View Full Version : Ifonz and Vito SMS

03-14-2008, 07:21 PM
Is there anyway to disable the SMS alert (pop up) in Vito? I mapped it in Ifonz to display a count of SMS messages, but when I received the number(on the icon) pops up, then the message displays then disappears with the count. disabling would also help with my S2U2

03-14-2008, 07:29 PM
Is there anyway to disable the SMS alert (pop up) in Vito? I mapped it in Ifonz to display a count of SMS messages, but when I received the number(on the icon) pops up, then the message displays then disappears with the count. disabling would also help with my S2U2

not that i know of unless on settings or options.

03-14-2008, 07:59 PM
As of yet, there's no way. Vito wanted to make this app Iphone like, as the SMS pop up is how it looks when someone with an Iphone receives a text message. However, if you press the hard button end key, it will take it off the screen, but will still show it in the SMS counter.