:31 PM
OK I NEED HELP HERE!!!, so i tried cancelling my contract with sprint today, and they said NO!!, i explained the no ETF since there had been a change in their customers contract, and they said that, it only applied to customers who's bills went up after the changes. I need to hear from the guy that works for sprint!!!! help me!!!

04-08-2008, 08:50 PM
OK I NEED HELP HERE!!!, so i tried cancelling my contract with sprint today, and they said NO!!, i explained the no ETF since there had been a change in their customers contract, and they said that, it only applied to customers who's bills went up after the changes. I need to hear from the guy that works for sprint!!!! help me!!!

you had to have the differenc ein your account proving that they overcharged you even if it was by a penny through the taxes.

04-08-2008, 08:54 PM
overcharged me in the old bill or the new one???, the lady said it was only if my bill went up, and that it's been 4 months since the change so it didn't apply anymore

04-08-2008, 09:29 PM
overcharged me in the old bill or the new one???, the lady said it was only if my bill went up, and that it's been 4 months since the change so it didn't apply anymore

it has to apply they broke contact and before march i think

05-13-2008, 07:16 PM
Im trying to get out of my contract so my parents can get me a sero plan, but i heard this loophole of getting out the ETF free has passed.

05-13-2008, 07:31 PM
Im trying to get out of my contract so my parents can get me a sero plan, but i heard this loophole of getting out the ETF free has passed.

yes it has you are stuck now bro lol

05-14-2008, 02:49 PM
Lol lame, oh well guess ill just use some of my birthday money to pay for that ETF, my contract would end in november if i stayed on this plan.