View Full Version : ultimate pain in the....

04-24-2008, 12:50 AM
i dont know if this has happened to anyone recently but i cant register to ultimate search like instructed, it says that it can be registered with 12345678 w/o spaces or just 1 like dash said but nevertheless it still doesnt want to accept the code, can anyone help me get through to this? or give me more examples on codes i can use to register? I know the application is sold but since pple can crack it for free, i dont want.to be left behind lol, if not, ill buy it then... (bummer)
Posted via Mobile Device

04-24-2008, 06:15 PM
i dont know if this has happened to anyone recently but i cant register to ultimate search like instructed, it says that it can be registered with 12345678 w/o spaces or just 1 like dash said but nevertheless it still doesnt want to accept the code, can anyone help me get through to this? or give me more examples on codes i can use to register? I know the application is sold but since pple can crack it for free, i dont want.to be left behind lol, if not, ill buy it then... (bummer)
Posted via Mobile Device

try to soft reset than do it or uninstlal nad reinstall..... it does still work trust me.

04-24-2008, 06:28 PM
I can concur. I forgot to register mine after seeing this post..... sure enough, ultimate search told me i had 11 days trial left. Click registration and typed 12345678 no spaces ot dashes and worked like a charm and now its regesitred. So yes it does work and goodluck!