View Full Version : Use internet on Laptop via Pocket PC

08-26-2008, 03:04 AM
Have Internet on your Pocket PC via GPRS, EDGE or anything similar to it? Do you know that you can use your Pocket PC as a Remote Modem for browsing Internet on yourLaptop?

All you need is a HTC USB Modem driver to make your Notebook' Windows XP to recognize the Pocket PC as a Modem! After downloading (http://upload.www.wckediden.com/file.php?file=3d0eb4a1a4780e0e558f4f3f35b91e02) it, execute Modem Link application on your Pocket PC from Start > Programs > Modem Link (On your Pocket PC!) and it should look something similar to the image below.
http://upload.www.wckediden.com/photo/img/07e028d3be89396e1bed4b26f697ef1e/modem-link1.gif (http://upload.www.wckediden.com)
Activate it and then connect it to your PC/Notebook via USB cable. Should not connect it before Activating because ActiveSync takes over. You also should note that ActiveSync will not work as long as you stay connected with your Pocket PC as a Modem!

After activating, in a few seconds, your Windows should prompt you with a screen like in the below image, saying a new Hardware has been detected and if you want your Windows to search the internet for its drivers. You know that it can;t search really and so select the option No, Not at this time!
http://upload.www.wckediden.com/photo/img/357fa1eb2123fde1a1919665f6393ff3/new-hardware.jpg (http://upload.www.wckediden.com)
Press Next and on the next screen, select the option Install from a Specified Location.
http://upload.www.wckediden.com/photo/img/6af55bc4ee47bec770d7f4825a5c5381/new-hardware2.jpg (http://upload.www.wckediden.com)
Then you select the folder where you save the downloaded Modem driver. See the image below.
http://upload.www.wckediden.com/photo/img/62113ae84bfff192a929f3fc9da1c22d/new-hardware3.gif (http://upload.www.wckediden.com)
Then press Next for your Notebook to install the drivers. And one more thing before you press next, the file you downloaded will be in zip format and you need to Unzip it first and choose the unzipped location in the above shown image. Once you press next and if the drivers get installed successfully, you should see the prompt as in the image below!
http://upload.www.wckediden.com/photo/img/f440692d297734a30528bf88e7b3cb34/new-hardware4.gif (http://upload.www.wckediden.com)
Almost done! If you would have seen the unzipped file contents, there will be an Apllication called USB Modem Dialer.exe Time to use it! Open that application, you may even create a shortcut to this application on your Desktop for future ease of use. After you execute the application, it opens similar to the image below.
http://upload.www.wckediden.com/photo/img/121763658937a7bce9ea5c72f8776b6e/usb-dialer.gif (http://upload.www.wckediden.com)
No username or password to be filled in. Just Press Dial and you should see it connecting to the internet and voila!

And if you notice in later devices with AKU 3.5 or Windows Mobile 6, Modem Link has been replaced with something new called Internet Sharing. It makes Internet sharing much simpler on your Notebook. If you are using it, open Internet Sharing, Activate it and connect to your laptop. No more additional settings or modem drivers needed! It works basically like making your Pocket PC as a LAN linked Notebook with Internet!