View Full Version : shortcuts/icons

12-05-2008, 12:15 AM
is there a way to put shortcuts on my phone like for example instead of having to go to internet then myspace or facebook or whutever site is there a way i can make a shortcut with a direct link to whutever i want ?

12-05-2008, 12:25 AM
is there a way to put shortcuts on my phone like for example instead of having to go to internet then myspace or facebook or whutever site is there a way i can make a shortcut with a direct link to whutever i want ?

yes, there are a few ways you can do this, you can use Ultimate Launch, Ifonz, and my favorite, Manila2D where you can have all your shortcuts on the internet page

I know there are more ways to do this, but ill have to get back at ya

EDIT: you can also add bookmarks from your browser (Example PIE) go to windows/shortcuts and create a link (.lnk) from the bookmark with file explorer and place it in the programs menu, set it as a button or whatever...