View Full Version : Activesync

12-18-2007, 01:27 AM
Whats up guys i have an issue now with activesync. you guys recently giuded me on how to hard reset my phone and how to save my contacts with mail2web. Everyting worked smoothly now activsync starts up all the time. I looked under all the threads even the thread i made up battery life and i followed everything on how to stop activesync and it still on. It is also grayed out in the com manager and i messed with all the setting and it is set to manual and everything and it still comes up. Hopefully you can help me thanks guys.

12-18-2007, 01:34 AM
Whats up guys i have an issue now with activesync. you guys recently giuded me on how to hard reset my phone and how to save my contacts with mail2web. Everyting worked smoothly now activsync starts up all the time. I looked under all the threads even the thread i made up battery life and i followed everything on how to stop activesync and it still on. It is also grayed out in the com manager and i messed with all the setting and it is set to manual and everything and it still comes up. Hopefully you can help me thanks guys.

i leave mine running at all times. i dont ever have a battery issue with it and just ignore it. if it bugs you just X out of the program and all.

12-18-2007, 02:16 AM
got it brother thanks alot dash talk to youlater got work tomorrow

12-18-2007, 02:20 AM
got it brother thanks alot dash talk to youlater got work tomorrow

aight no problem it doesnt do much battery drain wise at all maby 5% a day at the most. so i would just live with it being running it does it on all WM Phones

12-18-2007, 11:55 AM
yae it usally runs alot if we are lucky there might be a update that fixes that for wm6 i look into it and see what i can find cause i have noticed that in alot om wm6 phones and it seems to be a microsoft issue not something of our own but it might also have something to do with having an email setup on the phone