View Full Version : icube short cut question

12-21-2007, 11:22 PM
hi guys, just installed the files here.
I followed to the T.installed first soft reset backed up then installed the second.
everything seems to work good.except on thing.when i select the icon for music i get below message.

the file 'AudioManger' cannot be opened.Either it is not signed with trusted certification,or one of its components,cannot be found.If the problem persists,try reinstalling or restoring this file.

the other two like sprint tv when i press does nothing.
as well as streaming media.
phones new as of yesterday.
only thing I've done so far is up date to new rom and install mms as well as custom slider sound program.Do i need to do any registry editing maybe?

12-21-2007, 11:25 PM
hi guys, just installed the files here.
I followed to the T.installed first soft reset backed up then installed the second.
everything seems to work good.except on thing.when i select the icon for music i get below message.

the other two like sprint tv when i press does nothing.
as well as a streaming media.
phones new as of yesterday.
only thing I've done so far is up date to new rom and install mms as well as custom slider sound program.Do i need to do any registry editing maybe?

you have to map the buttons using the cube config for two of the pages the 3 sided part and the first 6 sided part. than the rest will be done through registry editing which can be found by going to Local Machine/Software/HTC/biotouch and than find the ones you want to switch and you will be good. hope this helps and tell us how it works for you if you would.

12-22-2007, 12:14 AM
lol i got the music working icon working now.as for sprint t.v.It would probably help if i installed it.lol got so excited i forgot about that part.also the streaming media i will most likely redirect after i finish installing t.v. as for what you say here
the rest will be done through registry editing which can be found by going to Local Machine/Software/HTC/biotouch and than find the ones you want to switch and you will be good. hope this helps and tell us how it works for you if you would.

I am assuming i need a registry edit program for windows mobile to install to the device.If im not mistaken?Or is there a run command I am not seeing to access it like normal xp or vista?

12-22-2007, 12:29 AM
if u want to do reg editing from the phone the program sk tools u can find it by doing a reg edit

12-22-2007, 04:58 AM
hmmmm i can't get them to stick.in reg it shows the music one as windowsmedia player correct.but when i press it on the device.it still gives same error.it worked before.i even tried a hard reset.can't get the dang thing to stick.i open cube configuration.it shows it set to mwplayer.exe
but opens that audiofile.exe thing in the first post and gives error.is there something im missing?does hard reset not clear the reg?Could something in the reg be doing this? If so would reinstalling the rom correct it?and clean what hard reset didn't?

12-22-2007, 10:08 AM
hmmmm i can't get them to stick.in reg it shows the music one as windowsmedia player correct.but when i press it on the device.it still gives same error.it worked before.i even tried a hard reset.can't get the dang thing to stick.i open cube configuration.it shows it set to mwplayer.exe
but opens that audiofile.exe thing in the first post and gives error.is there something im missing?does hard reset not clear the reg?Could something in the reg be doing this? If so would reinstalling the rom correct it?and clean what hard reset didn't?

i think your gettign some things mixed up a lil bit. a hard reset brings the phone back to the way it was including registry when you first opened that magnetic box lol. a soft reset is just poking the stylus into that hole and is similar to doing a reset on your computer. but what i want you to try is change the registry that you want to what you want it. than when you do that push the power button on the phone and leave it off for about 60 seconds. than turn it back on go to the running programs list open the registry editor again than close out of it all together than do a soft reset and see what that does for you. tell mr how this works. sometimes you have to wait a lil for it to stick before you perform a soft reset on the phone. one of the lil flaws with the mogul but still a very nice phone.

12-22-2007, 10:11 AM
sorry bout the double post but i can do that since i am cool one more thing for the 3 sided cube you can use the cube config tool just do a local search from the navigation bar for it and that will be an easy way to do it without doing any registry editing whatsoever for the 3 sided face and the 1st face after that(the one with the lock on it.)

12-22-2007, 10:42 AM
lol i know the diff in a hard and soft reset.lol.I' not that lost ^_^.heres the funny thing.in cube config it show it programed for wmplayer.exe.but yet when hit it doesn't launch it.i get that error.i did a hard reset to try and see if it was in the reg.didn't matter much being i had everything sync with pc.I did a hard by going to settings then clear storage.Also I think my error could lay in the fact i installed on my 2 gb sd card not phone.So I will try it on device this time.after i get focused.(up to 5am programing it) its addicting.I'll post my findings shortly.

12-22-2007, 11:00 AM
lol i know the diff in a hard and soft reset.lol.I' not that lost ^_^.heres the funny thing.in cube config it show it programed for wmplayer.exe.but yet when hit it doesn't launch it.i get that error.i did a hard reset to try and see if it was in the reg.didn't matter much being i had everything sync with pc.I did a hard by going to settings then clear storage.Also I think my error could lay in the fact i installed on my 2 gb sd card not phone.So I will try it on device this time.after i get focused.(up to 5am programing it) its addicting.I'll post my findings shortly.

lol yeah it is addicting you can say that again...... yeah it has to be installed to the main memory to run properly.

12-22-2007, 03:31 PM
hmmm still it dont give me any luck. :( i go under icube config.It shows the dang thing as being set to wmplayer.exe. But every time i launch it from the cube i get the message in my original post.i even set it back to and removed the sd to make sure it installed to device.still issues.I go in to reg under htouch and i see nothing for it under biotouch.i just don't get it.The parameters are set to null and the other setting is icon path. i tried numerous soft resets after to get it to stick.Now like i said it shows it in the settings but does'nt launch write thing.any idea's?

12-22-2007, 11:11 PM
hmmm still it dont give me any luck. :( i go under icube config.It shows the dang thing as being set to wmplayer.exe. But every time i launch it from the cube i get the message in my original post.i even set it back to and removed the sd to make sure it installed to device.still issues.I go in to reg under htouch and i see nothing for it under biotouch.i just don't get it.The parameters are set to null and the other setting is icon path. i tried numerous soft resets after to get it to stick.Now like i said it shows it in the settings but does'nt launch write thing.any idea's?

not sure what would be causing that to happen to you bro........ ill see if i casn find any further troubleshooting on it but no promises. damn that is gonna bug me lol.

12-23-2007, 12:21 AM
lol ya i tried it all.Even reinstalled new rom then did it over fresh.still.I found it in reg edit and i changed the key even to wmplayer.exe.So now both reg and cube setting show wmplayer.But the dang icon still launches that other app.Its got me scratching my head puzzled

12-23-2007, 12:25 AM
lol ya i tried it all.Even reinstalled new rom then did it over fresh.still.I found it in reg edit and i changed the key even to wmplayer.exe.So now both reg and cube setting show wmplayer.But the dang icon still launches that other app.Its got me scratching my head puzzled

yeah you got me doing the same also.... lol

12-23-2007, 12:44 AM
in case your wondering the reg key im finding for it is under.

http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4412/46408332ub4.th.jpg (http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?image=46408332ub4.jpg)

I upped to rapid so you can get a better look


12-23-2007, 01:54 AM
in case your wondering the reg key im finding for it is under.

http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4412/46408332ub4.th.jpg (http://img206.imageshack.us/my.php?image=46408332ub4.jpg)

I upped to rapid so you can get a better look


yup thats the right area dont know why it would bw doing that to ya than. let me see what i can think of or find out for you and i will get back to you.

12-23-2007, 02:32 AM
While we are on the subject on the icube and registry edits I had a question. Does anyone know the reg path to the quick dial contact favorites portion of the cube? Below the 9 contacts pictures there are 4 buttons. Well the third button goes to my standard windows mobile contacts program. I'm tryin to get it to go to Vito FunContacts. Any help would be appreciated...

By the way lovin the icube. its the shizznit for real.

12-23-2007, 02:36 AM
While we are on the subject on the icube and registry edits I had a question. Does anyone know the reg path to the quick dial contact favorites portion of the cube? Below the 9 contacts pictures there are 4 buttons. Well the third button goes to my standard windows mobile contacts program. I'm tryin to get it to go to Vito FunContacts. Any help would be appreciated...

By the way lovin the icube. its the shizznit for real.

to change the default on where that leads to it is a reg edit.... dotn have my touch on me but under where you change the shortcuts it will be right there... and this is the wrong thread to talk bout the icube for the touch too its a lil different than the mogul which is what this thread is for.

12-23-2007, 03:32 AM
I figured a work around .YES I'm happy now.Heres what i did.I google audio manager for htc seen loads had issues with it.So i found a cab for audio manager for htc.Then i installed to device first. Now it auto installs this to program files.So then i went to program files.Hit edit> select all>copy. Then i went to windows folder edit>paste.It added the files there being i couldn't select install path. closed.Did a soft reset.Now when i press the music key it opens up audio manager. its not wmplayer.But it will certainly make the icon alive and functional.Not a bad replacement for wmp.took for ever to figure it out.I am going to try to delete the install folder in program files now so no duplicates.Theoretically it shouldn't do any wrong cause i installed same in windows on the paste.Thank you for your efforts.Its a solution to my needs.

It worked i deleted the folder in program files.Still works like i thought
only took me about 10 hrs to figure this work around solution for my case

only question i have now is how do i delete the old dead icon from the start menu and program list?.that lead to it when it was in program folder?

12-23-2007, 03:37 AM
I figured a work around .YES I'm happy now.Heres what i did.I google audio manager for htc seen loads had issues with it.So i found a cab for audio manager for htc.Then i installed to device first. Now it auto installs this to program files.So then i went to program files.Hit edit> select all>copy. Then i went to windows folder edit>paste.It added the files there being i couldn't select install path. closed.Did a soft reset.Now when i press the music key it opens up audio manager. its not wmplayer.But it will certainly make the icon alive and functional.Not a bad replacement for wmp.took for ever to figure it out.I am going to try to delete the install folder in program files now so no duplicates.Theoretically it shouldn't do any wrong cause i installed same in windows on the paste.Thank you for your efforts.Its a solution to my needs.

nice glad to hear you got it working. enjoy the icube it is by far the best cube interface that is out there.

12-23-2007, 03:56 AM
any idea how to clean out the dead icon on the start menu and under programs that lead to audio manager when it was in program files?trying Pocket Mechanic Professional v2.82 but doesn't seem to do that function

12-23-2007, 03:59 AM
any idea how to clean out the dead icon on the start menu and under programs that lead to audio manager when it was in program files?trying Pocket Mechanic Professional v2.82 but doesn't seem to do that function

yeah go to settings and than go to menus than you can take it off the main menu. also try using pocket mechanic professional and go to uninstall and all the other stuff too.

12-23-2007, 04:12 AM
any one wanting to do it this way take note: to remove icon from programs I had to reinstall audio manager to program files to make icon active again to be able to uninstall & delete with Pocket Mechanic Professional v2.82.The files set i moved to windows stays intact.So no need to reinstall after removed icons.follow d/\sh's suggestion on removing from start menu.