View Full Version : HELP w/ GBA emu and roms
09-12-2008, 10:37 PM
ok i have spent the last to days downloading pocketgba, morphgear and roms and it just doesnt work.
is there a specific emu for my touch along w/ specific roms if so or if not can someone point me in the right direction?? appreciated really!!!
09-12-2008, 10:47 PM
also scratch that a tut on GBA emulators would be nice :Flush::Flush::Flush:
09-12-2008, 11:24 PM
ok i have spent the last to days downloading pocketgba, morphgear and roms and it just doesnt work.
is there a specific emu for my touch along w/ specific roms if so or if not can someone point me in the right direction?? appreciated really!!!
they will all work on your phone... be sure you place the roms in the same folder as the emulator for it to pick them up.
09-13-2008, 04:12 AM
well Dash is right...but you don't have to have roms and emulator in same folder...when you go to load rom it will bring up a folder search that allows you to track a rom down no matter what folder it is on...Dash is just saying that to make it easier for the noobs,lol...but you need to be more specificin your original question...what is the problem you are it with the emulator or the roms...because I need to no what is not working and if it is the emulator let me know the name of the emulator you are using and I will recommend a better one that I use if i isn't the same...
09-13-2008, 10:59 AM
a prob with them emu is that since your phone has been on you have to have had either 8 or 16mb free for the game to load.... its best if you use a lot of ram that you just do a soft reset before and see if that solves what ever problem you have.
09-14-2008, 06:42 PM
aah yes the problem i am having now is that when i load the rom (pokemon emerald) on PocketGBA the screen goes white (but the a, b, l, and r buttons are still on the screen) just where the game is supposed to be playing (the picture) is white and an ear piercing screech comes do i need to change the settings for my pocket GBA?
02-02-2009, 06:02 AM
pocketgba,vs morphgear which is better i just got pocket to run but its really slow at times
02-02-2009, 04:19 PM
pocketgba,vs morphgear which is better i just got pocket to run but its really slow at times
Cmon man, dont post the same thing in different threads. You posted in another thread and you are being helped there. Lets keep the board clean.
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