View Full Version : PDAStatus v1.2.2 (Freeware)

12-27-2008, 09:24 PM
PDAStatus v1.2.2 (Freeware)
Requirements: HTC Home
Overview: PDAStatus is small plugin for Windows Mobile 'today' screen.

It contains customizable set of status icons:
- Battery: Shows current power % and AC/Line mode, opens system Battery page on tap.
- ROM: Shows available ROM, opens system Memory page on tap.
- RAM: Shows available RAM, opens system Task Manager.
- SD/CF card: Shows available SD memory, opens card root directory.
- Display backlight brightness: Shows current level of display backlight (shows value depending on AC/Line mode), on tap opens device-specific backlight manager.
- Balance: Shows current SIM-card balance, query and reply parsing options are customized in plugin settings. On tap proceeds immediate query.
- Phone: phone module status, turns on/off phome module on tap.
- Wifi: show current wifi module status.
- Bluetooth: current bluetooth status, turns on/off on tap.
- SMS: current SMS store status (number of unread messages), opens standard tmail.exe on tap.

Download skins here (http://corner-a.com/download.php?list.4).

Update Description:
- Multiply storage/memory card added.

- Wifi status now turns on/off Wifi module at tap.
- Some fixes for VGA devices.
- New "apearence/font-size" option added to the config.xml for font autosize issues manual fixup.

More Info:
Download Instructions:

< [b]CAB file: PDAStatus.cab (http://rapidshare.com/files/176678200/PDAStatusFull_1.2.2.CAB)