View Full Version : HELP" HTC Touch and Gmail

02-08-2008, 03:48 AM
Hey there,

I am trying to use Gmail on my phone via the Email program. I am able to get the account set up fine and it loads 25 messages great, but after a day, it stops updating. I tried deleting some messages, changing features, and all sorts of things, but nothing matters. Now when I click send/receive it says: ERROR SYNCRONIZING. I checked all the settings, user id, password, and all are correct.

I also have Windows Live (hotmail) set up on the same program and that works great. It is just Gmail that I am having the problem with.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Also, I tried going to google to download the Gmail program and once the program is downloaded, I try installing it and it says that it cannot be installed because I do not have some certificate that is required.


02-08-2008, 04:03 AM
Hey there,

I am trying to use Gmail on my phone via the Email program. I am able to get the account set up fine and it loads 25 messages great, but after a day, it stops updating. I tried deleting some messages, changing features, and all sorts of things, but nothing matters. Now when I click send/receive it says: ERROR SYNCRONIZING. I checked all the settings, user id, password, and all are correct.

I also have Windows Live (hotmail) set up on the same program and that works great. It is just Gmail that I am having the problem with.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Also, I tried going to google to download the Gmail program and once the program is downloaded, I try installing it and it says that it cannot be installed because I do not have some certificate that is required.


ok bro do you have a limit on how many messages there are allowed in the account????? i would check that in the advanced option. if that doesnt work i would say that it is a flaw with gmail and your phone . i couldnt be much more help that that since i use mail2web and not gmail due tyo the fact that mail2web auto stores and restores all my contacts so i dont have to ever worry bout losing them. hopefully this helped some but if the above doesnt help ya out i dont know anything else that would. and for the certificate part thats because that would be the wrong version for the phone or the cab is corrupted in a small way so the phone doesnt let it install due to protecting itself from harmful files.

02-08-2008, 11:12 AM
make sure on your gmail settings on the actual gmail site you have pop3 email forwarding enabled

02-09-2008, 02:36 AM
I don't have a limit set on the account and I have POP3 enabled.
Gmail was working before and suddenly stopped working.

I think it stopped working after I installed the MMS app. I tried following all of Dash's directions, but I get the same error with both Gmail and MMS when I try clicking send/receive. It says: ERROR SYNCHRONIZING.

Did I do something wrong with the MMS app that messed up Gmail? My hotmail is still working and so are text messages.

02-09-2008, 02:49 AM
I don't have a limit set on the account and I have POP3 enabled.
Gmail was working before and suddenly stopped working.

I think it stopped working after I installed the MMS app. I tried following all of Dash's directions, but I get the same error with both Gmail and MMS when I try clicking send/receive. It says: ERROR SYNCHRONIZING.

Did I do something wrong with the MMS app that messed up Gmail? My hotmail is still working and so are text messages.

i see you ahve the touch is it the gsm version with the sim card or the sprint cdma version???? if it is the sprint version delete the mms app because it doesnt work anymor anyway since sprint zapped in completely. i would try uninstalling that and see if that fixes your problem.

04-28-2008, 11:41 PM
Anyone have any ideas on how to get the gmail app to work on the touch? I've searched here and with google and I can't find any info or anyone who has succesfully got it to work.

I am getting an error about not having the appropriate certificate to communicate to the server.

Thanks to all for all of the awesome apps that are available here. I appreciate all of the hard work.

04-29-2008, 12:21 AM
what app are you using to retireve you emails?? If its outlook, just make sure you set in settings or advance settings to a pop3 acoount as disscussed before.... press the thanks button!

04-29-2008, 12:32 AM
I was trying to run the java app from gmail.com/app

I use outlook for my work email but didn't want to use outlook for my gmail account since my phone would never stop buzzing between both email accounts

04-29-2008, 12:41 AM
ok check out an app called "mail2web". Do a searh for it and tell us how it works out for you..... Hit the thanks button!

04-29-2008, 04:01 AM
i have my gmail account setup on my sprint htc touch and it works perfectly. I also delete my new messages everytime i read them so i never get to 25, but ive definately recieved more than 25 total and havent run into any problems.

sorry bro

04-29-2008, 06:09 AM
i have my gmail account setup on my sprint htc touch and it works perfectly. I also delete my new messages everytime i read them so i never get to 25, but ive definately recieved more than 25 total and havent run into any problems.

sorry bro

i use mail2web also and have never had any problems with it at all and have had over 400 messages on there that were unread. do a search for free direct push email for a tutorial on how to setup