View Full Version : Gps

02-28-2008, 11:07 PM
Is the gps device on the touch still disabled? or they relaesed the update in firmware, thanks in advance:brows:

02-29-2008, 08:16 PM
so far yes it is. from what everyone is saying it might be in end of march for the touch update w/rev A as well. who knows when it comes to sprint though. LOL do a quick search here and you will find other posts. hope this helps.

03-01-2008, 03:57 AM
This question made me kinda nervous... My sprint rep said definatly by the end of the year, and that he doesn't know the exact time. Sprint usually keeps the reps well informed, so they can answer these kind of questions. This basically means that it will probably be atleast a couple of months before this update comes about. I got a question about this though, when this update is available, what will we have to do to be able to get it? Will it auto update, or will we have to go to sprint.com/downloads , or htc's site?

03-01-2008, 04:29 AM
This question made me kinda nervous... My sprint rep said definatly by the end of the year, and that he doesn't know the exact time. Sprint usually keeps the reps well informed, so they can answer these kind of questions. This basically means that it will probably be atleast a couple of months before this update comes about. I got a question about this though, when this update is available, what will we have to do to be able to get it? Will it auto update, or will we have to go to sprint.com/downloads , or htc's site?

it will be just ike the mogul through a rom update. and also their reps are told nothing over at sprint all they do is BS and read out of their manuals lol... they will repeat the sme stuff over and over and only the high ups no the real answers just ask for lke tier 2 tech support and thats your best et of getting half way descently accurate statements. all the reps at the store get are playbooks and they dont say in their either since sprint blame htc for the delays and htc blames sprint so who know when they really will come out i would expect end of march.

03-02-2008, 12:27 AM
end of march sounds awsome... how dangerous is upgrading to the leaked rom? did anyone brick their phone trying this?

03-02-2008, 12:32 AM
lmao so true.. htc blames sprint sprint blames htc...lol like small children.....htc told me the moguls was done...but waiting on sprint for the go head to post it....more lies....

03-02-2008, 12:37 AM
end of march sounds awsome... how dangerous is upgrading to the leaked rom? did anyone brick their phone trying this?

i just went back to 6.1 with rev a this morning but i ran the 3.16 leaked without any majotr problems for prolly a couple months or so.