View Full Version : USB Barcode Scanner with HTC Tilt

02-26-2008, 12:42 AM
Hi -- I just purchased a Wasp WCS3905 scanner with a USB cable connection (part number: 633808091040). I tested it out and it works just fine on my Microsoft Vista PC.

I realize that it's a little late (having already gotten an HTC Tilt, partly for this use), but I was wondering whether I'd run into any gotcha's connecting the USB scanner to a mini USB adapter and then connect that to the phone (which uses a mini-USB receptacle).

Might I also run into any Windows drivers issues? I didn't need one for it to work properly under Vista (confirmed by Wasp), but it did prefer running with an HID keyboard driver. Is all this doable?

FWIW, I'd like to walk around with the scanner and phone and get barcodes off my DVDs (I use Invelos' DVD Profiler and DVD Profiler Mobile -- the two will sync using their own routine), located at a good distance from any available PC. Since the barcode scanner probably gets it's power over the USB connection, that might also be a problem not originally thought of.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

02-26-2008, 01:00 AM
Hi -- I just purchased a Wasp WCS3905 scanner with a USB cable connection (part number: 633808091040). I tested it out and it works just fine on my Microsoft Vista PC.

I realize that it's a little late (having already gotten an HTC Tilt, partly for this use), but I was wondering whether I'd run into any gotcha's connecting the USB scanner to a mini USB adapter and then connect that to the phone (which uses a mini-USB receptacle).

Might I also run into any Windows drivers issues? I didn't need one for it to work properly under Vista (confirmed by Wasp), but it did prefer running with an HID keyboard driver. Is all this doable?

FWIW, I'd like to walk around with the scanner and phone and get barcodes off my DVDs (I use Invelos' DVD Profiler and DVD Profiler Mobile -- the two will sync using their own routine), located at a good distance from any available PC. Since the barcode scanner probably gets it's power over the USB connection, that might also be a problem not originally thought of.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

hmmmmmm not ure myself since i dont use barcode scanners but i do now are admin venumx does use them or has in the past so i will let him answer this one for you or someone else that has experience with usin the barcode scanners.

02-26-2008, 07:42 AM
Thanks, Dash. Hopefully, I'm unnecessarily worrying... :40:

02-26-2008, 08:01 AM
Thanks, Dash. Hopefully, I'm unnecessarily worrying... :40:

i think you are lol.. i do the same thing someties when i purchase something like that. but lets see what venumxsays when he gets his lazy butt online here lol.

02-26-2008, 08:16 AM
i think you are lol.. i do the same thing someties when i purchase something like that. but lets see what venumxsays when he gets his lazy butt online here lol.Slow and steady. The last new phone I bought was an SE637, so PDA/Smartphones are a whole new animal to me.

02-26-2008, 08:27 AM
Slow and steady. The last new phone I bought was an SE637, so PDA/Smartphones are a whole new animal to me.

yeah i hear you there i went fro ma nextel i930 to a treo 700wx and than to the Q that i hated than to like 30 other smartphones and ppc's lol.

02-26-2008, 09:31 AM
the only barcode scanners available for wm/pocket pc would be the ones that fit in an SD slot. In order to get something like a real scanner working on a smartphone it would take a lot of coding and hours to be put into it. I know they are working on some barcode scanners that work throught he camera on the phone, those seem to be coming along quite well; however you will not be able to use a regular pc barcode scanner with your pda without some type of 3rd party software that I do not think exists as of yet. Sorry :P

02-26-2008, 03:16 PM
the only barcode scanners available for wm/pocket pc would be the ones that fit in an SD slot. In order to get something like a real scanner working on a smartphone it would take a lot of coding and hours to be put into it. I know they are working on some barcode scanners that work throught he camera on the phone, those seem to be coming along quite well; however you will not be able to use a regular pc barcode scanner with your pda without some type of 3rd party software that I do not think exists as of yet. Sorry :PHi Tim -- thanks for getting involved with all this. :-) One thought that just came to mind (actually, within the last 5 minutes... ) that might work, if all else fails. What about a bluetooth adapter for the scanner? It would need a female USB receptacle. That might circumvent a Windows driver issue, no?

02-26-2008, 03:33 PM
I use the one that reads through my camera...works good for me...

02-26-2008, 03:42 PM
I use the one that reads through my camera...works good for me...Hi Kaos -- this is using the built-in 3M camera on the Tilt? What do you need to do to make it work as a barcode scanner?

02-26-2008, 03:45 PM
the one i use is QuickMark v3.3 barcode reader for my mogul its freeware....works kinda cool
check it out

Scan 2D-barcodes with your device camera !
QuickMark is a 2-D barcode system designed for mobility electronic devices with camera module (such as camera phones, PDA, smart phones, Webcams, scanners, decoders and etc.) The system provide encode, make code, decode tools and application service. It's a light, quick and easy to use application. QuickMark can simplify the original tedious operate process on cell phones. With low gap, only 3 hundred thousand pixel cameras are required, any user can download the decode software free from QuickMark website.

Just point over the barcode and you will catch all the information !


02-26-2008, 04:32 PM
Will do, Kaos. Thanks!

I tried using the software yesterday and it reported that it couldn't configure the camera. Could be that I was simply exhausted by the end of the day, but will give it a try later and see what happens. My USB to mini USB adapter might arrive today, also, so I might be able to actually try out the barcode scanner that I bought. Hopes, though, are not high. Thanks again for your tip.