02-12-2009, 10:13 PM
[URL Attempt (https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=180884)] User received an error - No action required!
I made my own cable...
here are the instructions:
1) HTC Audio 2.5mm/USB Splitter Cable can be found here http://accessoryone.com/htc-utstarco...s-pr-5594.html (http://accessoryone.com/htc-utstarcom-headset-adapter-25-mp6900-ppc6800-vogue-oem-scb-wireless-pr-5594.html)
these also came with the 6800 and 6900. (I had a couple lying around)
2) A standard RCA cable cut in half
Steps to Build your cable
Start off by taking the cable splitter:
http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2306/243/14/1034256930/n1034256930_306680_2832.jpg AND CUT THE END HEADPHONE END OFF:
http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2306/243/14/1034256930/n1034256930_306679_1930.jpgI used an exacto knife to carefully strip back the plastic from the wires from the 2.5mm side of the adapter.
DO NOT cut off the metal shielding from the cable just peel it back.
The wires on the 2.5mm adpater are: RED,GREEN,BLACK,BLUE,WHITE,YELLOW - You will not need the yellow wire so cut it off/pull it out.
Do the same for the RCA CABLE:
Now the fun part, splicing them all together in the right pairs:
Here is how to build the cable connect.
WHITE - Positive for VIDEO
BLUE - Negative for VIDEO
BLACK - Positive AUDIO Left
GREEN - Positive AUDIO Right
RED - Connect both Negatives for audio to this wire then ground this to the Shielding (Doing this will help prevent noise!)
Remove the no.4 pin from the ext-usb end.
This will allow the phone to see the adapter as a video adapter instead of a headset. I used a thumb tack to lift the pin, and then just wiggled it back and forth from right to left with an exacto knife until it snapped out...
you could also try a small set of tweezers to pull it out (THIS IS THE HARDEST PART)
tape that sucker up and enjoy!
I made my own cable...
here are the instructions:
1) HTC Audio 2.5mm/USB Splitter Cable can be found here http://accessoryone.com/htc-utstarco...s-pr-5594.html (http://accessoryone.com/htc-utstarcom-headset-adapter-25-mp6900-ppc6800-vogue-oem-scb-wireless-pr-5594.html)
these also came with the 6800 and 6900. (I had a couple lying around)
2) A standard RCA cable cut in half
Steps to Build your cable
Start off by taking the cable splitter:
http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2306/243/14/1034256930/n1034256930_306680_2832.jpg AND CUT THE END HEADPHONE END OFF:
http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2306/243/14/1034256930/n1034256930_306679_1930.jpgI used an exacto knife to carefully strip back the plastic from the wires from the 2.5mm side of the adapter.
DO NOT cut off the metal shielding from the cable just peel it back.
The wires on the 2.5mm adpater are: RED,GREEN,BLACK,BLUE,WHITE,YELLOW - You will not need the yellow wire so cut it off/pull it out.
Do the same for the RCA CABLE:
Now the fun part, splicing them all together in the right pairs:
Here is how to build the cable connect.
WHITE - Positive for VIDEO
BLUE - Negative for VIDEO
BLACK - Positive AUDIO Left
GREEN - Positive AUDIO Right
RED - Connect both Negatives for audio to this wire then ground this to the Shielding (Doing this will help prevent noise!)
Remove the no.4 pin from the ext-usb end.
This will allow the phone to see the adapter as a video adapter instead of a headset. I used a thumb tack to lift the pin, and then just wiggled it back and forth from right to left with an exacto knife until it snapped out...
you could also try a small set of tweezers to pull it out (THIS IS THE HARDEST PART)
tape that sucker up and enjoy!