View Full Version : Thank you for the help

03-13-2008, 12:34 PM
Thank you to everyone who is so quick to help. However sometimes some people seem get an attitude when new bees ask questions that have been asked before. I understand that a lot of you spend a lot of time on this site and probably even run the site. So all of this is so easy for you. I am not a complete computer idiot but I find this site to be very overwhelming, complicated also very helpful. Please understand this is not a complaint. Although to new users this is not as easy for us as it is for you.

Again thank you for the help you guys are amazing.

03-13-2008, 08:38 PM
Thank you to everyone who is so quick to help. However sometimes some people seem get an attitude when new bees ask questions that have been asked before. I understand that a lot of you spend a lot of time on this site and probably even run the site. So all of this is so easy for you. I am not a complete computer idiot but I find this site to be very overwhelming, complicated also very helpful. Please understand this is not a complaint. Although to new users this is not as easy for us as it is for you.

Again thank you for the help you guys are amazing.

np and when there is a search feature we do get a lil upset because we have to spend our time answering or getting a link because people are to lazy to search for themselves..... we do the exact same thing. we click on search and than we type it in and get the threads and than give the link out..... if its not there than you post it up lol .