View Full Version : Nothing happens in 'Vibration Mode'??

02-04-2008, 04:18 PM
When I put my phone in vibration mode nothing happens when I get a text or a call - no notification besides the on screen pop up and the notification icon in the title bar. Any ideas on this one guys? Here are the programs I could see being the culprit:

'PPC 6800 Hacks' (from Triangle Software, IIRC)
HTC Home & Customizer
WisBar Advance 3

Any idea what could be happening? I know the vibration function itself isn't broken because whenever I soft reset it does that quick vibration, so I'm sure it still CAN vibrate, it just never does when I put it in that mode.

02-04-2008, 06:42 PM
thats wierd as hell it could be the wisbar but im not sure lets see if anyone else has a solution

02-04-2008, 08:38 PM
When I put my phone in vibration mode nothing happens when I get a text or a call - no notification besides the on screen pop up and the notification icon in the title bar. Any ideas on this one guys? Here are the programs I could see being the culprit:

'PPC 6800 Hacks' (from Triangle Software, IIRC)
HTC Home & Customizer
WisBar Advance 3

Any idea what could be happening? I know the vibration function itself isn't broken because whenever I soft reset it does that quick vibration, so I'm sure it still CAN vibrate, it just never does when I put it in that mode.

wisbar advance is the culparat. it has been known to do it so people that do use the vibrate function on the device steer away from using it. you can uninstall and than go through the folders and make sure all the lakeridge folders are gona and than soft reset and you will be golden.