View Full Version : D/\SH'S Apache WM6 Youtube Video
12-27-2007, 04:08 AM
here it is a lil longer than i wanted but it does the purpose hope you liek now im gonna update the 6700 area with the mods and links sticky post since we are prolly gonna be getting a lot more apache users here at Wckediden.
12-27-2007, 04:31 AM
thats pretty hot dash there a way to create a custom rom for all touch products? and install my exe.
12-27-2007, 04:40 AM
thats pretty hot dash there a way to create a custom rom for all touch products? and install my exe.
there is a kitchen that i could mess around with for the mogul too but ht eonly problem is there has to be a different one for each phone since the necessities and the way the unit runs internally is all different.... for example wifi, gps, OS version, memory, ram, etc...... so there would have to be a different one for the touch through sprint and the touch through cingular, or the mogul through sprint and the mogul through verizon..... and they will only work on that phone with that service provider.... and yes all they are is an easy to install exe just like the ones you get online straight from the service provider.
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