View Full Version : 6.1 Brick or no BRICK HELP 2 day old FONE

04-25-2008, 07:33 AM
ok guys i been reading through the forums alot. just picked up the phone 2 days ago.

So i updated the rom to nochem 6.1 got it installed but I FORGOT the radio 3.35.04 install!!!

how the phone boots up and comes up "HUTC SMART MOBILITY" and at the bottom it comes up in RED "no radio" and i doesnt go any further.

and i cant get a sync to my computer? what do i do??

is it bricked? or not??

04-25-2008, 08:18 AM
[QUOTE=bigp750;226306]ok guys i been reading through the forums alot. just picked up the phone 2 days ago.

So i updated the rom to nochem 6.1 got it installed but I FORGOT the radio 3.35.04 install!!!

how the phone boots up and comes up "HUTC SMART MOBILITY" and at the bottom it comes up in RED "no radio" and i doesnt go any further.

and i cant get a sync to my computer? what do i do??

is it bricked? or not??[/QUOTE

nope your fine put it into manual bootloader than flaqsh again. to do amnual bootloader press and hold the power button and the camer button while soft resetting with the stylus. and than plug into the computer and wait for the screen to say usb. than flash the 3.35 radio you can find by doing a search for radio and syphon through the threads.

04-25-2008, 08:57 AM
yes sir!! it works.. kinda...

hey dash you the man i seen your youtube video! bad mo fo you is..

well how long have you been running 6.1 on your mogul? any issues with reseting?

i just got done with the 6.1 and i notice it resets it self about 6 times this morning, and now it seems to run stable hasnt reset again..

04-25-2008, 11:41 AM
hey dash thanks for the respond... grr.... well i got the phone loaded with 6.1 but it keeps rebooting for some reason... when i first got it load in, i took out the battery and reset the phone.. and let it sit there for a few before i put the battery back in. so it comes on but when i get to the calebration screen it resets, and keeps reseting about 4 times. so finially it runs.. real smooth and fast. but at times now it just resets?? did i install it incorret??

i used the titianUnlocker
nueROM v2.0 build 5061a
installed the titan radio 3.35.04


04-25-2008, 03:20 PM
i hope you used the orpio 2.40 unlocker and flashed to 3.35 before you flashed to the custom ROM

04-25-2008, 03:33 PM
is there a particular order in which you have to go to install the rom?

you use the oprio 2.40 to unlock the phone

install the rom

install the radio 3.35

take out battery, hard reset, and then should be good right??

well i'm getting the issue of the phone resetting multiple times like 3-5 times and then finially running semi stable with the power cord pluged in. Once i unplug the cord, after i open a few app's it crash's again. once it boots back up and i run a few apps it crash again. BUT if i leave the power cord in and open up apps and screw around no probs??

any ideas?

04-25-2008, 04:47 PM
is there a particular order in which you have to go to install the rom?

you use the oprio 2.40 to unlock the phone

install the rom

install the radio 3.35

take out battery, hard reset, and then should be good right??

well i'm getting the issue of the phone resetting multiple times like 3-5 times and then finially running semi stable with the power cord pluged in. Once i unplug the cord, after i open a few app's it crash's again. once it boots back up and i run a few apps it crash again. BUT if i leave the power cord in and open up apps and screw around no probs??

any ideas?

sounds like a bad flash you have there............ also look in my signature and go to the learn how to flash roms link and read up there very good step by step tutorial i wrote. it is noob proof.

04-25-2008, 05:50 PM
hey dash thanks for the help..

i read that forum so many times.. lol

well i just tried to install 6.1 again.. i brought it back to 6.0, unlocked it again, flash with the new chem rom, then installed the radio, and still having issues of it resetting itself during the pointer calibration screen??

i'm gonna bring it back to 6.0 and try again but try to install the radio first and then rom..

any ideas of what i'm messing up on?

04-25-2008, 05:56 PM
hey dash thanks for the help..

i read that forum so many times.. lol

well i just tried to install 6.1 again.. i brought it back to 6.0, unlocked it again, flash with the new chem rom, then installed the radio, and still having issues of it resetting itself during the pointer calibration screen??

i'm gonna bring it back to 6.0 and try again but try to install the radio first and then rom..

any ideas of what i'm messing up on?

be sure to flash the 3.35 rom forst so you get the radio since flashing the radio later can cause troubles. so go back to 3.35 sprint rom and than to 6.1

04-25-2008, 06:35 PM
grr... making me mad!! lol ok so i load up with 6.0 works fine.. then i unlock it, the 3 color screen comes up, i load 3.35 radio, then it reboots and then 6.0 comes back up. i reboot it back to bootloading screen, ( power, camera, reset button) 3 color screen comes up again, loaded up 6.1 chem rom.. took out battery waited like 2 mintues, put back in hard reset (hold both white dots, reset button) phone boots up alignment screen comes up, and i start to align it, and it reboots, so i tried about 4 times to align the screen and it just reboots..

hey dash how did you get this to work with no issues?? am i missing a step??

04-25-2008, 07:29 PM
grr... making me mad!! lol ok so i load up with 6.0 works fine.. then i unlock it, the 3 color screen comes up, i load 3.35 radio, then it reboots and then 6.0 comes back up. i reboot it back to bootloading screen, ( power, camera, reset button) 3 color screen comes up again, loaded up 6.1 chem rom.. took out battery waited like 2 mintues, put back in hard reset (hold both white dots, reset button) phone boots up alignment screen comes up, and i start to align it, and it reboots, so i tried about 4 times to align the screen and it just reboots..

hey dash how did you get this to work with no issues?? am i missing a step??

as already said thousands includingme have never experienced this problem it sounds as if your doing everything right ...... no clue why it would be doing that would have to be there and see it and the way you go through the progress.

04-26-2008, 04:17 PM
if you wanna try to add the radio via sd card to the phone...i can give you the 3.35 radio...you just have to reformat sd card to fat32 with nothing on it at all then place this file on root......then hard reset..it should see it and install it.


04-27-2008, 07:03 PM
man this can't be that hard! i really dont understand my issue?? i install 6.1 with cable and install 3.35 radio with cable, and still have the issue! so i try 6.1 with cable and 3.35 with sd card and still dont work. dunno what i'm doing wrong.. i might have to send this damn thing to dash! :-(

04-27-2008, 07:06 PM
man this can't be that hard! i really dont understand my issue?? i install 6.1 with cable and install 3.35 radio with cable, and still have the issue! so i try 6.1 with cable and 3.35 with sd card and still dont work. dunno what i'm doing wrong.. i might have to send this damn thing to dash! :-(

you have to flash to the sprint 3.35 sprint rom first. and than the others and if you interested i nthe modding service send me a pm and i can get er done for you.