View Full Version : battery question

07-20-2008, 12:52 PM
hey guys. i finally got a touch in exchange for a faulty mogol. so far the battery life sucks. ive heard it takes about 2 weeks of constant charges in order for the charge to actually be good. can anyone confirm this? also if i leave my phone charging all night will it damage the battery? thanks.

07-20-2008, 06:49 PM
hey guys. i finally got a touch in exchange for a faulty mogol. so far the battery life sucks. ive heard it takes about 2 weeks of constant charges in order for the charge to actually be good. can anyone confirm this? also if i leave my phone charging all night will it damage the battery? thanks.

naw there is an overcharge protection and my battery was great right out of the box........ havent heard many say the battery life is bad on it...... its still new to you so your prolly doing a lot of tinkering which would drain the battery.

07-21-2008, 03:13 AM
My battery was horrible too
its getting better
i was letting it drain until it said 10% left and warned me.. then i turned it off and plugged it in
with the new update its getting better and this happened with my Mogul too it takes like a week for the battery to actually be good.. at first its not

is that true?

08-02-2008, 12:56 AM
The first couple charges of any recharchable battery is the most important. This is quite normal in my opinion for the battery to act funny the first couple of times that you charge it. I can get a good 3 days out of my touch without charging it again and I use my phone a lot. However after the first couple of charges and the battery life continues to be weak, I would try to get it exchanged for another one.

08-02-2008, 01:37 AM
of what i have seen there are 2 things that can make a battery die quickly. Leaving beam on (it is an option in the bluetooth settings). and going between roaming and normal mode a lot. When the cellphone searches for towers it drains the battery dramatically. Hope this helps, oh yeah, custom roms generally give a better battery life as well, mainly due to getting rid of useless sprint customizations. there are some custom roms available on this site, my boss uses the N1ghtm4r3 vogue rom, it is available from the link in my signature!

08-02-2008, 03:30 PM
3 Days?? Holy crap.. I get maybe a day or 2.. I get 2 when i charge it a little bit...
I have had my Touch for about a month now and so obviously iv gone through the first charges... I do not leave beam on... I do not leave bluetooth on.. I have the backlight almost all they way down... Idk

08-02-2008, 11:17 PM
What I always do is make sure the program is close after I am done using. When you press the x button to close a program, it does not completely close. You have to use the task manager to close it. I also try to force my phone to stay on sprint whenever I can. Like psycho was saying, when your phone has to look for other towers, roaming for example, it uses more battery. This has given me more battery life so give it a try and I hope it works for you!!

08-03-2008, 12:03 PM
Well I like the Touch because I DONT need to close programs because it has RAM so that is kind of just.. bleh
But yeah I also have horrible bars ... like right now.. I am in my room on my computer and i have 1 bar

08-03-2008, 10:57 PM
You don't necessarily have to use the task manager to close a program. Instead of tapping the X, which only minimizes the program, hold down X and that will totally close it, not just minimize it. At least, it does it on mine.