View Full Version : help with boot screens????

03-04-2008, 10:11 PM
hey guys i having trouble with intalling a boot screen. when i try to put it inndows folder i get an error message sayin my original screen already exists. it asks if i wud like to replace i tap yes but nothing happens. its like my original mogul boot sreen will not erase.... what do i do..... T.I.A.

03-04-2008, 10:19 PM
hey guys i having trouble with intalling a boot screen. when i try to put it inndows folder i get an error message sayin my original screen already exists. it asks if i wud like to replace i tap yes but nothing happens. its like my original mogul boot sreen will not erase.... what do i do..... T.I.A.

please search in the future this has been discussed. but you have to use something lie resco file explorer that will allow you to overwrite.

03-04-2008, 10:31 PM
sry bout that imma have to reread the rules again cause i thought we cud ask questions in the help desk sry

03-04-2008, 10:35 PM
sry bout that imma have to reread the rules again cause i thought we cud ask questions in the help desk sry

you can thats what it is for and i answered your questions with resco. its just that if a search was performed you would have found your answer instead of having the same thing asked multiple times..... just makes it easier on us the staff and on you so you can get your answer faster.... your straight bro we all have to learn sometime right???? take it easy and have fun modding out your mogul.

03-04-2008, 10:37 PM
u too thanks