View Full Version : adult

05-22-2008, 11:00 PM
I have a sprint htc touch and i download the video bundle for the adult videos i do have vtap, the program got the ie icon and it will open the page but when u go to video adult i will open vtap and will be the same videos and information all the time, i did serch for tcmp. player file on windows but can't find it any help will be apreciated.

05-22-2008, 11:03 PM
I have a sprint htc touch and i download the video bundle for the adult videos i do have vtap, the program got the ie icon and it will open the page but when u go to video adult i will open vtap and will be the same videos and information all the time, i did serch for tcmp. player file on windows but can't find it any help will be apreciated.

search for flash bundle thats what you need been discussed many times also you could go with TCPMP and therea thread with that and all plugins.