View Full Version : trash

03-02-2008, 02:06 AM
WOW, was i FLAMING..........i'm going to leave alone...I'll be nice today and only today

03-02-2008, 02:07 AM
lol work on it. you can call them yeast infected cumquats, family sized bag of cocks, etc etc... those are my two favs though.

LOL First you tell me to keep it clean, and then you tell me to callem a bag of cock. Ooops, A Family Sized Bag of Cocks.

I have always been partial to Vagianal Blood Fart.:brows:

03-02-2008, 02:11 AM
WOW, was i FLAMING..........i'm going to leave alone...I'll be nice today and only today

Well you were going to write an explination for me on how to run an exe.....

I know you deal with alot of lazy bastards who refuse to read the thread or search to see if maybe they're not the first person to have a question or a problem, and end up asking a question that has already been answered, and expect instant gratification......... I just happen to not be one of those bastards.

03-02-2008, 02:12 AM
LOL First you tell me to keep it clean, and then you tell me to callem a bag of cock. Ooops, A Family Sized Bag of Cocks.

I have always been partial to Vagianal Blood Fart.:brows:

i see you are a noob dash made no reference to any one but a statement....so this will end and post will be moved. we don't need members reading crap thread.