View Full Version : [Theme] STONE-CHROME-KILLERX by PROBEX
01-23-2009, 10:46 PM
OK here is the latest theme by PROBE-X-DESIGN for TF3D First off huge thanks to D/\SH for hooking me up with some testing equipment [TOUCH PRO] it kicks @ss mate.
Now because of this I have learned some interesting things about the diamond and the pro, first off the present theme manager Diamond TF3D Config v0.6.7 I can no longer recommend using this for applying themes. After testing this utility on various roms I have learned that there is far to many differences in each one for this program to handle properly.... esp when it comes to extra tabs or landscape mode unless the theme is built into the rom it will fail to operate properly. So I have decided the best thing to do is package it into a .cab file I have tested this on a few roms and it works flawlessly. This way it will keep the default landscape mode and tabs that are built into the rom.
.cab Way say you are running a rom with 14 tabs and a landscape mod with only 2 big tabs and the slider. My skin in .cab form will do the 14 tabs and the landscape mode will continue to work with the roms stock set up.
Theme Manager Way My skin will fail to load on 14 tabs due to a custom manilla file cooked into the rom activating the 14 or more tabs- or it will load but only show 8 tabs and landscape mode will fail to operate properly.
Cab form is the only way to properly apply themes on a custom rom
I have spoken... lol
Install Instructions
unzip the .zip file SPRINT Flip clock fix
move the manila files from inside the folder to your device [excluding the folder called back up... this is a backup of the stock sprint files for you to revert back to later if you want to change back to stock]
unload TF3D from your today screen settings start/settings/today/items/ uncheck Touchflow3D
From your device using totalcomander or whatever. move the manila files to your windows folder and overwrite when prompted.
reset your device and restart TF3D
see if its working with the new clock [it should be] test everything landscape ect....
if all is well load my
reset.... and your good to go. .
1.load the .cab restart when prompted.
2.Put the wallpaper in your my documents folder on your ppc and select it from the touchflow settings wallpaper tab as active.
3.Tell PROBEX he is your hero
unistall instructions
SK tools or installed programs- uninstall PROBE-X-DESIGN cab & softreset
I will create a few of my standard goodies to go with this theme such as TLock skin maybe a dialer [we will see as again so many different ones running right now] and bootscreen/welcomescreen.
UPDATE: Its seems that even the .cab file install will not work on 1 or 2 customs roms still if yours is giving you problems and you don't care about the extra tabs or landscape mode then you may use the .theme file I have added. I still recommend attempting the .cab install first as if it works on your rom it is a much better set up.
UPDATE 2: Know working versions and setups
Juicy 4.7- working via the .cab install no additional steps needed
BIG JEWS MURDER ROM - only working with the .theme file install and landscape mode not functional
Stock Sprint rom-working after installing the sprint clock fix and then install via the
Juggalo touch pro rom-working via .cab install no problems
Runs beautifully on Touch Pro with VZW Stock rom
Running one of my themes??? add this to your signature. I will host the image.
Thanks for your support.
01-23-2009, 10:48 PM
Hmmmm just in time i needed something new
01-23-2009, 10:50 PM
Hmmmm just in time i needed something new
Me too, I'm gonna give it a try, Thanks Probex!
01-23-2009, 10:50 PM
Man that was fast is just clicked it it loaded and you already posted lol... hahaha
01-23-2009, 10:52 PM
yO this is a kick ass skin..thanks for taking time off hahahahah this i will use even though i like the alien alot too.
i most say INSTALLED
01-23-2009, 10:55 PM
Hey Coderz how do I fix it so the preview image is not so tiny??? the forum resized it even tho its on my server??? I want it bigggger... lol
01-23-2009, 10:59 PM
Hey Coderz how do I fix it so the preview image is not so tiny??? the forum resized it even tho its on my server??? I want it bigggger... lol
i'll look at the configs and adjust it.but not to big that spread the whole
01-23-2009, 11:08 PM
Hey Coderz how do I fix it so the preview image is not so tiny??? the forum resized it even tho its on my server??? I want it bigggger... lol
hey probex i forgot to mention and i just remember when you click on the image it will pop up to full screen....
01-23-2009, 11:22 PM
hahahah i'm jaking this post issue probey the clock is stuck on 0:00... i know dashy had a fix for that but i can't remember enlighten me my brotha,,,
01-23-2009, 11:30 PM
Mmm... huh.... ya got me I never had that problem what rom are you running? This one is set up for a flip clock. D///\\\\\\\\ssssshhhhhhhhyyyyy were are you with the answer to this
01-23-2009, 11:35 PM
Mmm... huh.... ya got me I never had that problem what rom are you running? This one is set up for a flip clock. D///\\\\\\\\ssssshhhhhhhhyyyyy were are you with the answer to this
lol...i'm using the stock by sprint
01-23-2009, 11:38 PM
lol...i'm using the stock by sprint
Hahaha your running stock lol
01-23-2009, 11:39 PM
Since sprint's rom doesn't have the flip clock,the clock for the theme won't work, happened to me before. I think you need to install the flip clock.
01-23-2009, 11:40 PM
I got the fix for you I think... I suggest uninstall my softreset install the sprint flip clock cab-softreset reinstall my softreset. :o)
If it works add it to main post as a sprint stock rom fix.
01-23-2009, 11:44 PM
Since sprint's rom doesn't have the flip clock,the clock for the theme won't work, happened to me before. I think you need to install the flip clock.
thanks bro will look into it.
I got the fix for you I think... I suggest uninstall my softreset install the sprint flip clock cab-softreset reinstall my softreset. :o)
If it works add it to main post as a sprint stock rom fix.
ok bro i will try it and report back here if not i'll try daniel advice
01-23-2009, 11:59 PM
I got the fix for you I think... I suggest uninstall my softreset install the sprint flip clock cab-softreset reinstall my softreset. :o)
If it works add it to main post as a sprint stock rom fix.
ok bro look at the attached image upper left corner every tab i hit, the little white box pops up...I'll get that proggy for the flip..till there s fix by default thanks bro
01-24-2009, 12:09 AM
Mmmm I belive that is caused by the sprint icon that is beside the stock sprint text on that rom.. I will do some digging and testing to see if I can get this humming for you mate... do me a favor in the staff area download the beta of this theme that I had made for the theme manager load it via the diamond config tool and see if it works properly... [It wont have the landscape working but I will at least know if thats a option for me to try and work from.]
01-24-2009, 12:23 AM
Hahaha your running stock lol
yep i haven't found a decent rom that i like..i have issues with the internet and network issues...and i tried two custom i revert back and said the hell with it to lazy try something else
Mmmm I belive that is caused by the sprint icon that is beside the stock sprint text on that rom.. I will do some digging and testing to see if I can get this humming for you mate... do me a favor in the staff area download the beta of this theme that I had made for the theme manager load it via the diamond config tool and see if it works properly... [It wont have the landscape working but I will at least know if thats a option for me to try and work from.]
ok bro well do
01-24-2009, 12:32 AM
I got it elboriyorker... here is the instructions...
ok make sure you have unloaded the i gave you and you are back to the stock sprint set up.
now unzip the .zip file
move the manila files from inside the folder to your device [excluding the folder called back up... this is a backup of the stock sprint files for you to revert back to if you want to change it later]
unload TF3D from your today screen settings
from your device using totalcomander or whatever. move the manila files to your windows folder and overwrite when prompted.
reset your device and restart TF3D
see if its working with the new clock [it should be] test everything landscape ect....
if all is well load my
reset.... good to go.
01-24-2009, 01:03 AM
I got it elboriyorker... here is the instructions...
ok make sure you have unloaded the i gave you and you are back to the stock sprint set up.
now unzip the .zip file
move the manila files from inside the folder to your device [excluding the folder called back up... this is a backup of the stock sprint files for you to revert back to if you want to change it later]
unload TF3D from your today screen settings
from your device using totalcomander or whatever. move the manila files to your windows folder and overwrite when prompted.
reset your device and restart TF3D
see if its working with the new clock [it should be] test everything landscape ect....
if all is well load my
reset.... good to go.
ok brotha i did as instructed still no go..just to let you know i have the diamond..i'll tinker whit it a little bit more..thanks bro for your time
01-24-2009, 01:09 AM
installing this nice theme... but my clock is all 0:00's ... whats the fix for this..?
sprint touch pro.. default ROM
01-24-2009, 01:12 AM
[quote=elboriyorker;333068]yep i haven't found a decent rom that i like..i have issues with the internet and network issues...and i tried two custom i revert back and said the hell with it to lazy try something else
hey pb i was having alot of issues with my internet and data connection and i tried 4 roms!!!.....i ended up flashing back to stock....and i reprogramed a few things and now i am having noooo issues on juggs rom....hit me up and i'll guide you through some things i did to see if it helps you on a custom rom....i hate to think the owner of this site is one STOCK!!!!!.....seriously hit me up if you want some'll just need your msl and you should be fine....
01-24-2009, 01:27 AM
installing this nice theme... but my clock is all 0:00's ... whats the fix for this..?
sprint touch pro.. default ROM
In the first post you will see in big bold type that I am working on a fix for this but none yet... thats why it says if your running the stock sprint rom don't install no worries just uninstall the .cab file softreset and check back later for a fix.
01-24-2009, 01:27 AM
[quote=elboriyorker;333068]yep i haven't found a decent rom that i like..i have issues with the internet and network issues...and i tried two custom i revert back and said the hell with it to lazy try something else
hey pb i was having alot of issues with my internet and data connection and i tried 4 roms!!!.....i ended up flashing back to stock....and i reprogramed a few things and now i am having noooo issues on juggs rom....hit me up and i'll guide you through some things i did to see if it helps you on a custom rom....i hate to think the owner of this site is one STOCK!!!!!.....seriously hit me up if you want some'll just need your msl and you should be fine....
lol.. i know don't get me wrong i tested lots of rom out for my mogul i have kaos rom with tflo2 technology its the shit right now and with kaos rom i have no issues whats so ever with internet and data connections...its sweeeeeeeeeet..
Ok for that msl trust me bro i did everything i even did research and all, even me and dash was looking for a solution he even had issues with it.....unless you have something different then what i had done,then send me a pm with info maybe there's something i missed..then I'll consider going to custom rom again.
thanks for looking out
01-24-2009, 01:37 AM
In the first post you will see in big bold type that I am working on a fix for this but none yet... thats why it says if your running the stock sprint rom don't install no worries just uninstall the .cab file softreset and check back later for a fix.
hey probex i love you brotha hahahaha it worked and yes i will post a screen shot...i guess you gotta write a simple tutorial for the diamond sprint stock....
01-24-2009, 01:41 AM
In the first post you will see in big bold type that I am working on a fix for this but none yet... thats why it says if your running the stock sprint rom don't install no worries just uninstall the .cab file softreset and check back later for a fix.
woops.. i saw video and pics and got over excited ... installed before reading the most important... if i slide up to see small clock i see time there ok... so i guess that can do for now... thankssss
01-24-2009, 06:44 AM
by far this is my favorite theme...mad props!!
01-24-2009, 12:25 PM
Thank you it looks awesome on my phone.
01-24-2009, 03:55 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for this theme....
is really nice... one of the best i seen, so thanks and keep up ur nice
01-25-2009, 03:53 PM
the clock is working on stock sprint rom ... good job!
just noticed that the date moved down under the time and that terrible sprint and logo on right hand side... haha
can we remove that sprint ?
is it too much to ask to remove PROBEX from the top of all my contact pictures... it is cutting off thier heads... i feel like i am using a trial software or something... haha
01-25-2009, 05:36 PM
the clock is working on stock sprint rom ... good job!
just noticed that the date moved down under the time and that terrible sprint and logo on right hand side... haha
can we remove that sprint ?
is it too much to ask to remove PROBEX from the top of all my contact pictures... it is cutting off thier heads... i feel like i am using a trial software or something... haha
I think you installed the clock fix after installing my theme.... uninstall my my then soft reset and reinstall it and that will remove the sprint logo and add the correct clock graphics...
I will think about removing the PROBEXDESIGN from the contacts tab....
01-25-2009, 06:52 PM
thanks... u are correct.. i will try the way u mentioned...
i would appreciate that removal...
thank u for all your time on this design...
is there a way for me to change the grey popup bubble for notifications to red from grey.. making it stand out more....?
01-25-2009, 07:02 PM
i tried overwriting this manila file .. which changed the notification bubble to red.. but i also received a white box on upperleft of all tabs except the home main one
01-25-2009, 07:14 PM
sick deff. getting this when i get my new phone
01-25-2009, 09:09 PM
Hip hip horray i been wiatin for weeks now since dash put it up on his phone a while back good job probex the theme is "fire"
01-25-2009, 10:09 PM
i tried overwriting this manila file .. which changed the notification bubble to red.. but i also received a white box on upperleft of all tabs except the home main one
Since I did not make that red manila file I have no idea what changes it would make to your phone..... your on your own with those type of mods. I can only say what will change with the ones I have modified..
I do hope everyone soaks up the truly overwhelming scope of creating a fully custom theme.. there is over 300 separate manila files that I change - of the over 900 that are in TF3D to create one theme. This number of files can be very hard to make "Play Nice" with the 6 different versions of TF3D that I am aware of... not to mention the various differences of the core on the many different phones running TF3D. and the hacked up versions that are put into roms by various cooks... Its a task but easier for me to make a theme that works on a rom I am running. It becomes a nightmare to find all the changes I need to make, to make a theme run on all these different roms and it restricts me greatly on what I can do. I'm doing my best to fix everyone's different issues but I am only human.... the best advice I can give people if you want a theme that runs as I have intended it to, run the rom I am If it works for me as designed it will work for you. Now I'm not telling people they have to use the rom I'm usen atm I'm just saying it will solve all your issues.
IT would be helpful for me to have people submit there experiences
IE post I'm running blaa blaa blaa rom I installed with the .cab or the .theme file and it works or it does not work. This will also help people with the same issues as you, in turn helping me trouble shoot with you.
01-25-2009, 10:13 PM
Since I did not make that red manila file I have no idea what changes it would make to your phone..... your on your own with those type of mods. I can only say what will change with the ones I have modified..
I do hope everyone soaks up the truly overwhelming scope of creating a fully custom theme.. there is over 300 separate manila files that I change - of the over 900 that are in TF3D to create one theme. This number of files can be very hard to make "Play Nice" with the 6 different versions of TF3D that I am aware of... not to mention the various differences of the core on the many different phones running TF3D. and the hacked up versions that are put into roms by various cooks... Its a task but easier for me to make a theme that works on a rom I am running. It becomes a nightmare to find all the changes I need to make, to make a theme run on all these different roms and it restricts me greatly on what I can do. I'm doing my best to fix everyone's different issues but I am only human.... the best advice I can give people if you want a theme that runs as I have intended it to, run the rom I am If it works for me as designed it will work for you. Now I'm not telling people they have to use the rom I'm usen atm I'm just saying it will solve all your issues.
IT would be helpful for me to have people submit there experiences
IE post I'm running blaa blaa blaa rom I installed with the .cab or the .theme file and it works or it does not work. This will also help people with the same issues as you, in turn helping me trouble shoot with you.
noted and hope everyone can follow i will add this to the first post...
01-26-2009, 01:07 AM
running on juggalo touch pro rom and smooth as butter :>
01-26-2009, 01:11 AM
running on sprint stock rom and it too its butter...hahahahah love ya dashy
01-26-2009, 01:26 AM
running on sprint stock rom and it too its butter...hahahahah love ya dashy
hahahah word love ya too pb and J
01-27-2009, 11:58 AM
so theres no way to install this with tf3d config?
01-27-2009, 12:24 PM
so theres no way to install this with tf3d config?
Please read the top
01-27-2009, 12:30 PM
so theres no way to install this with tf3d config?
no as the ifrst psot explains fully and all you have to do is:
1. disable touchflo
2, run cab
3. soft reset
4. reapply touchflo from settings.
01-27-2009, 12:36 PM
no as the ifrst psot explains fully and all you have to do is:
1. disable touchflo
2, run cab
3. soft reset
4. reapply touchflo from settings.
I was to lazy to explain that and everything was on top lol
01-27-2009, 01:45 PM
well sorry the site has been running like shit on my tp lately
01-27-2009, 01:52 PM
well sorry the site has been running like shit on my tp lately
been running fine on a pc without any troubles.... think it is your service provider and your area sicne no one els has been experiencing any troubles..... and bro why the attitude? we help and help and help for free and all we ask for the members to do is read and follow the rules..... is that so hard?
01-27-2009, 02:04 PM
no attitude here im tellin u y i didnt see it and it cant be the service provider since im using the same sprint that most other ppl on the site are using. and i know it works from a pc since i had to pull out the laptop and jack someones net so i could actually see. (opera seems to crash on this site ever since u guys changed up the colors and such.) plus i'm well aware of the rules. just because i dont post that often doesnt mean i dont read anything.
01-28-2009, 02:39 PM
so theres no way to install this with tf3d config?
You can use the touchflow config but the theme will have the limits that that program does, example- no landscape support.
the last file in the first post is the .theme file for TF3D config.
01-28-2009, 03:30 PM
What a sick theme! Thanks Probex! Runs beautifully on Touch Pro with VZW Stock rom. Been waiting on this one!
01-30-2009, 04:32 PM
What a sick theme! Thanks Probex! Runs beautifully on Touch Pro with VZW Stock rom. Been waiting on this one!
installed via cab as advised
01-30-2009, 04:38 PM
looks and runs awesome bro
01-31-2009, 01:10 AM
i agree! i just got my pro a few days back, and my first theme was the alienx theme, this is my second, and i love both of them. you are GREAT with the grphics bro! im truly a fan of your work. to be able to create a Full theme for a phone which you didn't have takes much skill. much respect to you Probex. i'll be waiting for that throttle lock and phone skin for this theme. thank you bro.
02-01-2009, 09:36 AM
What the name of that musical software .
02-01-2009, 01:55 PM
What the name of that musical software .
Umm...what musical software? And what does that question have to do with the title of the thread?
02-03-2009, 11:53 AM
Hey guys, new to the forums. trying to install the flip clock fix and having issues. When i try to copy the new manila files. i get access denied errors regardless of whether i copy from windows or on the device itself. any suggestions???
02-03-2009, 12:21 PM
Hey guys, new to the forums. trying to install the flip clock fix and having issues. When i try to copy the new manila files. i get access denied errors regardless of whether i copy from windows or on the device itself. any suggestions???
To overwrite manilla files you need to use a program like total commander or resco explorer.
02-03-2009, 09:20 PM
that would explain why..... where might i find one of those programs?
02-03-2009, 09:24 PM
that would explain why..... where might i find one of those programs?
if you use the search you'll find it right away
02-03-2009, 09:25 PM
that would explain why..... where might i find one of those programs?
and here
02-03-2009, 11:09 PM
hi there,
i have sprint htc diamond and i have problem. the clock is stuck on 0:00PM can some1 help me fix it please :(
02-03-2009, 11:14 PM
hi there,
i have sprint htc diamond and i have problem. the clock is stuck on 0:00PM can some1 help me fix it please :(
Did you follow the steps included for the flip clock? And how did you install? Cab or .theme?
02-08-2009, 07:56 PM
How do i assign the pic for my wallpaper. I have searched this site all day and i seen a video but it still didnt make it clear. When i open my wallpaper setting it doesnt even let me choose the pic file. Is this because its a PGN or PNG image file? I have messed with it all day with several photos and nothing works. Also i downloaded the diamond tf3d config tool and now i have 2 of them in my all programs list but when i search my files there is not 2 files their otherwise i would delete one. Is there any way to delete one of them??? Thanks in advance
02-08-2009, 08:28 PM
How do i assign the pic for my wallpaper. I have searched this site all day and i seen a video but it still didnt make it clear. When i open my wallpaper setting it doesnt even let me choose the pic file. Is this because its a PGN or PNG image file? I have messed with it all day with several photos and nothing works. Also i downloaded the diamond tf3d config tool and now i have 2 of them in my all programs list but when i search my files there is not 2 files their otherwise i would delete one. Is there any way to delete one of them??? Thanks in advance
to assign the pic for your wallpaper all you have to do is go to the settings tab on touchflo 3d and than click on wallpaper, it will ask if you want to use default choose no. once you do that go to the my documents folder and in there you will find the wallpaper.
02-11-2009, 12:15 AM
You have to download the wallpaper and put it in your my documents folder for this theme, I was unsure how to include it in the .cab on this one.... I know now tho as D/\SH knows from my O-MY-ORANGEX theme I made for him I learned lots of new tricks for themeing. download from first post unzip it active sync to your phone put in my documents folder then do what D/\SH said. :o)
02-11-2009, 02:05 AM
You have to download the wallpaper and put it in your my documents folder for this theme, I was unsure how to include it in the .cab on this one.... I know now tho as D/\SH knows from my O-MY-ORANGEX theme I made for him I learned lots of new tricks for themeing. download from first post unzip it active sync to your phone put in my documents folder then do what D/\SH said. :o)
Sorry probx... I know this is slightly off topic, but since you brought it up...
is there gona be an official public release of the O-MY-OrangeX or is that specifically for D/\sh only... i saw some pretty sweet sneak peak flix when it was still in development and have been waiting ever since, and then D/\sh last youtube vid really made it shine, and Id luv to rock that... so after reading your post that is made for D/\SH im a bit concerned... should i be disappoint, or is there good news on the horizon...
still, back on topic,... this theme looks pretty kick ass as yours always do.. by far my fav designer in the game... keep up the great work!!
02-11-2009, 04:42 AM
It is up to D/\SH I made it for him as he gave me a Touch Pro to develope skins on, and to me that was a huge gesture. So I felt it was only fair to do something huge for him as well. It will most likey get released down the road but for now it's just for him to enjoy for a while. He is rocking the best most complete skin I have ever made I can tell you that. [So am I... but hell I made it lol] But don't worry I will be maken more skins soon, just need a rest in between. They take so dam much time to do it puts a bit of a strain on the old marrige let me tell ya. Its my own fault cause when I get in the zone I can sit and do themeing for 10 or 15 hours straight at a time for days on end, I get home from the day job and sit sometimes till 4 am then sleep for 3 or 4 hours go to day job and do it all over Guess you might say I'm a Junkie or something...hahaha
Now if only I got paid to do I would be rich.
02-11-2009, 01:29 PM
It is up to D/\SH I made it for him as he gave me a Touch Pro to develope skins on, and to me that was a huge gesture. So I felt it was only fair to do something huge for him as well. It will most likey get released down the road but for now it's just for him to enjoy for a while. He is rocking the best most complete skin I have ever made I can tell you that. [So am I... but hell I made it lol] But don't worry I will be maken more skins soon, just need a rest in between. They take so dam much time to do it puts a bit of a strain on the old marrige let me tell ya. Its my own fault cause when I get in the zone I can sit and do themeing for 10 or 15 hours straight at a time for days on end, I get home from the day job and sit sometimes till 4 am then sleep for 3 or 4 hours go to day job and do it all over Guess you might say I'm a Junkie or something...hahaha
Now if only I got paid to do I would be rich.
hahahhaha for sure!!! you got me promoting and showing off the theme in america and probey in canada! and your right this is by far the most complete theme and loving it!!!! soooo many people are commenting on the skin and the completeness of it when they see my device :>
02-11-2009, 05:10 PM
It is up to D/\SH I made it for him as he gave me a Touch Pro to develope skins on, and to me that was a huge gesture. So I felt it was only fair to do something huge for him as well. It will most likey get released down the road but for now it's just for him to enjoy for a while. He is rocking the best most complete skin I have ever made I can tell you that. [So am I... but hell I made it lol] But don't worry I will be maken more skins soon, just need a rest in between. They take so dam much time to do it puts a bit of a strain on the old marrige let me tell ya. Its my own fault cause when I get in the zone I can sit and do themeing for 10 or 15 hours straight at a time for days on end, I get home from the day job and sit sometimes till 4 am then sleep for 3 or 4 hours go to day job and do it all over Guess you might say I'm a Junkie or something...hahaha
Now if only I got paid to do I would be rich.
Absolutly bruh... your work is defiantly the most in depth professional looking themes and designs I've seen thus far... if you ask me htc or microsoft, or any of these UI companies should be hiring you to help design their stuff man... I mean, the amount of details you put in these things is absolutly insane (still its kinna cool to have ur stuff as AMJ exclusives)... Like in the O-my-orangeX vid D/\SH has up... i think thats the first theme ive seen that even had the landscape mode fully designe and skinned, with full color and images... damn... impresive man... seriously...
Matter of fact I think on my next pay check ima try n make a lil paypal donation... donation to probex dsigns... or get the wife some flowers or something to make up for the late night junkie!
hahahhaha for sure!!! you got me promoting and showing off the theme in america and probey in canada! and your right this is by far the most complete theme and loving it!!!! soooo many people are commenting on the skin and the completeness of it when they see my device :>
Yeah, i just watched the youtube vid again, at the crib, its freakin swwet... when i saw it at the day job I ha no sound, cuz they took speaker off my comp... so when i saw it today, i realized youll have it exclusivly for a good to have friends in high places... you hook him up w/ a pro... he hooks u up w/ a one of a kind theme to rock... its all good tho... Ill wait!
02-15-2009, 11:51 PM
I'm loving this theme. Great job!
03-03-2009, 07:35 PM
Dose anybody know if you can use . file explore extension to move .cab files or dose it have to be total commander or resco. and if so where you point me in the right direction. thk
03-03-2009, 07:43 PM
Dose anybody know if you can use . file explore extension to move .cab files or dose it have to be total commander or resco. and if so where you point me in the right direction. thk
You can use any file explorer if all you wanna do is move a cab file.
03-03-2009, 07:57 PM
Sorry maybe i didnt understand i wanted to install the theme and didnt know if you could use file exp or do ineed something different . sorry noob and thanks for info on file exp . superman 369 it worked great
03-03-2009, 08:23 PM
Sorry maybe i didnt understand i wanted to install the theme and didnt know if you could use file exp or do ineed something different . sorry noob and thanks for info on file exp . superman 369 it worked great
For a cab file, all you need is reguar file explorer. The other ones will work also, but they are not necessary
03-03-2009, 08:36 PM
dude sorry am a retard i am using stock sprint rom could u give me a little more steps on how to put this theme on my phone. i unchecked tf3d on my today screen now am not sure how to copy manail files over to windows . i know it tells u how but i am still not sure how to.thk
03-03-2009, 08:52 PM
dude sorry am a retard i am using stock sprint rom could u give me a little more steps on how to put this theme on my phone. i unchecked tf3d on my today screen now am not sure how to copy manail files over to windows . i know it tells u how but i am still not sure how to.thk
03-03-2009, 09:02 PM
do you mean click on you,re pic. I do a little bit as far as tf3d gose but not sure how to do .cab install. I have done .zip,.theme thx.
03-03-2009, 09:11 PM
dude sorry am a retard i am using stock sprint rom could u give me a little more steps on how to put this theme on my phone. i unchecked tf3d on my today screen now am not sure how to copy manail files over to windows . i know it tells u how but i am still not sure how to.thk
please re-read through the thread there is even instructions included in the first post on how to do it on a stock rom.
03-03-2009, 09:14 PM
sorry i meant i installed some tf3d .theme and .zip but not .cab sorry to keep bugging . i will read what you said but not sure where to find it .
--------- New Post Merged on 3/3/2009 at 08:18:55 --------
hey dash i did read it but not sure how to move or copy files to windows. I will reread it again.To bad you and superman 369 don't have a vid on it those things help out alot for retards like me lol.
03-03-2009, 09:27 PM
sorry i meant i installed some tf3d .theme and .zip but not .cab sorry to keep bugging . i will read what you said but not sure where to find it .
--------- New Post Merged on 3/3/2009 at 08:18:55 --------
hey dash i did read it but not sure how to move or copy files to windows. I will reread it again.To bad you and superman 369 don't have a vid on it those things help out alot for retards like me lol.
okay man, first download resco file explorer. after that, open the zip, file, in there you will find a clock fix file. open it and copy those files to windows. it will ask to overwrite, press okay for all the files. after that, install the cab. file to the phone. of course your tf3d should be off before doing this.
03-03-2009, 09:42 PM
thank you. so do i have to download resco exp or will file exp work if not where can i get a link to where ican download resco exp. i have tried alot of this stuff by reading and watching vid . Because i think you guys are tired of answering same question over again. by the way this is the best website.
03-03-2009, 09:49 PM
Here it is in .cab form
03-03-2009, 10:54 PM
Is file explore ext the same as resco explore could i please possible get pointed in right for resco exp
03-03-2009, 10:55 PM
Is file explore ext the same as resco explore could i please possible get pointed in right for resco exp
no it isnt. use the search bar above and you will easily find it
03-03-2009, 10:58 PM
Thank you bro going to try it right now
--------- New Post Merged on 3/3/2009 at 10:11:55 --------
I used search bar and read through the posts and haven't found link. thank you for all you're guy's help.
03-03-2009, 11:18 PM
Thank you bro going to try it right now
--------- New Post Merged on 3/3/2009 at 10:11:55 --------
I used search bar and read through the posts and haven't found link. thank you for all you're guy's help.
than you arent using the search right.. type the name of the app like for instance for resco file explorer type resco file or resco file explorer or file explorer.
03-03-2009, 11:20 PM
Thank you bro going to try it right now
--------- New Post Merged on 3/3/2009 at 10:11:55 --------
I used search bar and read through the posts and haven't found link. thank you for all you're guy's help.
bro, you gotta learn how to search man. here it is
it was only in the second page!
anyways, probex made a cab so you can use the regular file explorer that comes with your phone.
03-03-2009, 11:33 PM
thank you .i guess need to learn how to search better. so probex posted a .cab file earlier today was that the .cab file for reg file exp.thank you guys again i probally should leave you guys alone peace out for now lol.
03-03-2009, 11:41 PM
thank you .i guess need to learn how to search better. so probex posted a .cab file earlier today was that the .cab file for reg file exp.thank you guys again i probally should leave you guys alone peace out for now lol.
the first post on page 9 is the clock fix cab. that probex made just for YOU, just installed that, then the theme cab.
03-03-2009, 11:47 PM
Damn probex you rule thank you . josmau you have been a get help. if i can help somebody someday with something i will .lol.
--------- New Post Merged on 4/3/2009 at 04:01:56 --------
josamu, hey bro that thread you sent me i guess i don't have permission to veiw it need to be a member. So how can i do this. were do i join a group?
--------- New Post Merged on 4/3/2009 at 04:28:58 --------
Nevermind just tried to requsted to join a group hopefully i picked the right one .later
03-06-2009, 03:04 AM
just installed it on the latest mighty rom. seems to be working great so far.
03-09-2009, 04:25 PM
hey wat up i have a question when you unzip it on youre computer ididnt see the file marked back up. so i have to copy the sprint back up file to windows and soft reset and it will go back to stock. oh i haven't put on my phone yet just wanted to get this question answered first. looks cool as hell . thanks to who ever can help.
03-09-2009, 05:03 PM
hey wat up i have a question when you unzip it on youre computer ididnt see the file marked back up. so i have to copy the sprint back up file to windows and soft reset and it will go back to stock. oh i haven't put on my phone yet just wanted to get this question answered first. looks cool as hell . thanks to who ever can help.
According to probex's instruction, the .zip file with the back up folder, only relates to the clock fix... its not for the entire theme... after installing the entire theme, and simple uninstall will return you back to your basic theme... with the exeption of the clock, which is what the bak up folder is supposed to restore... if you dont have tha folder in the zip he's provided, i suggest you redownload again just to be sure... may have been a bad download
03-09-2009, 05:52 PM
ok cool thanks. Personaly i like the sprint 2 clock better than the default one. so probally wont change until i get the htc hd or diamond 2 thank you.
03-10-2009, 12:02 AM
ok cool thanks. Personaly i like the sprint 2 clock better than the default one. so probally wont change until i get the htc hd or diamond 2 thank you.
the sprint clock? that thang is ugly ahhhaa.... but thats the best part about the ppc world..... everyone has their own likes.
03-10-2009, 02:23 AM
ha ha dash,i am sure there are way better clocks out i was just diappointed when sprint change up the diamond somethings good others bad.dude i really hate to be a pain in the a** but i follwed those steps i thought i did it right? so i highlighted all the manial files move them to windows and overwrite the files . but frist i unloaded tf3d did rest i have the clock ha ha. installed .cab the same one i got my manila files from. i reset and nothing i am probally doing something wrong
03-10-2009, 03:49 AM
ha ha dash,i am sure there are way better clocks out i was just diappointed when sprint change up the diamond somethings good others bad.dude i really hate to be a pain in the a** but i follwed those steps i thought i did it right? so i highlighted all the manial files move them to windows and overwrite the files . but frist i unloaded tf3d did rest i have the clock ha ha. installed .cab the same one i got my manila files from. i reset and nothing i am probally doing something wrong
sounds like you are missing some manila files. back up all important info than do a hard reset and try again..... sounds like something in the windows folder is out of whack. also are you using total commander or resco file explorer? if not no need to hard reset.
03-10-2009, 11:42 AM
There is a .cab file for changing the sprint clock in my TF7X thread so you don't need to drag over any files manually. Just use that, then install the
03-10-2009, 12:29 PM
I am using resco explore.oh i thought that you had to copy files over for theme cause i already have the clock.I installed the .cab but nothing happens I am using killerx .cab. But i may have messed up i unzipped that file and moved it to my phone and from there i copied it to windows folder and reset it ect..... still i frist try just to install .cab file nothing happened. i really sure where i went wrong but i gusse ineed to do a hard reset and start all over. thank you DASH and PROBEX.
03-10-2009, 12:39 PM
I am using resco explore.oh i thought that you had to copy files over for theme cause i already have the clock.I installed the .cab but nothing happens I am using killerx .cab. But i may have messed up i unzipped that file and moved it to my phone and from there i copied it to windows folder and reset it ect..... still i frist try just to install .cab file nothing happened. i really sure where i went wrong but i gusse ineed to do a hard reset and start all over. thank you DASH and PROBEX.
Dont think a hard reset is necesarry... if you use the diamond config tool... the apperances tab... theres an option to restore the default tf3d theme, then you can try again, just installing the probex cab, and you should be good to go...
03-10-2009, 02:02 PM
I am using resco explore.oh i thought that you had to copy files over for theme cause i already have the clock.I installed the .cab but nothing happens I am using killerx .cab. But i may have messed up i unzipped that file and moved it to my phone and from there i copied it to windows folder and reset it ect..... still i frist try just to install .cab file nothing happened. i really sure where i went wrong but i gusse ineed to do a hard reset and start all over. thank you DASH and PROBEX.
did you soft reset after you installed the cab?
03-10-2009, 04:08 PM
yes i did and i just got though with a hard now i just need to to install and do a soft reset and i should be ok?
03-10-2009, 04:13 PM
yes i did and i just got though with a hard now i just need to to install and do a soft reset and i should be ok?
yup but first disable touchflo then install cab, to disable go into start/settings/personal/today and uncheck it
03-10-2009, 04:34 PM
yes i did and i just got though with a hard now i just need to to install and do a soft reset and i should be ok?
ouch?! whyd u hard reset?... oh well, let us know how it goes!
03-10-2009, 06:26 PM
damn do not know what i am doing wrong. uninstalled tf3d then i installed to my internal storage and did a soft reset then relaunch tf3d and NOTHING ahhgggg! i am not giving up this looks cool want it on my phone.Don't know what to do now there is probally a .theme file but .cab is the way to go so i have read.
03-10-2009, 06:45 PM
damn do not know what i am doing wrong. uninstalled tf3d then i installed to my internal storage and did a soft reset then relaunch tf3d and NOTHING ahhgggg! i am not giving up this looks cool want it on my phone.Don't know what to do now there is probally a .theme file but .cab is the way to go so i have read.
you must install to DEVICE, not internal storage.
03-10-2009, 07:07 PM
you must install to DEVICE, not internal storage.
nuff said ...
03-10-2009, 08:03 PM
ok guys thank you. going to try installing it to device this was my problem the whole time duh.let u know wat happens
--------- New Post Merged on 10/3/2009 at 10:19:17 --------
well it installed of course BUT i guess still waiting for the fix for that little white box in upper left corner so i tried to uninstall it to try something diffrent but i used tf3d config tool and it went back to stock.But i can't remove from intalled programs every time i try it it keeps saying error it didn't remove it all.Any ideas. thanks it looks great ecxpet for the white box.
03-10-2009, 11:45 PM
The white box is because you did not set the wallpaper in TF3D settings tab the wallpaper is in your My Documents folder. and if you want to uninstall you MUST shut off TF3D first.
03-11-2009, 01:29 AM
PROBEX that is one of best the themes i have installed on my phone am sure you heard that a million times but it is true thanks for it. so i looked for that pic didn't find it in my document maybe i need to un zip the cab and look for it.Damn way excited man the details are crazy. thks
--------- New Post Merged on 11/3/2009 at 12:43:25 --------
nevermind found it on another eariler post.
03-15-2009, 01:17 AM
1st post, wanted to say thanks for the amazing theme. 1st theme I've ever tried to install, all went well and I Love it!
although I'm going to get some flak for having a "chick" on my internet tab,
03-15-2009, 01:22 AM
I find its worth the flak... hahaha :) Imagine what I hear for maken themes with girls on the tabs.
03-15-2009, 05:37 PM
I find its worth the flak... hahaha :) Imagine what I hear for maken themes with girls on the tabs.
hahahhaha like O-OrangeX
03-19-2009, 05:17 AM
hi guys, i just finished reading through the thread and didnt see anybody who used this for the fuze... any input guys? would this work with the stock rom fuze?? im trying to hook up my friend's fuze, she lives quite far from my place and i just want to make sure if it works before i send her my way. thanks a lot!!!
03-19-2009, 12:25 PM
hi guys, i just finished reading through the thread and didnt see anybody who used this for the fuze... any input guys? would this work with the stock rom fuze?? im trying to hook up my friend's fuze, she lives quite far from my place and i just want to make sure if it works before i send her my way. thanks a lot!!!
yeah this will work on the fuze besides one small icon on the taskbar or so if i remember correctly (i think the 3g icon)
03-19-2009, 12:35 PM
yeah this will work on the fuze besides one small icon on the taskbar or so if i remember correctly (i think the 3g icon)
thanks for the quick reply!
03-25-2009, 04:31 AM
I really like the theme. Thanks for the hard work. I am kind of new here. The question I have is it worked good for me although two issues. The clock is set at 0:00 and then the lettering in some areas is dark and so is the theme so hard to see. Anyway to fix this?
03-25-2009, 04:44 AM
I really like the theme. Thanks for the hard work. I am kind of new here. The question I have is it worked good for me although two issues. The clock is set at 0:00 and then the lettering in some areas is dark and so is the theme so hard to see. Anyway to fix this?
change the fonts theres a thread here with many different fonts by godzson and for the clock you need to use the flip cab in the first post since it sounds like you are using a stock sprint rom.
03-25-2009, 05:05 AM
does it work with the at and t fuze? Reason why I am asking because I cant seem to figure out how to install the stock flip file.
03-25-2009, 01:41 PM
does it work with the at and t fuze? Reason why I am asking because I cant seem to figure out how to install the stock flip file.
thats for sprint with the flip clock and yes this will work... you just may be missing some custom taskbar images sicne this was made on a sprint phone by probex you wont have the 3g icon and possibly a few others.... but it will run without troubles.
03-28-2009, 07:20 PM
Yo D/\SH, what is the name of that app that u used in the vid for dling songs called? I heard "----pod mobile??"
03-28-2009, 08:03 PM
Yo D/\SH, what is the name of that app that u used in the vid for dling songs called? I heard "----pod mobile??"
seeqpod mobile but if you didnt get it while it was free it costs money and server side so no cracks or anything for it
03-28-2009, 08:20 PM
Thanks, I see I missed the window of opportunity!!! :stuck:
04-04-2009, 09:31 PM
Mr. Probex...your the best..100% awesome
04-14-2009, 06:51 PM
Tried to download and ended up completely f-ing up my PC. Don't know what the f*** im doing and it's frustrating.
--------- New Post Merged on 14/4/2009 at 06:01:11 --------
Holy crap! I just figured out how to install a .cab theme. Way to go me!!! haha
The only problem I'm having with this theme is the clock isn't working correctly. Maybe it's something I did.
If anyone can help me out in terms of icon customization, it would be greatly appreciated.
04-14-2009, 07:14 PM
The clock should be working unless you were running a sprint clock. If that is true then you need to install the sprint clock fix first then my theme.
04-14-2009, 07:28 PM
Cant figure out the clock fix..........:blush:
--------- New Post Merged on 14/4/2009 at 06:39:54 --------
I understand that most of you are probably annoyed by the fact that people constantly want help with this stuff, but I'm so lost it isn't even funny. I'm ready to break this phone I'm getting so frustrated......Either I'm retarded, or I just need better instruction......I'm pretty close to giving up all together......
--------- New Post Merged on 14/4/2009 at 06:53:12 --------
Nobody willing to help?
04-14-2009, 09:06 PM
Cant figure out the clock fix..........:blush:
--------- New Post Merged on 14/4/2009 at 06:39:54 --------
I understand that most of you are probably annoyed by the fact that people constantly want help with this stuff, but I'm so lost it isn't even funny. I'm ready to break this phone I'm getting so frustrated......Either I'm retarded, or I just need better instruction......I'm pretty close to giving up all together......
--------- New Post Merged on 14/4/2009 at 06:53:12 --------
Nobody willing to help?
hey bro i can help u hit me by pm or email ,i got no problem helping ppl out and im sure AMJ dont either but u gotta be patient they prob busy helping other ppl out
04-14-2009, 09:35 PM
hey bro i can help u hit me by pm or email ,i got no problem helping ppl out and im sure AMJ dont either but u gotta be patient they prob busy helping other ppl out
thanks for the offer and stepping up but the reason we have a forum is to ask questions and have them displayed for everyone to see.... if you do via pm no one else will be able to see that.
04-14-2009, 09:48 PM
Is there a specific thread I should post my questions regarding customization?
04-14-2009, 10:34 PM
Is there a specific thread I should post my questions regarding customization?
THere is a section here where if you have questions about ur touch pro go ,i think you click on forum then general questions and then you click on touch pro and thats where you go for all ur tp questions,but say ur on stone killer theme by probex and u need help with his clock you can ask there bc its regarding his theme.
05-05-2009, 12:55 PM
he clock should be working unless you were running a sprint clock. If that is true then you need to install the sprint clock fix first then my theme.
05-05-2009, 12:56 PM
he clock should be working unless you were running a sprint clock. If that is true then you need to install the sprint clock fix first then my theme.
your theme? you mean probexs theme correct?
05-05-2009, 12:59 PM
he clock should be working unless you were running a sprint clock. If that is true then you need to install the sprint clock fix first then my theme.
Yea bro follow the easy steps above and ull be all good.
05-15-2009, 01:09 PM
keep up the good work..well done
05-18-2009, 09:11 AM
good thing!:camera:
05-18-2009, 09:22 AM
keep up the good work..well done
good thing!:camera:
hi i see you thit not make welcome introduction you have to do that and instead of posting good thing on a few threads hit the marked as installed on the left and the thanks button to
grtz weesje
05-18-2009, 06:44 PM
nice work bro.................
05-25-2009, 06:08 PM
im new at this, can somoeone help me. i wanna download some tf3d themes for my phone.
05-25-2009, 06:13 PM
im new at this, can somoeone help me. i wanna download some tf3d themes for my phone.
did you read or attempt to do a search? if it is a cab file you just place on your storage card and click to install and install to main memory...... you can find ore in depth on installation of cabs in my signature below through the noob guide.... and for if they are .theme files you have to use the theme config tool 0.6.7 and than watch the video in that thread and it will guide you through it step by step. (also there is a thread in the tutorial section explaining step by step how to do it.)
05-25-2009, 06:14 PM
im new at this, can somoeone help me. I wanna download some tf3d themes for my phone.
hi and welcome bud make new members introduction first so whe can help you on your way oke you have to join members software group and whait for approval
grtz weesje
06-12-2009, 10:59 PM
06-19-2009, 11:18 AM
let me see,why no image
06-19-2009, 11:22 AM
let me see,why no image
Y no image where bro? Please give us more info if you need help thanks
06-19-2009, 02:01 PM
let me see,why no image
the image is right in the first post and works fine....... try a different browser since you are having troubles... i would recommend that your try firefox.
06-19-2009, 02:53 PM
Wuts gud everyone, Im new to this sight and to my touch pro and i need sum help on how to look at pictures of the i can see which one i want to choose and how to put it on my phone. Ive been trying to do it myself for several hours. HELP!!
06-19-2009, 02:55 PM
Wuts gud everyone, Im new to this sight and to my touch pro and i need sum help on how to look at pictures of the i can see which one i want to choose and how to put it on my phone. Ive been trying to do it myself for several hours. HELP!!
First thing you have to do is make an intro in the members section ,then you have to join member group so u can download and view images
06-19-2009, 03:01 PM
the image is right in the first post and works fine....... try a different browser since you are having troubles... i would recommend that your try firefox.
hell yea firefox the best and renders better...dont know about the other's and don't care too.
06-19-2009, 03:03 PM
I dont mean to sound slow or anything but, how do i make my intro and how do i get to the members section?
06-19-2009, 03:06 PM
I dont mean to sound slow or anything but, how do i make my intro and how do i get to the members section?
well you do sound like you slow !!! because when you register all available information is attached to your welcome email and your private message.So lets check does pm or email.
06-19-2009, 03:40 PM
atfer i check my pm & email wut i do cause i didnt see nuthin on any of them.
06-19-2009, 07:30 PM
atfer i check my pm & email wut i do cause i didnt see nuthin on any of them.
are you kidding? you click on the links in that email and it will bring you to what it talks about..... thats why you can click on the text it is jsut hyperlinked.
07-15-2009, 11:49 PM
installed it today and i have to say i am impressed. i think i am starting to get the hang of this. thanks
07-16-2009, 04:17 AM
installed it today and i have to say i am impressed. i think i am starting to get the hang of this. thanks
Glad you are liking the Theme , the more you try theme's and app's out the better you get !!!!
09-14-2009, 03:14 PM
hey dash i just install this theme for my att htc fuze. everything installed ok. but i can't get the background pic to work. its just a black background. can u tell me what im doing wrong?? thanks
09-14-2009, 03:17 PM
hey dash i just install this theme for my att htc fuze. everything installed ok. but i can't get the background pic to work. its just a black background. can u tell me what im doing wrong?? thanks
you need to go to the settings tab than add wallpaper and under there you will find the wallpaper for this theme in my documents.
09-14-2009, 03:57 PM
you need to go to the settings tab than add wallpaper and under there you will find the wallpaper for this theme in my documents.
for some reason i can't still get it to work. the back ground pic is still black. do i have to copy the png file into some other folder??? sorrie for the trouble
09-14-2009, 11:42 PM
for some reason i can't still get it to work. the back ground pic is still black. do i have to copy the png file into some other folder??? sorrie for the trouble
you are using regular touchflo 3d correcT? what rom are you on? what phone are you trying to use this on?
09-15-2009, 12:35 AM
you are using regular touchflo 3d correcT? what rom are you on? what phone are you trying to use this on?
nvm. ok i got it to work now. thanks alot. really love this theme and the alienX. great job !!!
09-15-2009, 02:03 AM
nvm. ok i got it to work now. thanks alot. really love this theme and the alienX. great job !!!
That is good to hear , make sure you Hit that Thanks an Install button for ProbeX
09-15-2009, 03:47 AM
just wondering if there is a way that i can get this to work for TF3D2 if not is there away i can just go back to TF3D ?
09-15-2009, 03:16 PM
just wondering if there is a way that i can get this to work for TF3D2 if not is there away i can just go back to TF3D ?
you would ahve to flash a rom liket he new fall release of the mighty rom..... and this will only work on TF3d and not TF3d2 or 2.1 or 2.5
09-17-2009, 01:00 PM
Stone chrome killer x by PROBE-X is one of the best tf3d themes for the htc diamond that I have installed. Awesome graphics. Thanks hero!!!!
09-17-2009, 03:01 PM
Stone chrome killer x by PROBE-X is one of the best tf3d themes for the htc diamond that I have installed. Awesome graphics. Thanks hero!!!!
i have to agree, this has always been one of my favorites, i hope this is converted to wvga resolution for TF3d 2
09-17-2009, 08:08 PM
Yes this is converted, everything installed fine and wallpaper works nicely with theme . 1 thing for everyone to remember when downloading this theme or any theme in cab file is to download it to the device and NOT THE STORAGE CARD. I hope that this info helps everyone on AMJ especially all NOOB'S. I read the noob instructions here and found that out first hand. Thanks AMJ and keep up the awesome work.
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