View Full Version : Two Issues With HTC Mogul; Annoying Beep w/initiating call and

01-11-2009, 01:20 PM
I did a search and was unable to find any support on these issues. If I missed it...I'm sure the appropriate measure will be taken.
All issues had occurred without warning, I am using Stock ROM, WM 6.1, HTC Mogul.

Annoying Beep: Without warning, any time I would initiate a phone call, I would get this strange "Beep" sound. The sound is familar to the sound given when increasing the volume on the device, while in the Dailpad mode. I have not changed any registries, nor have I Flashed any "Cooked" ROMs. This "Beep" is loud and annoying! Another problem I have is that it is alerting that one is intiating a call! (Not cool if you're trying to play Ninja! lol! Or hiding from a killer that "Knows What You Did Last Summer"! lol!) Anyway, here is the Registry Edits that I have made that seems to resolve the issue:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER], [ControlPanel], [SoundCategories], [InCall], change the "InitVol" from "4" or "0" to "2" **(THAT IS ONLY IF IT IS NOT SET AT "2" ALREADY!)**

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER], [ControlPanel], [SoundCategories], [InCallFeedback],
change the "InitVol" from "2" to "0".
At this point all issues with the "Beep" should be resolved. One note: The first Registry Edit is sometimes recommended to be set to "0", I have found by doing this eliminates the sound from being heard on other functions ie; "Volume Control", "Error" pop - ups etc...By leaving or editing it to "2" keeps everything functional.

"Unexpected Error" Accessing Music/Media Files via SD Card: I recently downloaded some music and was trying to access my music via WMP, which was stored on my SD Card, I immediately began receiving an "Unexpected Error Occurred" pop - up! If I accessed my "File Explorer" then "Storage Card", "Music" folder...I would be able to play the selected file through WMP, but without any of the functionalities of the WMP! Through my investigating, I found these steps to resolve the issue: This might be caused by the XMEMedialibrary file in the MSMETADATA folder
being corrupt. To fix it one can do the following; On your device *(Make sure WMP is not running)*, then access "File Explorer". [Start], [Programs], [File Explorer], *(Make sure you have "Show All Files" checked.)*, [Menu], [Show All Files]
Locate folder named "MSMETADATA". Hold the stylus on this folder and select "Rename", rename the folder (perhaps just put an "_" at the beginning e.g "_MSMETADATA") Then start WMP and update the Library. [Menu], [Library], [Menu], [Update library].
This should rescan your device and update the media library. A new
"MSMETADATA" folder with a new "XMEmedialibrary" file will be created.

Once it's successful, the renamed folder should be deleted, it is no longer needed. I hope this is useful to many that may share my concern.

01-11-2009, 02:17 PM
i am not too sure... are you currently still havin problems are these are the steps you have taken to resolve your issue and your device is working fine now?? Please advise.

01-11-2009, 02:23 PM
i am not too sure... are you currently still havin problems are these are the steps you have taken to resolve your issue and your device is working fine now?? Please advise.
These are the steps to resolve the stated issues. I wasn't too sure to where to post...I figured if the current place was incorrect, it could be moved to the appropriate area. Am I right?

01-11-2009, 02:49 PM
These are the steps to resolve the stated issues. I wasn't too sure to where to post...I figured if the current place was incorrect, it could be moved to the appropriate area. Am I right?

No actually this isnt the correct place. I will move it for you. Try and post in the future in the correct place... Thanks.

01-11-2009, 04:28 PM
great post and tutorial bro :> this will help some people for sure (thanks for putting together)

01-15-2009, 02:52 PM
:connie_33:I have had this problem recently too.. It give an annoying beep before you place a call.. I gues ill try this to see how it works..

01-15-2009, 08:17 PM
:connie_33:I have had this problem recently too.. It give an annoying beep before you place a call.. I gues ill try this to see how it works..
Let me know how it works out for you.