View Full Version : Verizon getting white Touch Diamond

09-22-2008, 01:07 AM
So you never know with these things, but I got a tip about the Verizon version of the HTC Touch Diamond and figured I'd pass it along. This is from a fairly new source who's been pretty accurate with a few *very minor* bits of information passed along to me over the past few weeks. Let's throw this new tip to the lions, shall we, and see how it turns out:

HTC Touch Diamond is be released for Verizon in October
Could end up as the new "Ice White" color scheme just released by HTC.

On to the specs............

Slower processor than current versions (400mhz)
Larger battery (1340mhh)
Larger rear cover (3mm thicker in total), due to larger battery.
No internal memory; microSD support up to 32GB
Same SDHC micro SD reader support as the Touch Pro.

Frankly, I'd like to see an exact launch date and price point here, but since there's none I'm imagining a $249 price (on contract, after rebate) to compete with Sprint's version.
What do you all think? Worthy tip? Already seen it elsewhere? Total nonsense? Who cares?

09-22-2008, 01:18 AM
Well I do know the Touch and Diamond for Verizon got the bad end of the deal when it comes to hard ware..... as far release date and price have not heard nothing yet. Other than Sprint with get both of them before verizon does.

09-22-2008, 01:25 AM
Hey i wanted to add pics could someone help?

09-22-2008, 01:58 AM
Hey i wanted to add pics could someone help?

Go to Advance setting on the reply and click the paper clip and upload all the photos you like bro. I guessing thats what your asking...

09-22-2008, 03:09 AM
So you never know with these things, but I got a tip about the Verizon version of the HTC Touch Diamond and figured I'd pass it along. This is from a fairly new source who's been pretty accurate with a few *very minor* bits of information passed along to me over the past few weeks. Let's throw this new tip to the lions, shall we, and see how it turns out:

HTC Touch Diamond is be released for Verizon in October
Could end up as the new "Ice White" color scheme just released by HTC.

On to the specs............

Slower processor than current versions (400mhz)
Larger battery (1340mhh)
Larger rear cover (3mm thicker in total), due to larger battery.
No internal memory; microSD support up to 32GB
Same SDHC micro SD reader support as the Touch Pro.

Frankly, I'd like to see an exact launch date and price point here, but since there's none I'm imagining a $249 price (on contract, after rebate) to compete with Sprint's version.
What do you all think? Worthy tip? Already seen it elsewhere? Total nonsense? Who cares?

from what i have been hearing and reading up on it is true that they are going with the same white as the touch....... and it gets even worse verizon customers........ the touch pro is going to be the same color as that nasty ass mogul you got stuck with ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaa ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah hahhahaha ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah ahahahhaahahhahahahahahahaahahah hahahahaahahah

09-22-2008, 05:30 AM
i jus got my dude a free diamond from sprint,on saturday,he,ll get it on tuesday,free overnight shipping n everything,so if u junkies wanna know how itz done then pm me and i can pretty much gaurentee the shit,oh by the way i got the network n i've been doing this shit wit vzw for bout 2yrs,havnt paid for no upgrade n 2yrs REAL TALK