View Full Version : Cube install problem

01-03-2008, 02:02 AM
I installed the cube programs in the above sticky and when I go to apply my changes it says touchflo needs to be installed. I installed the cube program again and the same message pops up. I have the Alltel version of the 6800.

01-03-2008, 02:38 AM
Oddly enough I got it working somehow...I got the cube to popup once. Now I go from bottom to top to activate it and it won't do anything? Is there another program appart from the cobe settings that I need to enable to let the cube work after a soft restart?

01-03-2008, 04:35 AM
Oddly enough I got it working somehow...I got the cube to popup once. Now I go from bottom to top to activate it and it won't do anything? Is there another program appart from the cobe settings that I need to enable to let the cube work after a soft restart?

well there was 2 links the touchflo link and than there was a link for the skin if you wanted it.