View Full Version : Weather Panel .Exe

03-16-2008, 07:46 AM
Im trying to map weather panel to ifonz, but I can't find the exe or lnk. Does anyone know where I can find them?

03-16-2008, 08:00 AM
Im trying to map weather panel to ifonz, but I can't find the exe or lnk. Does anyone know where I can find them?

its a homescreen plugin so you cant. that would be like mapping htc home to the ifonz.

03-16-2008, 06:14 PM
its a homescreen plugin so you cant. that would be like mapping htc home to the ifonz.

Damn, thats what I read, but I saw a youtube video and I swear the guy mapped a button to what looked like weather panel. Thanks

03-16-2008, 06:16 PM
Damn, thats what I read, but I saw a youtube video and I swear the guy mapped a button to what looked like weather panel. Thanks

ccould have been selboriyorker or sbsh

03-16-2008, 09:21 PM
I Got It! So this is how you map Weather panel to ifonz..sorta. You cant map infonz to weatherpanel directly but you can map the weather button to minize infonz and if you set weather panel to your today menu by itself..there you have it. I use the PhatPhinger theme, so I have a full screen weather panel!:yahoo:

03-16-2008, 09:27 PM
I Got It! So this is how you map Weather panel to ifonz..sorta. You cant map infonz to weatherpanel directly but you can map the weather button to minize infonz and if you set weather panel to your today menu by itself..there you have it. I use the PhatPhinger theme, so I have a full screen weather panel!:yahoo:

cool cool thanks for sharing how to do it bro..... didnt think that you could and technically cant but very nice workaround.

03-20-2008, 12:34 AM
if you have played with iphone_ppc_kit some how the program allows weather panel to be mapped when you click on the weather panel icon. So I'm assuming as said above....some how you get the map address to minimize the interface and load up the program in the today window? Is this correct so far? I still dont understand the principle in how they did it in the iphone_ppc_kit....if someone could figure this out, id like to use it with groom wow iphone interface. Or at least give other possible solutions. Thanks!

03-20-2008, 01:02 AM
if you have played with iphone_ppc_kit some how the program allows weather panel to be mapped when you click on the weather panel icon. So I'm assuming as said above....some how you get the map address to minimize the interface and load up the program in the today window? Is this correct so far? I still dont understand the principle in how they did it in the iphone_ppc_kit....if someone could figure this out, id like to use it with groom wow iphone interface. Or at least give other possible solutions. Thanks!

its grumps just to let you know so you dont get flamed in the fututre or confuse...... but dude what you said above made no since to me and i read it multiple times.