View Full Version : Windows Vista Aeroface On My Palm 755p Like D/\sh's
07-16-2008, 10:06 PM
Is there anyone that can help me get my palm 755p to look like d/\sh's palm 755p, with the windows aeroface, or at least can some 1 send me the link to a thread or something, please help
07-17-2008, 03:42 AM
Is there anyone that can help me get my palm 755p to look like d/\sh's palm 755p, with the windows aeroface, or at least can some 1 send me the link to a thread or something, please help
bro come on this isnt a htc touch aka vogue question and it was answered here already with a link...... read the thread and you will find it.
08-16-2008, 03:42 PM
nothing is showing up. how do i view this?
08-16-2008, 03:51 PM
nothing is showing up. how do i view this?
it showing fine for me
08-16-2008, 06:52 PM
it showing fine for me
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