View Full Version : flash for Opera or PIE

12-28-2007, 03:19 AM
I've tried to use flash lite and pocket flash, but i can't seem to get it to work with any flash websites on the web. Is there something that i'm missing, or is there just a flash plugin that i'm missing?

12-28-2007, 03:24 AM
you have to be a lil more in depth bro could you explain what you are trying to do ...

12-28-2007, 03:39 AM
Thanks for responding so quickly. I've been trying to use my web browser (pocket IE or Opera) to view websites that use Flash, but everytime that I go on them, they always give me a message that i need to install flash. I found flashlite and I think flash 5 for PPC, but even after installing them both i've had no success. How do you view webpages with flash?

12-28-2007, 03:41 AM
Thanks for responding so quickly. I've been trying to use my web browser (pocket IE or Opera) to view websites that use Flash, but everytime that I go on them, they always give me a message that i need to install flash. I found flashlite and I think flash 5 for PPC, but even after installing them both i've had no success. How do you view webpages with flash?

flash lite is different you need to use flash search google for flash for ppc and you will find it.