View Full Version : having trouble changing font style on main screen

07-01-2008, 08:58 AM
I have installed the iphone theme thanks to DASH (Big UP's to DASH) but my main screen with the clock and menu is still in its original font style. I would like to have DASH's font style I saw on YOUTUBE. Please help if possible. Thanks and have a sweetass day.

07-01-2008, 03:36 PM
I have installed the iphone theme thanks to DASH (Big UP's to DASH) but my main screen with the clock and menu is still in its original font style. I would like to have DASH's font style I saw on YOUTUBE. Please help if possible. Thanks and have a sweetass day.

ummmm what youtube video? there is almost 70 and if your talking free hand all you have to do is go to the windows folder and than go and drop the font that you like in the fonts folder and soft reset..

07-01-2008, 03:39 PM
It was the video of your sprint touch or vouge with the spiderman background. where can I find the font style you have?

07-01-2008, 04:07 PM
It was the video of your sprint touch or vouge with the spiderman background. where can I find the font style you have?

thats the stock one bro....... just get the program nuefonts and you can dink around with them some.