View Full Version : Open Touch v6.0 | Herald and Wing | WM 6.1 Build 20226.1.3.0 | Released

07-12-2008, 05:16 PM
Radio: 3.21.90

All roms will come with new Radio 3.21.90, this will improve reception but might also increase battery drain.
If you need or want a different radio verison, please search this forum for it.
Sorry but I will not be providing different version of the radio this time around.

PagePool: Set at 6MB

Biggy Version

Included apps:

Battery Status Build 0312
BT Audio
Comm Manager Vibe Toggle
Connection Setup
Diamond AudioBooster
Diamond Cal Skin
Diamond CommManager
Diamond Dialer
Diamond Home Style
Diamond KeyBoard
Diamond MP3 Trimmer
Diamond Style IContact
Diamond AudioManager Theme
Diamond Enlarge Start Menu
Diamond Task Manager
Flash Video Bundle
GoogleMaps Build 2
HTC Today Music Plugin
HTC Album
HTC Touchflo without Cube
Live Search Build 3
NETCF v3.5
Office 2007 - Compressed
Oxios Memory
PHM Registry Editor
Start Clean
Today Agenda
Total Commander 2


All Mobile Mines
Free Cell
Two standard games with WM

Black Lite

Included apps:

Battery Status Build 0312
BT Audio
Comm Manager Vibe Toggle
Connection Setup
Diamond AudioBooster
Diamond Cal Skin
Diamond CommManager
Diamond Dialer
Diamond MP3 Trimmer
Diamond Style IContact
Diamond AudioManager Theme
Diamond Enlarge Start Menu
Diamond Task Manager
Flash Video Bundle
HTC Today Music Plugin
HTC Album
HTC Touchflo without Cube
NETCF v3.5
Oxios Memory
PHM Registry Editor
Start Clean
Today Agenda

Two standard games with WM

Lite Diamond - This release comes with a flash center used for devices that have been HARD-SPL, if your

device has not been HARD-SPL, please download Hearald USPL-Beta 3 http://rapidshare.com/files/79249048/Flash_Center.rar
Open Touch v6.0 Lite Diamond

This rom contains an unregistered version of SPB Mobile Shell.
I did not include or will ever include warez in any of my roms.


Original Thread is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400642

08-15-2008, 05:02 PM
I CANT connect to the internet!.. i called t-mobile and got all the stuff i need to input but it still doesnt work WTF?

08-15-2008, 06:10 PM
I CANT connect to the internet!.. i called t-mobile and got all the stuff i need to input but it still doesnt work WTF?

Wat? wow dats never happened to me b 4? What "stuff" r u talkin about? and did u set the up the network wizard on this Rom right? if u didnt dat could b ur problem......................

08-17-2008, 09:54 PM
hard set 3 times. reinstalled 2 times, network wizard will not run cant connect to internet.. screw this

08-18-2008, 05:00 AM
hard set 3 times. reinstalled 2 times, network wizard will not run cant connect to internet.. screw this

did you run the necessary files in the extended rom?

08-18-2008, 12:30 PM
when downloading the uspl thing i am getting an error message on the second step (loading a patched bootloader) saying the system cannot find the path specified. Would you please let me know what I am doing wrong.

08-18-2008, 11:00 PM
when downloading the uspl thing i am getting an error message on the second step (loading a patched bootloader) saying the system cannot find the path specified. Would you please let me know what I am doing wrong.

im not too familiar with the herald to tell the truth..... i know kudvu is really good with them and will be more than willing to help you out when he sees this.

08-18-2008, 11:32 PM
i have a link on my pc that explains how to uspl ur phone to run the rom update. i will load tomm since im not home

08-19-2008, 04:53 AM
i have a link on my pc that explains how to uspl ur phone to run the rom update. i will load tomm since im not home

thanks buddy i knew you would come through.

08-19-2008, 10:57 AM
yo so just go to google and search "a heralds guide to flashing" and select the link for xda and it will tell you everything you needto know! and also there is a new version of 6.0 that i will post later when i get home. also on the internet you have to run your network wizard to get a connection! ask here before you call tmobile and make yourself look stupid by telling them that you just voided your warranty or ins by flashing your phone!