View Full Version : I want some games

01-13-2009, 12:45 AM
Ok everytime I search I can't find anything or I'm told that there is an error, so if I can get a link or a few links to some pages with games I could slap them on my phone and have some fun on my long train rides to work.
Thanks ahead of time

01-13-2009, 12:47 AM
Hey, oukno

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01-13-2009, 12:49 AM
Ok everytime I search I can't find anything or I'm told that there is an error, so if I can get a link or a few links to some pages with games I could slap them on my phone and have some fun on my long train rides to work.
Thanks ahead of time

you need to be clear about the error and if you are referring about you can't see the post well my son you have to read what it say and follow INSTRUCTIONS so you can see the private area...we have the stuff here..but you have to do your homework and look for it....sorry we don't offer a golden spoon