View Full Version : Diamond Tweak 05 (Diamond ONLY)

09-30-2008, 06:00 PM
Overview: * [08-10-2008] Version 0.5

70 tweaks...

Added :

* 1.7 Ring Time
* 1.8 Phone Pad Style

* 3.3 100 db Sound Limitation

* 11.6 'Burst' mode Resolution
* 11.7 'Sport' mode Resolution

* 12.1 Startup Animation (corrected)
12.2 Startup Sound

* 14.4 Home Left Softkey
14.5 Home Right Softkey

* 15.2 Comm Manager Style

* 17. WM appearance
17.2 Icons disposition
17.3 Vertical scroll bar
17.4 Horizontal scroll bar
17.5 Text Size - Menu Bar
17.6 Text size - System
17.7 ClearType in landscape mode

* 18. Performance - Energy
18.4 Power saving
18.5 Assisted GPS (A-GPS)
18.6 Assisted GPS : Provider selection

* 19. Touch-sensitive Wheel
19.1 Calendar
19.2 Call History
19.3 Contacts
19.4 File Explorer
19.5 Internet Explorer
19.6 Programs
19.7 Phone

* [08-01-2008] Version 0.3.2
44 tweaks
Added :
> Identification number for each tweak
> [# 12.1] Startup animation
Corrected :
> [# 5.1] Battery icon

* [07-31-2008] Version 0.3.1
43 tweaks
> Engine modifications

* [07-29-008] Version 0.3
40 tweaks
Added :
> Light Sensor
> Title Bar
> Volume Control skin
> Audio booster
> SMS/MMS Display
Deleted :
> HSPA (always avalaible in Connections settings)

* [19/07/2008] Version 0.2
36 tweaks

* [17/07/2008] Version 0.1
30 tweaks


RS LINK: http://rapidshare.com/files/149782914/Diamond_Tweak_0.5_English.cab.html

09-30-2008, 06:08 PM
judging by the flurry of diamond only apps you've been posting i guess you got your diamond now huh?

09-30-2008, 06:22 PM
judging by the flurry of diamond only apps you've been posting i guess you got your diamond now huh?
:lol: Yea i got mine :lol: I just thought I would post the great apps i found for the new device we all love now!!

09-30-2008, 06:25 PM
:lol: Yea i got mine :lol: I just thought I would post the great apps i found for the new device we all love now!!
stupid bell doesnt have it yet and i dont wanna have to pay the damn early termination fee to get the diamond over at telus

09-30-2008, 06:31 PM
stupid bell doesnt have it yet and i dont wanna have to pay the damn early termination fee to get the diamond over at telus
:lol: Its not the hype it was ramped up to be. Hold off if you can... no rush, touch pro is coming anyway!

09-30-2008, 06:36 PM
:lol: Its not the hype it was ramped up to be. Hold off if you can... no rush, touch pro is coming anyway!
idk if the pro is coming out in canada at the same time as sprint releases it though

09-30-2008, 07:01 PM
:lol: Its not the hype it was ramped up to be. Hold off if you can... no rush, touch pro is coming anyway!

truthfully bro the functinality isnt much better than the diamond :< still a very nice phone

10-19-2008, 12:12 AM
bump bump bump!