View Full Version : WeaponRom [March 23th, 2009 @ 12:49am] It was just another rom...
01-20-2009, 05:00 PM
Much gratitude goes to these people...
eRice - for his first kitchen which allowed me to tinker
Calkulin - for his superbly easy to use base kitchen which I use currently
CMonex - We all know what she has done...
Tsowen - for his terrific taskbar files and thread on taskbars
Cozboogie - my commander in chief
Juggalo_X - His roms inspired me to begin creating my own
Showaco - For his insight in manipulating Mode9 files which really increase manila's shine!
FormerPalmOS - My speedy rom wouldn't be speedy without his knowledge & tuned XIP...
The other developers & chefs - for providing PPCGeeks with fantastic, recently updated & well supported roms and maximizing the real benefit of our devices...
Merdinh - who volunteered assistance & files for resolving the battery issue.
Blkr00t - My lead beta tester
Xboxmod - His manila HD provided the base for my manila
Redbull - for giving me "wings" while cooking
Mom - mom's get thanks for everything...
(1/20/09) v1.10 - 81mb
(2/26/09) v1.11 - 83mb
(3/1/09) v1.12 -
Alternate mirror (Thanks to"]gabriel925fm)
(3/4/09) v1.13 Sprint - 79mb
(3/4/09 v1.14 Verizon -"]Verizon_30909.rar
(3/4/09 v1.14 Alltel - Awaiting Revision
OS CE 21018 Build 21018.1.6.0 (Thanks goes to[/URL] who graciously volunteered his SYS/ROM...
XIP - FPOS 21018
(3/0/09) v1.14 Sprint -"]Sprint_30909.rar
Notes for v1.14 Release:
[I]It was a great run while it lasted...
i take no credit for this and the original thread can be found here:
01-20-2009, 07:37 PM
damn thats sick bro cant wait to try it out!
01-20-2009, 09:41 PM
damn thats sick bro cant wait to try it out!
Get back with us with a review once flashed
02-19-2009, 04:37 AM
man i love this rom but i ran into a few problems.... i downloaded amaze gps and it keeps giving me a communication error i also installed it on a buddys pro and it works fine for him.. is there a tweak fix for this?? and also the shutdown on the shutxp does not turn off the phone only the screen the only way to turn off the phone is by taking off the battery, and i was also wondering about the internet cuz i wanna buy apps and games from sprint through their app store but it doesnt recognize what type of phone im using it says unknown ppc is there any way around this so it could recognize im using a pro?? plz help
02-19-2009, 02:04 PM
man i love this rom but i ran into a few problems.... i downloaded amaze gps and it keeps giving me a communication error i also installed it on a buddys pro and it works fine for him.. is there a tweak fix for this?? and also the shutdown on the shutxp does not turn off the phone only the screen the only way to turn off the phone is by taking off the battery, and i was also wondering about the internet cuz i wanna buy apps and games from sprint through their app store but it doesnt recognize what type of phone im using it says unknown ppc is there any way around this so it could recognize im using a pro?? plz help
should read when you connect to the internet...... no clue on that, the screen with psshutxp will never ully turn the phone off so its not the rom tere....... and with amaze i have no clue...... this is one of the few roms that i havent tried and tested so i couldnt be of much help to you.
02-19-2009, 03:31 PM
Well its not just amaze its all of the gps apps well i havent tried all but i tried amaze then i tried sprint nav and they both dont work im thinking maybe gps might have been disabled or something cuz i went through all the settings and everything seems to be fine, any ideas?
02-19-2009, 08:09 PM
Well its not just amaze its all of the gps apps well i havent tried all but i tried amaze then i tried sprint nav and they both dont work im thinking maybe gps might have been disabled or something cuz i went through all the settings and everything seems to be fine, any ideas?
than i would try to go to where the developer posted this (very last sentence of the thread) and see what that thread says and maby someone else was experiencing the same issues as you.... i ad the links like that so they get credit and for more info to fall back upon...... and if no one else had the same troubles you can post there and the developer would prolly be more than happy to assist you.
02-22-2009, 11:49 PM
i have it downloaded now how do i get it on my phone
02-23-2009, 12:12 AM
i have it downloaded now how do i get it on my phone
look below at my signature and there is a step by step flashing tutorial :>
02-24-2009, 12:40 AM
look below at my signature and there is a step by step flashing tutorial :>
What flashing tutorial i'm confused sorry.
02-24-2009, 12:51 AM
What flashing tutorial i'm confused sorry.
This one
Go into your User CP at the top of your screen, then edit options, then make sigs visible. That way you will see all of our signatures and the links we provide in them.
02-24-2009, 12:53 AM
What flashing tutorial i'm confused sorry.
Flashing tutorial, is a tutorial on how to flash your ppc device, here is a link to it in both D/\SH and my signature...
If you dont see our signature, you have to go into User CP, and adjust your settings, to enable you to see signatures...
02-24-2009, 12:57 AM
Flashing tutorial, is a tutorial on how to flash your ppc device, here is a link to it in both D/\SH and my signature...
If you dont see our signature, you have to go into User CP, and adjust your settings, to enable you to see signatures...
Ha!!! Beat you to it!!
02-25-2009, 11:18 PM
Ha!!! Beat you to it!!
hahahahah superman is always quick like that hahahahaha
02-25-2009, 11:52 PM
Hey my account is not privaledged enough to view those tutorials.
02-26-2009, 12:09 AM
Hey my account is not privaledged enough to view those tutorials.
sign up ofr the group members software and you can find the direct link in my signature.
03-02-2009, 12:30 PM
updated first psot with the newest version.
03-05-2009, 01:38 PM
updated first post with the newest version.
03-16-2009, 03:18 AM
In an effort to try out as many ROMs as I could before I get tired of flashing, this one made it into my Pro. I have to say this is the most "different" ROM I've used. It is probably the most customized ROM I've seen (at least visually). As you can see from my screenies, there are no tabs on Tf3D, making the screen look bigger and as a result, content is bigger. This developer has gone to great lengths to make everything match, and I like it except the red type on black is difficult to see in the light. Also, the font is smaller, so you have to adjust. The font is custom, but prob something of Godzon's, although I haven't taken the time to verify. Speed wise, this ROM is solid. It's not the fastest I've used, but it's fast enough and very stable. It has not crashed on me yet (4 days running). The left and right soft keys are mapped to a Clean ROM app, and File Explorer. I've made a couple of changes as you'll prob notice, but overall, I like where he's head is at with this ROM. Program wise, this ROM does not include a whole lot, although it's not a minimalistic ROM. A couple big ones missing for me was Sprint Nav and Adobe LE (I use that for work a lot). But no biggie, since it all can be added. Battery wise, I would say it's slightly better than average. I am using no Taylor hacks with this ROM, and I get about 5-6 hours of HEAVY use out of the phone, i.e. long phone calls, texting, surfing, games, etc. I prob get 12+ hours of light use. I also like that it comes with what I believe is Arcsoft Power SMS. Your sms and mms are combined into one folder, and it's very convenient, and a very nice set up in that regard. Needless to say, mms works without troubles. There is a little twist to it, but just ask if you really want to know. One problem that I do have is that the 3D type apps don't seem to work, like Diamond Hologram. I also had this trouble with Hibby's ROM. Changing themes might be a bit of a challenge because of the no tab thing, although I haven't tried. All-n-all, a very good ROM, and if you're cruising for something different, this is worth a look.
03-16-2009, 03:21 AM
In an effort to try out as many ROMs as I could before I get tired of flashing, this one made it into my Pro. I have to say this is the most "different" ROM I've used. It is probably the most customized ROM I've seen (at least visually). As you can see from my screenies, there are no tabs on Tf3D, making the screen look bigger and as a result, content is bigger. This developer has gone to great lengths to make everything match, and I like it except the red type on black is difficult to see in the light. Also, the font is smaller, so you have to adjust. The font is custom, but prob something of Godzon's, although I haven't taken the time to verify. Speed wise, this ROM is solid. It's not the fastest I've used, but it's fast enough and very stable. It has not crashed on me yet (4 days running). The left and right soft keys are mapped to a Clean ROM app, and File Explorer. I've made a couple of changes as you'll prob notice, but overall, I like where he's head is at with this ROM. Program wise, this ROM does not include a whole lot, although it's not a minimalistic ROM. A couple big ones missing for me was Sprint Nav and Adobe LE (I use that for work a lot). But no biggie, since it all can be added. Battery wise, I would say it's slightly better than average. I am using no Taylor hacks with this ROM, and I get about 5-6 hours of HEAVY use out of the phone, i.e. long phone calls, texting, surfing, games, etc. I prob get 12+ hours of light use. I also like that it comes with what I believe is Arcsoft Power SMS. Your sms and mms are combined into one folder, and it's very convenient, and a very nice set up in that regard. Needless to say, mms works without troubles. There is a little twist to it, but just ask if you really want to know. One problem that I do have is that the 3D type apps don't seem to work, like Diamond Hologram. I also had this trouble with Hibby's ROM. Changing themes might be a bit of a challenge because of the no tab thing, although I haven't tried. All-n-all, a very good ROM, and if you're cruising for something different, this is worth a look.
wow it does look pretty damn cool if i say so myself... thanks for sharing.
03-16-2009, 04:59 AM
thanks for the very detailed review LordHelmet :) your review was very helpful :thumb:
03-23-2009, 11:19 PM
updated first post with the newest version.
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