View Full Version : question of tabs on today screen

12-07-2008, 12:28 PM
on my today screen and this is befor any modification only the addition of wm 6.1 there are only four tabs
the home icon the weather icon the menu and ringer but i see in sum vids ppl have 5 and six sumtimes is there sumthing wrong with my touch or is there a program to add the other icons ?

12-07-2008, 12:56 PM
on my today screen and this is befor any modification only the addition of wm 6.1 there are only four tabs
the home icon the weather icon the menu and ringer but i see in sum vids ppl have 5 and six sumtimes is there sumthing wrong with my touch or is there a program to add the other icons ?

answer was easily found with a search..... heres the link that you need for 6 tabs :> please be sure to hit the thanks button :>
