View Full Version : happy tap and pocket cm

12-18-2007, 04:16 AM
hey guys....i love my new touch/vogue. i was wondering if anyone else is having the same problem im having w/the two programs. whenever im in the pocket cm contacts program and want to send a text via happy tap keyboard, it shuts the program as soon as i press one letter! one tap on any letter,,,pause,,,then closes the program.

any suggestions? hows that new keyboard that tigerz showed....

12-18-2007, 04:22 AM
happy taap is fine the glitch is with pocket cm get fun contacts instead and you can look at my you tube video to learn more about both of them also a different keyboard called soomboard is noce aswelll

12-18-2007, 04:22 AM
i actually converted over to it and am lovign it myself . i have never experienced that problem before so i would uninstall happy tap and install that one and see if that fixes your problem for you.

12-18-2007, 04:25 AM
i actually converted over to it and am lovign it myself . i have never experienced that problem before so i would uninstall happy tap and install that one and see if that fixes your problem for you.

its not the happy tap keyboard problem it the pocket cm, pocket cm is so dam glitchy so use fun contact and on the contrerary zoomboard keyboard rocks the world and puts happy tap in the toilet with the toilet paper so it can get flushed down and end up in the ocean near some 3rd world country, but thats just my opinion

12-18-2007, 04:35 AM
i looked for zoomboard here at the downloads sections.....dont see it.

12-18-2007, 04:36 AM
its here bro do a local search from the taskbar under where you send a pm. NOT SEARCH but LOCAL SEARCH. and type in vito zoomboard and you will find it.

12-18-2007, 04:49 AM
thanks man...who wouldve thought it would be under vito...lol

12-18-2007, 05:12 AM
lol no problem glad to help and enjoy

12-18-2007, 12:05 PM
glad it worked out for you bro i love it myself tell me how you like everything

12-18-2007, 03:28 PM
what up tigerz...

actually, i think i like it better than happy tap....it would have been great if they had the keyboard EXPAND when you go into landscape mode. that wouldve made it a perfect 10.

good lookin out and makin the video for it....i think a person is more inclined in trying something when they actually visualize compared to just a description on a sticky. but we cant make videos for every damn program....lol.


12-18-2007, 04:05 PM
heyhey thx bro and if u want videos made there is a video request thread also i posted a keyboard up that is a full screen landscape keyboard it take up the whole screen just do a local search for "full screen keyboard"

12-18-2007, 06:55 PM
what up tigerz...

actually, i think i like it better than happy tap....it would have been great if they had the keyboard EXPAND when you go into landscape mode. that wouldve made it a perfect 10.

good lookin out and makin the video for it....i think a person is more inclined in trying something when they actually visualize compared to just a description on a sticky. but we cant make videos for every damn program....lol.


yeah people wanna see

dont even have to do vids pic would be great or just pics on the grat programs

12-18-2007, 09:53 PM
there is screenshots in almost every release

12-22-2007, 02:01 PM
I've been using PocketCM Keyboard, but not PocketCM Contacts. PCM Keyboard is pretty cool because it has a bubble open up over the letter so it's really easy to type with your fingers.

I dunno if there's a link to in here:

I had PCM Contacts .16 installed, but it is glitchy. I'll have to try this fun contact program you guys are talking about.

12-22-2007, 11:25 PM
thx for link bro and fun contacts is really nice if you want to see it in person b4 u doownload type in iamdasht19 in youtube and i have a video on there that explains it