View Full Version : whats the diffrence between sprint touch and GSM touch

12-02-2008, 02:44 PM
i just bought a sprint touch of ebay but my service is centennial and they seel the same phone but say the sprint one isnt GSM so wont work. So im wondering if there is any way to make it work they are the same phone i thought.

12-02-2008, 02:52 PM
gsm and cdma are two totally different networks. it won't work on each others. so you either have to try and return it and get a gsm one or you're screwed

12-02-2008, 02:59 PM
I think tweety is right, as far as the GSM and cdma nott working on each others networks, I dont know why... but if you do some searching maybe youll get lucky and find some sort of hack or fix to make it work?...Truth fully the sprint version(is cdma) is like a more advance updated version of the gsm im... if you ask around the general consencus is that the cdma version is better because it has twice the internal memory and twice the processor power, (theyre running on different chips) so the cdma is faster and more powerful... if it is possible, (i would do everything i can to keep) try and find a way to get around that... otherwise, switching to a gsm version would be more of a downgrade, but if you have to you should be able to at least get it cheaper if you sell what you got and bought a gsm version, or traded it in.

12-02-2008, 05:12 PM
Fyi no way around the cdma... Since phones are built with the parts in them that recieve the different signals... Its not a software problem its hardware. So there is no way to get a cdma device to work with gsm signal