10-29-2008, 07:33 PM
I was going to wait before releasing this...I think this will be a part of my favorites' collection! Many may already know there is a G.I. JOE Movie to be released soon! I thought it would be cool to get a jump on a theme before the buzz! Again, this, to me, is HOT! I thought I did the ladies justice with "Women Of Power", gentlemen...here is yours! Enjoy...
02-01-2009, 03:10 PM
There has been a release of the Super Bowl Spot Trailer for GI JOE...I figured this would be a hot spot to place the link...
By DaRedLight (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/DaRedLight) at 2009-02-01
--------- New Post Merged on 1/2/2009 at 06:10:11 --------
The initial link was removed for some reason...here is another...
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