View Full Version : Mogul Remote control app???
06-22-2008, 02:36 PM
I was wondering if there is a remote control app for the Mogul being that it has a Ir port, to control my tv... n such... i saw there was one for the smartphones ( Vito_remote_v4.4.rar) that might work... but that link is broken so i couldnt even try it.
heres another copy. dont know if works on mogul. but i used one like this on 6700 and range was limited.
hit the thanks
06-22-2008, 03:50 PM
vito nor any remote app that im aware of work on Mogul, the IR port isnt strong enough
06-22-2008, 05:17 PM
I was wondering if there is a remote control app for the Mogul being that it has a Ir port, to control my tv... n such... i saw there was one for the smartphones ( Vito_remote_v4.4.rar) that might work... but that link is broken so i couldnt even try it.
As a person who has Muscular Dystrophy, this question is important to me as well. Any one or more of the following products might work, but I personally don't know. I would like to know what others here could share with me.
1) VITO Remote 4.3 -
2) NoviiRemote Deluxe -
3) TV Remote Controller 5.7 -
These were the three different products that I was able to locate. I hope this is enough to begin a detailed discussion on these products.
noviiremote deluxe is what i had used on 6700
06-22-2008, 06:34 PM
vito nor any remote app that im aware of work on Mogul, the IR port isnt strong enough
my boy mike here is correct none will work on the mogul the firmware of the phone doesnt allow for it and also the IR beam isnt strong enough.
01-29-2009, 11:48 PM
The new question is... will it work with the TP... heheh
01-29-2009, 11:51 PM
The new question is... will it work with the TP... heheh
as of right now i dont think so... we will have to wait for them to make it compatible since it is a device by device type of program....... some devices will allow it to run others wont... ( operating system 6.1 and above will not work atm.)
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