View Full Version : [Check4SPAM] RE: 6800 hard reset no internet

11-10-2008, 04:12 PM
[URL Attempt (https://www.wckediden.com/forumdisplay.php?f=428)] User received an error - No action required!

Ihad to do a hard reset on my 6800 and now the internet just says invalid usernam or password..... i did the dial #777 username - phone#@mycricket.com and cricket for password but does not work.. help please!!!

11-10-2008, 04:23 PM
[URL Attempt (https://www.wckediden.com/forumdisplay.php?f=428)] User received an error - No action required!

Ihad to do a hard reset on my 6800 and now the internet just says invalid usernam or password..... i did the dial #777 username - phone#@mycricket.com and cricket for password but does not work.. help please!!!

are poeple ****ing stupid he did this three times.... infraction will be issued by me telling him to report only if links are down and to hit the reply button or make a new thread for questions..... i dont think it is too hard to hit reply why would they report to ask a questions.... ****ing people are so damn stupid sometimes.

11-10-2008, 04:25 PM
are poeple ****ing stupid he did this three times.... infraction will be issued by me telling him to report only if links are down and to hit the reply button or make a new thread for questions..... i dont think it is too hard to hit reply why would they report to ask a questions.... ****ing people are so damn stupid sometimes.

hahahaha if they smart and read the message that they cant post url or such then they are idots//that mod works fo rthe first 5 post and they think that will count but it dont..

11-10-2008, 04:31 PM
hahahaha if they smart and read the message that they cant post url or such then they are idots//that mod works fo rthe first 5 post and they think that will count but it dont..

hahahahaha what idiots lmao