View Full Version : Whats the best way to transfer vids into Touch

02-16-2008, 04:48 PM
Im wanting to download/transfer vids into my touch but not furshure wich way to do it?.
Is there any program i need to convert?.
Im having probs with wmv files they play real choppy on wmp

02-16-2008, 05:07 PM
Im wanting to download/transfer vids into my touch but not furshure wich way to do it?.
Is there any program i need to convert?.
Im having probs with wmv files they play real choppy on wmp

the only way is to convert before transferring to the phone.I personality convert files to mp4 the audio and video which is clear.I use the total video converter program which you can google it

02-17-2008, 03:07 PM
the only way is to convert before transferring to the phone.I personality convert files to mp4 the audio and video which is clear.I use the total video converter program which you can google it

Ok i got the tvc but i dont know wich setting and size to set the vids.
could you please explain, and is there a cracked version.

O and im veiwing these on tcmp

02-17-2008, 06:28 PM
Ok i got the tvc but i dont know wich setting and size to set the vids.
could you please explain, and is there a cracked version.

O and im veiwing these on tcmp

if you view it in portrait mode (up and down longer) than you would want 240X320 and if landscape mode (sideways longer from left to right) than you would want 320X240

04-05-2008, 09:45 PM
sweet thanks elboriyorker, now can make own....