View Full Version : [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM

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02-19-2009, 10:00 PM


If you appreciate my work, please donate

http://i44.tinypic.com/2zy8q68.jpg (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4943162)

Telus Mobility | Sprint PCS | Verizon | MTS | Cricket | Alltel | Cellular South | Bell Mobility
Click Here To Download MightyROM5_06.09.09_Herman.exe (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM5_06.09.09_Herman.exe)
Click Here To Download MightyROM5_06.09.09L_Herman.exe (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM5_06.09.09L_Herman.exe) [Detailed Information (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=962939&postcount=14055)]
Windows Phone 6.5 CE OS 21731 Build 21731.5.0.20
[ ] New OEM Driver Base
[ ] HTC Task Manager 2.1.35349.400
[ ] HTC Volume Control 2.1.1913.3825
[ ] HTC Camera 6.01.32976.00
[ ] Voice Recorder 1.10.19123431.0
[ ] Removed EzInput SIP
[ ] Opera Mobile 9.5.16643

[ Download MightyROM 4.16 (http://www.sbbala.com/ppcgeeks/MightyROM4.16_032509R.rar) ]

i take no credit for this rom and the original thread by the developer can be found here:

02-19-2009, 11:01 PM
http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/mighty.pngVisual Customizationhttp://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/mighty.png

MightyMike and LilRico TF3D Themes are made specifically for MightyROMs and are guaranteed to work with current ROM builds without creating any compatibility issues.
These themes includes a Manila color change, a matching tsk change, and a volume control change, which can be installed by simply downloading the .cab provided in the links below

TF3D Full Theme Install:

MightyMike & LilRico Midnight Blue Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Midnight%20Blue%20Ful l.cab) Updated 30-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico Slappahoe Red Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Slappahoe%20Red%20Ful l.cab) Updated 30-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico Pumpkin Pie Orange Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Pumpkin%20Pie%20Orang e%20Full.cab) Updated 30-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico PIMPstick Purple Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PIMPstick%20Purple%20 Full.cab) Updated 30-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico Hello Kitty Pink Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Hello%20Kitty%20Pink% 20Full.cab) Updated 30-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico Sunny Delight Yellow Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Sunny%20Delight%20Yel low%20Full.cab) Updated 30-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico Mighty Whitey Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dwhite/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Mighty%20Whitey%20Ful l.cab) Updated 21-March-09
MightyMike & LilRico Everlasting Cactus Green Full (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Everlasting%20Cactus% 20Green%20Full.cab) Updated 30-March-09

TF3D Themes:
MightyMike & LilRico Midnight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Midnight%20Blue.cab)

MightyMike & LilRico Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Slappahoe%20Red.cab)

MightyMike & LilRico Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Pumpkin%20Pie%20Orang e.cab)

MightyMike & LilRico PIMPstick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PIMPstick%20Purple.ca b)

MightyMike & LilRico Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Hello%20Kitty%20Pink. cab)

MightyMike & LilRico Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Sunny%20Delight%20Yel low.cab)

MightyMike & LilRico Dodo Brown (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dbrown/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Dodo%20Brown.cab)

MightyMike & LilRico Mighty Whitey

Volume controls:
Midnight Blue ___|__ Slappahoe Red ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange ___|__ PIMPstick Purple ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink
Sunny Delight Yellow ___|__ Dodo Brown ___|__ Everlasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Everlasting%20Cactus% 20Green%20Volume.cab) ___|__ Mighty Whitey

MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/bluew.png) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/redw.png) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/orangew.png) ___|__ PIMPStick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/purplew.png) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/pinkw.png)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/Yelloww.png) ___|__ Dodo Brown (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dbrown/brownw.png) ___|__ Blackout Gray (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/grayw.png) ___|__ EverLasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/greenw.PNG) ___|__ Mighty Whitey (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dwhite/whitew.png)

>Wallpaper on all tabs .cab< (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/mUn%20BackGround4AllPages%20v.02.cab)
Thanks mun_rus from XDA

MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20MidNight%20Blue%20Sli der.cab) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Slappahoe%20Red%20Sli der.cab) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Pumpkin%20Pie%20Orang e%20Slider.cab) ___|__ PIMPStick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PIMPstick%20Purple%20 Slider.cab) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Hello%20Kitty%20Pink% 20Slider.cab)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Sunny%20Delight%20Yel low%20Slider.cab) ___|__ Dodo Brown (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dbrown/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Dodo%20Brown%20Slider .cab) ___|__ Blackout (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblackout/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Blackout%20Slider.cab ) ___|__ Everlasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Everlasting%20Cactus% 20Green%20Slider.cab) ___|__ Mighty Whitey

These sliders will work correctly on Mighty Mike - Call History + Comm Manager + Calendar Tab

MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Midnight%20Blue%20Clo ck.cab) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Slappahoe%20Red%20Clo ck.cab) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Pumpkin%20Pie%20Orang e%20Clock.cab) ___|__ PIMPstick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PIMPstick%20Purple%20 Clock.cab) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Hello%20Kitty%20Pink% 20Clock.cab)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Sunny%20Delight%20Yel low%20Clock.cab) ___|__ Everlasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Everlasting%20Cactus% 20Green%20Clock.cab) ___|__ Mighty Whitey (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dwhite/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Mighty%20Whitey%20Clo ck.cab)

Random Access:
MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Midnight%20Blue%20RA. cab) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Slappahoe%20Red%20RA. cab) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Pumpkin%20Pie%20Orang e%20RA.cab) ___|__ PIMPstick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PIMPstick%20Purple%20 RA.cab) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Hello%20Kitty%20Pink% 20RA.cab)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Sunny%20Delight%20Yel low%20RA.cab) ___|__ Everlasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Everlasting%20Cactus% 20Green%20RA.cab) ___|__ Whity Tighties (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dwhite/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20Mighty%20Whitey%20RA. cab)

HTC Menu Enhancement:
MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20MNB%20Menu%20Enhance. cab) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20SHR%20Menu%20Enhance. cab) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PPO%20Menu%20Enhance. cab) ___|__ PIMPstick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20PSP%20Menu%20Enhance. cab) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20HKP%20Menu%20Enhance. cab)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20SDY%20Menu%20Enhance. cab) ___|__ Dodo Brown (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dbrown/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20DDB%20Menu%20Enhance. cab) ___|__ MightyROM Blackout (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblackout/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20MBO%20Menu%20Enhance. cab)

Dialers: Coming Soon

MightyMike- For giving me the opportunity to work with you on your ROM's and themes.
Nimdock- For my MightROM Logo
Users of my themes- Thanks for using my work and using it proudly.
All I ask is that you hit the thanks button down below.
Over 2,000 hits for my themes and I know not everyone has thanked me, given me credit, or has used my work for more then what it was intended for.
For those that have, I specially thank you, and its because of you I work hard and will continue to support!

02-19-2009, 11:02 PM


[ Download MightyROM5 (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM5_05.24.09_Herman.exe) ]

Windows 21234 Build 21234
[ .. ] Updated Voice Recorder
[ .. ] Updated Camera
[ .. ] Updated Google Maps
[ .. ] Removed Opera From Bootloader
[ .. ] Fixed Camera Going Blank Intermittently
[ .. ] Fixed Youtube Controls Missing Intermittently
[ .. ] Removed Calibration Screen
[ .. ] Pre-Set, Accurate Screen Calibration

[ Download MightyROM5 (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM5_05.08.09_Herman.exe) ] [May.08.09]
Windows 21222 Build 21222
[ .. ] Reverted To HTC Album 2.5
[ .. ] Added Voice Recorder
[ .. ] Fixed Camera Going Blank Intermittently
[ .. ] Fixed Youtube Controls Missing Intermittently

[ Download MightyROM5 (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM5_05.07.09_Herman.exe) ] [ May 7th, 2009 ]
Windows 21222 Build 21222
[ .. ] [GhettoFreeRyder / Mighty Mike - Kitchen] [Version 1.0]
[ .. ] New Kitchen Base
[ .. ] New OEM Base
[ .. ] Microsoft MyPhone
[ .. ] Java Runtime Environment
[ .. ] Improved System Performance
[ .. ] TouchFLO3D Performance Increased
[ .. ] Fixed Text Messaging Display Bug
[ .. ] Customized Notifications Display
[ .. ] Customized Softkey Menu's
[ .. ] Updated Display Drivers
[ .. ] Updated System Drivers
[ .. ] HTC Tachi Album 3
[ .. ] Updated Google Maps Icon
[ .. ] Updated Concurrence Manager
[ .. ] Cleaned Up Registry Edits

[ Download MightyROM5 (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/MIGHTY5_04.25.09r.rar) ] [ April 25th, 2009 - 7pm EST]
Windows Phone 6.5 | 21501 Build 21501
[ + ] Voice Command
[ # ] Fixed Remote Desktop Mobile [Techboss - PPCGeeks]
[ # ] Fixed Text Messaging Mark As Read Notification
[ # ] Fixed Corrupt Ringtone Error

[ April.21.09 ]
Windows Phone 6.5 | 21501 Build 21501
[ + ] MightyROM5 9-Custom Designer Themes [Partner In Crime / Lil Rico - PPCGeeks]
[ + ] MightyROM5 Custom Ev Icon [MightyMike - PPCGeeks]
[ + ] MightyROM5 Custom Battery Icons [MightyMike - PPCGeeks]
[ + ] MightyROM5 Custom Startup Animation [PoorlyDuck - PPCGeeks]
[ + ] HTC Default Data Disconnect Notifications
[ + ] HTC Tachi Notifications
[ + ] Internet Explorer 8
[ + ] Windows Phone Lock Screen
[ + ] HTC Avatar
[ + ] HTC Ringtone Suite
[ # ] Adobe PDF 2.5
[ # ] Youtube 1.6.1822.2028
[ # ] RSS Hub
[ # ] Teeter 1.6.1820.1925
[ # ] Task Manager 2.1.3785.1
[ # ] Volume Control 1.6.1820.1829
[ # ] Streaming Media 3.1.1914.1226
[ # ] Streaming SDK 2.7.19132219.00
[ # ] Autorun 4.31.6
[ # ] Check Autorun
[ # ] Autoshortcut
[ # ] Bootlauncher 1.0.35330.2
[ # ] Concurrence Manager 1.2.18192826.0000
[ # ] PocketRAR 3.8 Final
MightyROM Release Log
o n e r o m t o r u l e t h e m a l l

Telus | Sprint | Alltel | MTS | Cricket | Bell Mobility |Cellular South | Verizon
( S e r v e r - 1 P r o v i d e d B y L i l R i c o )
( S e r v e r - 2 P r o v i d e d B y C e d o N u l l i )
( S e r v e r - 3 P r o v i d e d B y S t e v e d U S A )
( S e r v e r - 4 P r o v i d e d B y P y r o t e c h - T o t a l G a m e r )

Get YourCopy Of MightyROM 4.16 Right Here! (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM4.16_032509R.rar)

Additional Cab's
[Tsowen Taskbar 3 v1.4_032209.cab (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/tsowentaskbar3v1.4_032209.cab)] MightyMike & Lil Rico Revision 1
[HTC Rhodium/Topaz Notification Enhancements.cab (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/HTC%20Rhodium%20Notification%20Enhancement.cab)]

MightyROM 4.16
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771
[ # ] nueGpsSecurity
[ # ] Volume Settings Set Default To "System"
[ # ] Minor Registry Edits
[ # ] Updated System .Dll's

MightyROM 4.15
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771 AKU 1.4.6
[ # ] Optimized ROM For Final Build
[ # ] Optimized System Tweaks
[ # ] Stock Pocket IE
[ # ] PACKAGE_Rhodium_HTC_Menu
[ # ] PACKAGE_Topaz_System_Icons
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BootLauncher_1.0.37394.1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_AutoShortcut_1.1.2.0
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BTBPP_1.7.18.R1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_HTC_APM_1.5.1819.3426
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_Concurrence Manager_1.5.1911.1625

MightyROM 4.14
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771 AKU 1.4.6
[ + ] New - System Icons
[ # ] Fixed - RSS Hub Opening Links In Opera
[ # ] Fixed - Flash In Opera (Tested Youtube.com & Works Fine)
[ # ] Updated - Internet Explorer 6
[ # ] Updated - Drivers!
[ # ] Updated - EZInput Package (Faster Typing Speeds)
[ # ] Updated - Enlarge Start Menu .dll's (Faster Draw Speeds)
[ # ] Updated - Manila Engine (Thanks Juicy)
[ # ] Updated - Audio Manager
[ # ] Revised - Many More Registry Edits Throughout OS
[ # ] Removed - Battery Monitor, PHM Reg Edit, JetCet Print, Soft Reset Utility, Network Plugin,

MightyROM 4.13 (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/ROMs/MightyROM_4.13.rar)
[ # ] CE OS 20765 Build 20765 AKU 1.4.4
[ # ] Opera Mobile 9.5.15954
[ # ] New Adobe Flash Package
[ # ] nueGPS Security
[ # ] + New Registry Mods
[ # ] Hardware Keyboard Lag Removed
[ # ] + New Updated Drivers
[ # ] ... More I Can't Remember

02-19-2009, 11:05 PM
[/code]I'd like to thank the following for making MightyROM What it is today!

GhettoFreeRyder, Calkulin, Conflipper, TobeyChris, Juicy, Cmonex, Juggalo X, Devileyezz, Lil Rico

MightyROM Package Contents

Internet Explorer 6
Office Mobile
One Note Mobile
Remote Desktop
Voice Command
Windows Live
UC Autorun

Audio Booster
Audio Manager
MP3 Trimmer
Voice Recorder
HTC Album
Flash 3.1
Streaming Media

HTC Network Plugin
OBEX Inbox

PIM Backup
Pocket RAR
Google Maps
Adobe PDF

User Interface:
Enlarge Start Menu
Volume Control
Large Title Bar
Random Access
Task Manager
TouchFLO 3D
Phone Canvas Dialer
EZInput / XT9

Outlook Enhancements
Picture Enhancements
Notification Enhancements
Ringtone Plugin

changelog archive

MightyROM 4.13
[ # ] CE OS 20765 Build 20765 AKU 1.4.4
[ # ] Opera Mobile 9.5.14954 w. Full Flash Support
[ # ] New Adobe Flash Package
[ # ] nueGPS Security
[ # ] + New Registry Mods
[ # ] Hardware Keyboard Lag Removed
[ # ] + New Updated Drivers
[ # ] ... More I Can't Remember

MightyROM 4.12
[ # ] CE OS 20765 Build 20765 AKU 1.4.4
[ # ] Fixed - Microsoft Exchange Push-Mail Issues
[ # ] New - Smart Phone Tracker (Track Your Lost/Stolen Phone) (NO Shortcut / Hidden In Program Files)
[ # ] Added - REV A (Alltel Users Only)
[ # ] Updated - HTC Album 2.5.1820.4127 - Diamond2

MightyROM 4.11
[ # ] NEW - System 20765 Build 20765
[ + ] NEW - TPRO2 Leak - HTC Calculator
[ + ] NEW - Windows Mobile 6.5 Start Icon
[ + ] NEW - HTC Sliding Sounds
[ # ] Fixed - Camera Package
[ # ] Fixed - EzInput Keyboard Package
[ # ] Fixed - Random Access Bug - Contacts Appear Always On Top Of Screen
[ # ] Fixed - Device Lock - After Setting Lock Password, Long Press End Key NOW Works)
[ # ] Fixed - Google Maps Contact Mapping
[ # ] Fixed - Manila Clock - Smoother Black, No Pixels *Thanks Lil Rico*
[ # ] Reverted - Youtube Application - Faster Streaming Performance
[ # ] Tweaked - Speed Improvements

MightyROM 4.10 "Battle of the 4.10's"
MightyROM 4.10 Hotfix Releases
Important Hotfix Released February 19th, 2009 [Click Here For More Info (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=722233&postcount=4414)]
Important Hotfix Released February 20th, 2009 [Click Here For More Info (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=724616&postcount=4713)]
[ # ] Updated - TouchFLO = Smoother Scrolling Throughout OS
[ # ] Fixed - Volume Control Freezing
[ # ] Fixed - EPST Codes WORK For Sprint Users
[ # ] Fixed - Battery Registry Tweaks = Longer Battery Life For Your Beloved PRO!
[ # ] Fixed - Long Press End Key - Lock Device - Screen Now Dims
[ # ] Fixed - Disabled Fast Dormant Display On Phonecall
[ # ] Reverted - Stock HTC TouchPRO Manila "Green"
[ # ] Reverted - White Slide 2 Answer
[ # ] Reverted - White Calculator Skin
[ # ] Reverted - Stock AudioPara (In-Call Volume)
[ # ] NEW - 3 Row SMS Input *Thanks Lil RIco*
[ # ] NEW - Audio Booster Icon
[ # ] NEW - Quick GPS Icon
[ # ] NEW - Calculator Icon

MightyROM 4.9.5 Hotfix Releases
Important Hotfix Released February 11th, 2009 [Click Here For More Info (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=707563&postcount=3600)]
[ # ] Default - 24MB PagePool
[ # ] Fixed - Landscape Onscreen Keyboard
[ # ] Added - Multi-Language Support EzInput
[ # ] Customized - Mighty Custom BLACK Theme ,Tsk
[ # ] Default - Slide 2 Answer BLACK - *Thanks Ruskiyab*
[ # ] Modified - Phone Pad Dialer *Thanks Lil Rico*

[ # ] Complete Manila Overhaul By Lil Rico!
[ # ] Manila CFC Patched (Improves Manila Speed + Reduces Files By 6MB)
[ # ] Lil Rico Black Focus Highlights (Green Highlights Removed)
[ # ] Lil Rico Black Focus Communications Manager
[ # ] Lil Rico Custom Volume Control (Metallic/Black Gradients)
[ # ] Lil Rico Custom Black Microsoft Keyboard
[ # ] Added - MightyMike BLACKOUT Customization
Includes BLACK Slide 2 Answer + Black Call Log Upon Flash
Can be removed from Add/Remove Programs (Reverts To White)
[ # ] Updated - Manila Engine (Touch HD Engine)
[ # ] Added - HD People Tab In TouchFlo3D
[ # ] Updated - Google Maps With Latitude Support
[ # ] Added - Hardware Keyboard Registry Tweaks
[ # ] Reverted - Opera 9.5.15316

[ # ] Massive OS Speed Improvements
[ # ] Sprint PowerDeck = TouchPRO *MerdinH Saves The Day!!!!!*
[ # ] New IE6 Package *Thanks MerdinH*
[ -- ] Telus Carrier Settings
[ + ] Sprint Carrier Settings / MightyMike Custom Build
--------Compatible with all carriers, although build to provide many sprint specific settings
[ + ] HTorch 3.2
[ + ] Opera Mobile 9.5.15455
[ -- ] Ezinput Language Support > English ONLY
[ # ] Re-Added TVOut Functionality

02-19-2009, 11:21 PM
[ # ] Updated - Windows Live 10.6.0046.0800
[ # ] Updated - Adobe Flash (Custom Leaked Version) *Thanks Juicy*
[ # ] Fixed - Camera Fun Frame Templates Added
[ # ] Tweaked - Vibrate On Phonecall Connect Set As Default
[ # ] Removed - Large Title Bar Icon In Settings Menu (Option Located In TouchFLO)
[ # ] Fixed - Signal Strength 5 Bar Display
[ # ] TouchPro Device ID

[ # ] Re-Customized 20764 Sys (Fixed Some Missing Files)
[ # ] Fixed - Windows Live Messenger "Broken" Emoticons
[ # ] Removed - Comm Manager Icon (Double Icons In Communications)

[ # ] Sprint Leaked 20764 System
[ # ] Complete OEM Overhaul
[ # ] Finally Fixed Ringtone Bugs
[ + ] JetCet Print
[ + ] WorldCard Mobile
[ # ] Fixed Audio Booster Stretching Off Screen
[ - ] Removed Telus DNS Server Settings

[ # ] SYS 20764
[ # ] XIP 20764
[ # ] 20MB Page Pool Set
[ + ] Updated - Phonecanvas Slide 2 Answer [Conflipper Build]
[ # ] Fixed - Random Loss In Ringtones
[ # ] Revised - Slightly Wider Scrollbars (Increased By 3 Pixels)

[ + ] New Custom MIGHTYROM XIP Provided By Calkulin
[ + ] New Custom MIGHTYROM Sys Provided By Calkulin
[ + ] ROM Smaller Footprint - Only 101MB .nbh
[ + ] Added - Preloaded Modules For Faster Startup
[ + ] Added - "Reply" Function In Email *Thanks Mikee4fun*
[ # ] Fixed - Large Start Menu Stock Color Settings
[ # ] Fixed - 1st Letter (On Screen Keyboard) Disappearing Sometimes
[ # ] Updated - Phone Canvas 3.40.33475.0
[ # ] Revised - Custom Registry Tweaks
[ # ] Reverted - EzInput 1.5.32285.0 (Stock TP Build)
[ - ] Removed - SD Encryption

[ # ] Overhaul - All Registry Tweaks Reviewed, More Tweaks Added
[ # ] Updated - Custom Teeter Build - 50 Levels *Thanks Conflipper*
[ # ] Reverted - Opera 9.5.15316 with Real Exit Feature
[ # ] Fixed - Teeter Vibration Sensor
[ # ] Fixed - OBEX Inbox Storage Location
[ # ] Fixed - UC Autorun Initialize Location
[ # ] Fixed - Camera Freezing (Sport Mode, Burst Mode, etc)
[ # ] Fixed - OEMDrivers RGU (Old Diamond Reg Entries Modulated For TPRO)
[ # ] Added - NEW HTC Task Manager Application (Programs Menu)

[ # ] Updated - Phonecanvas 3.40.33475.0 [Slide 2 Answer]
[ # ] Updated - Youtube 1.6.1822.2028
[ # ] Updated - DShow 081111.0
[ # ] Updated - RSS Hub w. Custom Icon :)
[ # ] Updated - Streaming Media 3.0.18221528.00
[ # ] Updated - BTFTP 1.2.33309.91
[ # ] Updated - EPST
[ # ] Updated - Random Access 4.1.18222125.0
[ # ] Updated - Audio Manager 1.6.18221325,0
[ # ] Updated - JBed Custom Icon :)
[ # ] Reverted - Hold Send Key - Voice Command Prompt
[ # ] Reverted - Opera 9.5.15202

[ # ] Fixed - Games Icon Picture
[ # ] Updated - Opera 9.5.15316
[ # ] Updated - JBed Java 20081016_21R2
[ # ] Resized Vertical Scroll Bar Width (Smaller)

[ # ] Fixed - Sprint TV - Fixed OEMS & Driver Issues
HUGE Thanks To Juggalo & Juicy & Ivan & Calkulin For Sprint TV Fix!!!!!!
[ # ] Fixed - Signal Strength Reg Key Indicator
[ # ] Fixed - On-Screen Keyboard Change
[ # ] Fixed - Touch Pro Camera OEM - Flash Enabled
[ # ] Removed - Inbox Menu Extensibility

[ # ] Custom Build 21109 SYS
[ # ] MightyROM 4.1 Diamond Base
[ # ] Updated - Manila Engine 1.2.35091.2_1813.6
[ # ] Updated - Tons of Registry Tweaks
[ # ] Reverted - D3D Drivers From MightyROM 4.1 (Software Incompatibility)

MightyROM 4.1 - Diamond Edition
[ + ] Added - MightyROM Custom Splash *Thanks Briggs For The Wonderful Photoshop*
[FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][ + ] Added - [COLOR=white]Social Networks Engine - Facebook & Youtube Uploads (Thanks Conflipper)
[ + ] Updated - SIP EzInput 1.5.32785.0
[ + ] Updated - SIP XT9 IME 1.5.33136.0
[ + ] Updated - D3D Drivers - HTC 2.03 Build
[ + ] Optimized - SIP Auto Deploy Feature Enabled
[ + ] Fixed - TF3D Email Tab/Envelope Icon *Thank You Juggalo*
[ + ] Fixed - TF3D People Tab/Left Softkey "All People" *Thank You Juggalo*
[ + ] Fixed - PIE6 System Loadup

02-20-2009, 01:19 AM
Updated - Quick GPS[/COLOR] [/COLOR]1.00.18173430.1[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[ # ] Updated - Random Access 4.1.1819.2922.0
[ # ] Updated - Task Manager 2.1.35349.400
[ # ] Updated - Teeter 1.4.1819.2028.0
[ # ] Updated - Opera Mobile 9.5.15202
[ # ] Updated - Album 2.2.1820.3428.M0
[ # ] Updated - Audio Booster 2.1.1816.2328.4
[ # ] Updated - Audio Manager 1.6.1820.3027.h
[ # ] Updated - FM Radio 1.6.1817.4024.1
[ # ] Updated - Voice Recorder 1.10.1819.1927.1
[ # ] Updated - YouTube 1.0.1819.4027
[ # ] Updated - EzInput 1.5.32715.0
[ # ] Updated - Full Screen Player 1.05.081015
[ # ] Updated - GSensorCalibrator 1.0.1819.2126
[ # ] Updated - HTC Gesture 1.0.32356.0
[ # ] Updated - SmartTouch 1.0.32417.1
[ # ] Updated - Startup Animation
[ # ] Updated - USB To PC 2.2.1819.1228.1
[ # ] Updated - Display Drivers
[ # ] Updated - Manila Files
[ # ] Removed - Advanced Config Utility
[ # ] Removed - Music ID[/code]

MightyROM Wallpapers by: Nimdock (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/member.php?u=198158)
If you use any these wallpapers please give Nimdock a thanks for his hard work here: Post (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=757905&postcount=1724)

Version 1: Solid Black Background
MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MNbluew.png) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/SRedw.png) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/PPOrangew.png) ___|__ PIMPStick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/PPurplew.png) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/HKPinkw.png)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/SDYelloww.png) ___|__ Dodo Brown (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dbrown/DBrownw.png) ___|__ Blackout Gray (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/BGrayw.png) ___|__ EverLasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/ECGreenw.png)

Version 2: Shaded Black Background
MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MNbluews.png) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/SRedws.png) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/PPOrangews.png) ___|__ PIMPStick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/PPurplews.png) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/HKPinkws.png)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/SDYellowws.png) ___|__ Dodo Brown (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dbrown/DBrownws.png) ___|__ Blackout Gray (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/BGrayws.png) ___|__ EverLasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/ECGreenws.png)

MightyROM S2U2 Clocks by: mcotter313 (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/member.php?u=205993)
If you use any these S2U2 clocks please give mcotter313 thanks for his hard work here: Post (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=759088&postcount=1784)
MidNight Blue (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dblue/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20MNB.cab) ___|__ Slappahoe Red (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dred/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20SHR.cab) ___|__ Pumpkin Pie Orange (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dorange/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20PPO.cab) ___|__ PIMPStick Purple (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpurple/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20PSP.cab) ___|__ Hello Kitty Pink (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dpink/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20HKP.cab)
Sunny Delight Yellow (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dyellow/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20SDY.cab) ___|__ Stock MightyROM (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dstock/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20MRC.cab) ___|__ EverLasting Cactus Green (http://www.lilrico.com/Mighty/TF3Dgreen/MightyMike%20%26%20LilRico%20S2U2%20ECG.cab)
Download the latest S2U2 Version here (http://s2u2.ac-s2.com/)
.Cabs will overwrite the default wallpaper that S2U2 comes with (Wallpaper.jpg).
It will then install the chosen theme's clock into the ClockD folder and will set ClockD as the clock.
Last thing it does is remove all the curtains so everything is visible as pictured above.
Please back-up your S2U2 Directory if you do not understand these install routines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Questions

1. What devices is MightyROM made for?
HTC Touch Pro(Raphael) (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=52695), HTC Diamond (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=38999).

2. What is a soft and hard reset?
Soft reset is to restart your device without the loss of any saved information.
Hard reset is to format the phone to factory defaults.
To perform a hard reset you can either use the clear storage link found in
Start > Settings > System Tab - Clear storage or with the device powered off,
press and hold volume down plus the action button (the center of the d-pad)
and then press and hold the power button and you will get the dialog box
to clear your data.

3. Why do I have to hard reset after I flash the MightyROM?
It is known to resolve some minor issues that may occur while flashing your
device. It isn't mandatory, but is a recommended to make sure there's no
issues after the ROM has been loaded

4. Can I use the themes on another ROM?
No, LilRico has created them specifically for use with the MightyROM TouchPro
and Diamond series ROMs and cannot guarantee them to work else where.

5. Are there any basic requirements before I flash to a custom ROM?
Backup your data on your phone, restart your computer, just to ensure that
nothing is running in the background that may hinder the flash. Sync your
device using ActiveSync(XP) Windows Mobile Center ( Vista & Windows 7). Make
sure there is a 50%+ charge on the battery. Then your set to load the ROM
Update Utility.

6. What is a MightyROM Hotfix?
It's a small fix to resolve any sort of glitch that wasn’t found through the
BETA testing phaze.

7. Does MightyROM work on a GSM devices?
No it does not. It only works on CDMA devices.

8. Why doesn’t MightyMike have some of the leaked stuff on his ROMs?
MightyROM's aim to be 100% stable. Everything that is pre-loaded into the ROM,
must be tested to work to its full potential without hindering performance
or stability.

9. Is there a kitchen for this ROM?
No there is not.

10. Do ## codes work on MightyROM?
Yes they do.

11. Where do I find the files I need to unlock the phone and be able to flash?
Go to the CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades section and read the stickies on top.
How To Flash Your Touch Pro (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=43266)

12. Is TV out application included on MightyROM?
Yes it is!

13. Any thoughts on a 21XXX build?
It will be tested, reviewed, and checked to see if 21XXX builds meet MightyROM

14. Are there any Registry editors pre-loaded on the ROM?
You can access it through the Task Manager application. Start > Programs.

15. Is there an achieve of the CABS or files that have been posted?
In the CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades section, look for the MightyROM thread.
On top of the rating(stars) you will see “Files” click it and browse.

16. I just installed Arcsoft but its nowhere to be found. Where did it go?
Arcsoft is integrated with the text messaging. Create a new text, then Menu >
Insert > choose what you desire to include on the MMS.

17. What is PRL(Preferred Roaming List)?
PRL is when you're roaming, It tells the phone what tower to aim at for the
best reception depending on your carriers agreements. It lets the phone know
which towers to hit if more then 1 is available for service.

18. Is there a way to revert the size of the scrolls to their default size?
Set both values to 13.

How To Questions

1. How do I get the Enlarged start menu?
-Enable large start menu.

2. What are the registry entries needed for the 7 bar signal indicator to work
on TSOwen's taskbar?
-"SignalStrengthLevel" value="5"
-Change the "5" to "7"

3. How do you get 4-row icons?
-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\IconCo nfig]


4. How do I flash using my SD card?
-Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
-Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
-Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still
holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
-When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin
the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button
to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not
have the file at the root of your microSD card.
-When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.

5. How do I adjust the text to be bigger/smaller?
Start > Settings > System Tab > Screen > Text Size Tab

6. Reg. edit to Disable DCIM.
HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\General\EnableDCIM set value to 0.

7. How do I select multiple e-mails/text messaging?
In the Messaging all select: Menu > Select Messages > -Several or all

8. How to make Opera my default web browser?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER
"0"=Opera Browser

Frequently Asked Questions by: Cochoz (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/member.php?u=208242)

For Verizon Wireless TouchPro's

Frequently Asked Questions by: lordshadowz (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/member.php?u=23912)

MightyROM Essentials:

Mighty Mike - Stock AudioPara (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/MightyMike%20Stock%20AudioPara.cab)
(Incall volume too loud? Revert to stock volume settings)

Mighty Mike - Call History + Comm Manager + Calendar Tab (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/MightyMike%20History%20+%20Calendar%20+%20Comm.cab )
(Adds Call History, Communications Manger and Calendar Tab to TF3D)

Mighty Mike - Sprint Icons White Only (Calendar + Call History Included) (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/MightyMike%20Sprint%20Theme%20w.%20Calendar%20&%20Call%20Hist..cab)
(Stock Sprint Icons All White)

Juggalo's WHITE Slide 2 Answer (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/Juggalo_X%20White%20Slide%20To%20Answer%20CDMA.cab )
(Don't like the black slide 2 answer? Revert to white with this cab)

Briggs' Internet Pr0n Opera Tab (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/Briggs%27%20Internet%20Pr0n%20Tab.cab)
(Adds a nice customized opera icon in the internet tab ;) )

Briggs' Mighty Mouse Opera Tab (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/Briggs%20MightyMouse%20Opera.cab)
(Adds a nice customized opera icon in the internet tab ;) )

Sprint MMS Download (http://powerdeck.sprint.com/updates.php?device=972)
Sprint TV (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/SprintTVVGACab_PPC_1.6.4.76665_preload.CAB)
Sprint Navigator (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/sprint-navigation-htc-diamond-2.1.7.cab)
OZ Instant Messaging (ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Raphael/Users/Juggalo_X/Origional%20Sprint%20Soft/OzIM_Raphael_%20Sprint_2.0.77.cab)
SMS 160 Characters (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/sms160.zip)
Alltell ARCSoft MMS (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/Arcsoft%20Alltel%20MMS%
SMS 160 Characters (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/sms160.zip)
Verizon ARCSoft MMS (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/Arcsoft%20Verizon%20MMS%
EZInput Language Support (http://www.cedonulli.org/msr/essentials/EzInput%20Multilanguage.rar)

02-20-2009, 01:22 AM
Just finished flashing to this... In the process of remodding and gettin her back to spec... ill post a reveiw, after some testing...
dont forget about my battery cabs.....use pollinterval 1250 :)

02-20-2009, 02:58 AM
nice, i was just gettin into all my reg edits... I think laast time i ha poll interval at 2000 so 1250, ssshould be even better... ill add it in now, thanks

02-20-2009, 05:24 AM
Best Rom out there now 10/10 indeed...no one is touching this by far man...evrything is so sweet running in this rom....mighty kicked all them asses over at ppcgeeks...keyboard no lag, battery with taylors cab is amazing...im using this with radio 1.11 which works best!!!! aint no radio better then sprints...

02-20-2009, 12:46 PM
anyone got flash to work on opera? works on iris but this version of opera (cooked) keeps disabling plugins by itself

02-20-2009, 01:54 PM
anyone got flash to work on opera? works on iris but this version of opera (cooked) keeps disabling plugins by itself
Ummm I'll take a look over at ppcgeeks to see if this is a known issue, may be a fix already. Ill post back in a few

02-20-2009, 02:51 PM
I saw it was said there is a diamond version and a pro version. I clicked the link above and i cant tell which is which but i tried to flash but it says error wrong version

02-20-2009, 02:53 PM
anyone got flash to work on opera? works on iris but this version of opera (cooked) keeps disabling plugins by itself

ewww why would u want flash in opera? F the ugly resolution skyfire has for now but its still the best lol, or u can get a version of opera u like and install it, all it will do is overwrite the current files...

02-20-2009, 03:02 PM
Which radio is this using?.....I'm assuming it is the Tellus because that is Mighty's provider....but if so....I'm going to change to sprints because I was missing to many calls with Juggalo's rom when my phone was on.

02-20-2009, 03:03 PM
I saw it was said there is a diamond version and a pro version. I clicked the link above and i cant tell which is which but i tried to flash but it says error wrong version
found it. My bad

02-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Which radio is this using?.....I'm assuming it is the Tellus because that is Mighty's provider....but if so....I'm going to change to sprints because I was missing to many calls with Juggalo's rom when my phone was on.

I dont thinmk the radio was cooked into this rom, it seems to have adapted to my basic sprint stock radio im running, so, you can take it for what it is...

02-20-2009, 03:40 PM
Which radio is this using?.....I'm assuming it is the Tellus because that is Mighty's provider....but if so....I'm going to change to sprints because I was missing to many calls with Juggalo's rom when my phone was on.

I dont thinmk the radio was cooked into this rom, it seems to have adapted to my basic sprint stock radio im running, so, you can take it for what it is...
Now a days no one is cookin in radio in new roms due to the fact there are so many to choose from and reception is different for everyone. The last 6 roms i tried since 08 have not used specific radios built in.....

02-20-2009, 03:43 PM
DO it son!!! lol yes u are right tayloy, cookers do not cook with radio, and yes I also suggest go with sprints radio being sprint is the best ;)

02-20-2009, 04:27 PM
Has anybody tried to put that Onix tf3d theme on this rom? I had it on Juggalos and for some reason I just tried to install it and it got almost all the way done and then it said that it had insufficient system privlages......anybody know why? I installed to SC but that wasn't a problem last rom

02-20-2009, 04:37 PM
Has anybody tried to put that Onix tf3d theme on this rom? I had it on Juggalos and for some reason I just tried to install it and it got almost all the way done and then it said that it had insufficient system privlages......anybody know why? I installed to SC but that wasn't a problem last rom
Your not supposed to install to the card, ya just got lucky last time. Try installing to the device and see if that helps.

02-20-2009, 04:46 PM
Has anybody tried to put that Onix tf3d theme on this rom? I had it on Juggalos and for some reason I just tried to install it and it got almost all the way done and then it said that it had insufficient system privlages......anybody know why? I installed to SC but that wasn't a problem last rom
theres no way it would work if you installed it to SD card.....it has to be in the windows folder to overwrite original manila files....

02-20-2009, 06:05 PM
Decided to give mighty ROM another try which is tough since juggs ROM has worked so good for me but I do like mighty's previous ROM. I'll let you guys know of any issues I run across.

btw any way to get the landscape version of juggs ROM to work with this ROM, or do i need to learn how to cook my own ROM's finally?

02-20-2009, 07:02 PM
well... Flashed last night and I must say it is VERY VERY VERY responsive. ONLY one issue at hand as of now, my touchflo is ass backwards. Up is down and down is up.. Anyone else having this issue? I had the same problem with MURDER 187 ROM.

02-20-2009, 07:04 PM
well... Flashed last night and I must say it is VERY VERY VERY responsive. ONLY one issue at hand as of now, my touchflo is ass backwards. Up is down and down is up.. Anyone else having this issue? I had the same problem with MURDER 187 ROM.
There is a hotfix....here I attached it for you

02-20-2009, 07:07 PM
There is a hotfix....here I attached it for you

thanks for the quick response. Do i need to install both or one? please advise. thanks!

02-20-2009, 07:08 PM
the 21909 is the touchflo hotfix, the other is for a dialer problem

02-20-2009, 08:08 PM
theres no way it would work if you installed it to SD card.....it has to be in the windows folder to overwrite original manila files....

Are you sure....even if you have installed another custom theme first? Maybe I'm wrong but I thought that I had done it last rom.....Also I got the same message again when I tried to installed HTC touchflo (not sufficient privlages).....I now see that there is a fix for that....but I'm just wondering why it's giving me that message

02-20-2009, 08:36 PM
after your flash, did you take the battery out and then hard reset?

02-20-2009, 08:41 PM
Added hotfix cabs to first post.

02-20-2009, 10:43 PM
after your flash, did you take the battery out and then hard reset?

Nope....I thought that you only had to do that if the pagepool is changed....and the changelog says that its not

02-20-2009, 10:50 PM
Nope....I thought that you only had to do that if the pagepool is changed....and the changelog says that its not
lol man i went off on some guy at ppcgeeks tellin people that theres no need for battery pull and HR after flash.... YES YES YES u do....it is a must....regardless of PP change....its a new rom! u need that to establish the Pp regardeless.......so idk reflash and do the following.

Pull Battery
Hard Reset

02-20-2009, 10:56 PM
lol man i went off on some guy at ppcgeeks tellin people that theres no need for battery pull and HR after flash.... YES YES YES u do....it is a must....regardless of PP change....its a new rom! u need that to establish the Pp regardeless.......so idk reflash and do the following.

Pull Battery
Hard Reset

haha I'm going to.....it's not soo bad though anymore with Sashimi.....but one little thing....and I'm going to write it down because I never remember and I have heard different stuff.......EXACTLY.......how do I do that? When the rom loads it starts customizations....do I let them keep going and turn itself off or do I pull the battery right then? Then do I do the hard reset with the hard keys or will the clear storage one work well enough? Thanks in advance

02-20-2009, 10:59 PM
haha I'm going to.....it's not soo bad though anymore with Sashimi.....but one little thing....and I'm going to write it down because I never remember and I have heard different stuff.......EXACTLY.......how do I do that? When the rom loads it starts customizations....do I let them keep going and turn itself off or do I pull the battery right then? Then do I do the hard reset with the hard keys or will the clear storage one work well enough? Thanks in advance
i pull battery right after bootscreen comes on...like right when it boots up....then for hard reset before or after customization doesnt really matter.......

02-21-2009, 01:22 AM
Still cant do a hard reset....

02-21-2009, 01:30 AM
Still cant do a hard reset....

you are pressing and holding the power and the volume down buttons while holding the center button and soft resetting correct?

02-21-2009, 02:55 AM
Are you sure....even if you have installed another custom theme first? Maybe I'm wrong but I thought that I had done it last rom.....Also I got the same message again when I tried to installed HTC touchflo (not sufficient privlages).....I now see that there is a fix for that....but I'm just wondering why it's giving me that message

after your flash, did you take the battery out and then hard reset?

i think his problem is just that he installed the theme while his toch flo was still enabled, thats why your gettin that error, i installed da onyx theme on this rom first thing w/ no problems... but if tf3d is activated it wont work... go into toady screen options in uur setting folder, uncheck tf3d, install cabbed theme, soft reset n u should be good...

Nope....I thought that you only had to do that if the pagepool is changed....and the changelog says that its not

lol man i went off on some guy at ppcgeeks tellin people that theres no need for battery pull and HR after flash.... YES YES YES u do....it is a must....regardless of PP change....its a new rom! u need that to establish the Pp regardeless.......so idk reflash and do the following.

Pull Battery
Hard Reset

LOL... i used to always forget that... truthfully i still forget to pull my battery, but i do hard reset and turn the deevice of for a minute... and then i even go so far to do a soft reset a cpl times with app installs and such just to get her engine running smoothly...and ive been gettin in the habit of changin my papepool... fortunatlly its been taking (pprolly cuz of hard reset and off time)... i know the pagepool took cuz i flashed 24 pp version first, checked system memory and then i changed the nbh's pp to 48 (got in the habit w/ juggs and been spoiled ever since... works for me... but again... thats just me...

Still cant do a hard reset....

Makes sure ur device is OFF then hold center(ok button)+ volume down then powerr button (i like to do power button last cuz if u try all three buttons at the same time, and ur timing is of the power button can end up just turnin ur device on instead of hardreseting)hold all three buttons down until the hard reset warning appears on the screen!
Hope this helps!

02-21-2009, 04:06 AM
i took the plunge and decided to flash this bad boy and have to admit so far so good.... will have to test it throughout the day tomorrow and see what my battery life and all that jazz is like on this puppy..... i will report back tomorrow with further details.

02-21-2009, 04:43 AM
i took the plunge and decided to flash this bad boy and have to admit so far so good.... will have to test it throughout the day tomorrow and see what my battery life and all that jazz is like on this puppy..... i will report back tomorrow with further details.
what battery tweaks u using??? any of mine???

02-21-2009, 02:51 PM
what battery tweaks u using??? any of mine???

it was getting late so no tweaks yet and will be doing that soon today before i take it off the charger.

02-21-2009, 07:17 PM
so after my initial hesitance, i went ahead and flashed this rom and man i am blown away...the rom is very stable and the battery life is amazing...I went ahead and did the custom icons/battery, got the xbmod manilla HD port, advance config, diamond tweak, tf3d config, resco, skyfire, touchresponse, spint tv, telenav and i'm getting email whenever a new one arrives...plus i added all the battery/performance tweaks from taylorWckediden. well i was at work where i get maybe one signal bar and go in and out of service which is a major drain on the battery and my phone usually dies after about 3 1/2 hours but with this current setup after 8 hours of work i was only down to 50% and then i came home and slept for about 6 hours and forgot to put my phone on the charger and when I woke up it was at 48% so i definitely recommend this rom and taylor's battery hacks...

02-21-2009, 07:58 PM
what battery tweaks u using??? any of mine???

hey taylor, have you found the sweet spot in battery performance when it comes to the poll interval value for this rom?

02-21-2009, 08:04 PM
hey taylor, have you found the sweet spot in battery performance when it comes to the poll interval value for this rom?
ya i use 1250 and so does broski and superman.....im on the diamond rom but it has the same sys so it theoritically shold consume the same amount of battery power.... I t seems like it takes a day or two to see the effects when vhanging intervalls because the battery has to recalibrate after changes are made.....when i flash a rom and change the intervalls i always drain the battery and then charge so it does recaliabrate to the new intervoll.

02-21-2009, 08:13 PM
Yea man, whoever thought of that 1250 is a ****ing genius!!!!!

02-21-2009, 08:14 PM
Yea man, whoever thought of that 1250 is a ****ing genius!!!!!
lol i wonder who it could be......hmmmmm....lol u know i give you all credit for that find, lol

02-21-2009, 09:04 PM
ya i use 1250 and so does broski and superman.....im on the diamond rom but it has the same sys so it theoritically shold consume the same amount of battery power.... I t seems like it takes a day or two to see the effects when vhanging intervalls because the battery has to recalibrate after changes are made.....when i flash a rom and change the intervalls i always drain the battery and then charge so it does recaliabrate to the new intervoll.
thanx man, normally the battery is off da hook on this rom but i also applied you battery+performance cab and the 1250 cab also for battery. ill be the judge of the geniousness of you guys (not that i doubt it lol)
Yea man, whoever thought of that 1250 is a ****ing genius!!!!!

hahah i sure hope so

02-21-2009, 09:38 PM
internet explorer does not go online
it opens and keeps loading but nothing
opera works fine
how do i fix this

02-21-2009, 09:41 PM
internet explorer does not go online
it opens and keeps loading but nothing
opera works fine
how do i fix this
bro you just posted this in another thread u started....one at a time??? are you on this rom???....id suggest goin to ppcgeeks and reading through all threads to see if anyone has had this issue b4.....

02-21-2009, 09:53 PM
the thread i started was for the online radio not working with opera
dash told me to use on ie
but my ie doesnt work
im check out ppcgeeks
but if yall find anythingplease post.

02-22-2009, 12:01 AM
ya i use 1250 and so does broski and superman.....im on the diamond rom but it has the same sys so it theoritically shold consume the same amount of battery power.... I t seems like it takes a day or two to see the effects when vhanging intervalls because the battery has to recalibrate after changes are made.....when i flash a rom and change the intervalls i always drain the battery and then charge so it does recaliabrate to the new intervoll.

Juss curious, what does 1250 mean?

02-22-2009, 12:08 AM
Juss curious, what does 1250 mean?
Its what we have our battery poll intervoll set at......geeze, noobs. LOL :noob: :owned:

02-22-2009, 12:15 AM
Appreciate that...

02-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Appreciate that...
Hahaha, lighten up. Dont get all offended.

02-22-2009, 12:25 AM
Hahaha, lighten up. Dont get all offended.

lol! i'm good..

02-22-2009, 03:06 AM
What's gong on fam.. i went to the ppcgeeks site and all the download links are down.. can u guys post one on here.. thanks fam.. sounds like this ROM is hot.. so i gotta test da fire ya dig.. get at me =)

02-22-2009, 11:00 AM
Bump Bump...

new version available for all interested, w/ the followin changes...

Update version 4.11 febuary 22 2009

MightyROM 4.11
[ # ] NEW - System 20765 Build 20765
[ + ] NEW - TPRO2 Leak - HTC Calculator
[ + ] NEW - Windows Mobile 6.5 Start Icon
[ + ] NEW - HTC Sliding Sounds
[ # ] Fixed - Camera Package
[ # ] Fixed - EzInput Keyboard Package
[ # ] Fixed - Random Access Bug - Contacts Appear Always On Top Of Screen
[ # ] Fixed - Device Lock - After Setting Lock Password, Long Press End Key NOW Works)
[ # ] Fixed - Google Maps Contact Mapping
[ # ] Fixed - Manila Clock - Smoother Black, No Pixels *Thanks Lil Rico*
[ # ] Reverted - Youtube Application - Faster Streaming Performance
[ # ] Tweaked - Speed Improvements

available at link in first post...

--------- New Post Merged on 22/2/2009 at 10:04:40 --------

What's gong on fam.. i went to the ppcgeeks site and all the download links are down.. can u guys post one on here.. thanks fam.. sounds like this ROM is hot.. so i gotta test da fire ya dig.. get at me =)

AYE jsgeezie... Im geussing the Download links were down cuz they were updatinnnng the rom... new version posted and additional link addedd, you should be good to go...

02-22-2009, 01:08 PM
Bump Bump...

new version available for all interested, w/ the followin changes...

Update version 4.11 febuary 22 2009

MightyROM 4.11
[ # ] NEW - System 20765 Build 20765
[ + ] NEW - TPRO2 Leak - HTC Calculator
[ + ] NEW - Windows Mobile 6.5 Start Icon
[ + ] NEW - HTC Sliding Sounds
[ # ] Fixed - Camera Package
[ # ] Fixed - EzInput Keyboard Package
[ # ] Fixed - Random Access Bug - Contacts Appear Always On Top Of Screen
[ # ] Fixed - Device Lock - After Setting Lock Password, Long Press End Key NOW Works)
[ # ] Fixed - Google Maps Contact Mapping
[ # ] Fixed - Manila Clock - Smoother Black, No Pixels *Thanks Lil Rico*
[ # ] Reverted - Youtube Application - Faster Streaming Performance
[ # ] Tweaked - Speed Improvements

available at link in first post...

--------- New Post Merged on 22/2/2009 at 10:04:40 --------

AYE jsgeezie... Im geussing the Download links were down cuz they were updatinnnng the rom... new version posted and additional link addedd, you should be good to go...
Thanks homie, updated first post with newest version.

02-22-2009, 02:07 PM
Good looking out on the update....time to flash!!

02-22-2009, 03:18 PM
Any one report anyting interestig on the latest built? In am interested in flahing this.

02-22-2009, 03:20 PM
Any one report anyting interestig on the latest built? In am interested in flahing this.
ill be flashing today in a couple hours and i will post what i think of the new goodies added and if it is worth it....

02-22-2009, 03:27 PM
ummm look about 2 r 3 posts up, crazay posted the changelog, iits basically the same as all the other with things changed, added, and more tweaks and later tonight there will be a lite rom which is gonna be completely stripped, notf3d,no s2a,no opera and so on

02-22-2009, 08:46 PM
Ok, anyone having touch sensitivity issues?? It's really hard for me to scroll in like programs or settings or file explorer...but opera and skyfire are fine.

Battery is real nice and the ROM is smooth (running 4.10 still...like soooo two days ago) I tweaked my battery settings to 1250 with Taylor's cab. Would his other hacks/tweaks for the battery improve battery life further?? Anyways thanks Taylor for the tweaks.

One more thing, I flashed to updated sprint radio 1.11 and it's amazing!!!! Waaaaay better service in San Diego area.

02-22-2009, 08:48 PM
Ok, anyone having touch sensitivity issues?? It's really hard for me to scroll in like programs or settings or file explorer...but opera and skyfire are fine.

Battery is real nice and the ROM is smooth (running 4.10 still...like soooo two days ago) I tweaked my battery settings to 1250 with Taylor's cab. Would his other hacks/tweaks for the battery improve battery life further?? Anyways thanks Taylor for the tweaks.

One more thing, I flashed to updated sprint radio 1.11 and it's amazing!!!! Waaaaay better service in San Diego area.
My touch sensitivity is fine, and the hotfix cures the touchflo backwards bug. Also, Taylor has some touchscreen tweaks in the thread also.

02-22-2009, 08:50 PM
Ok, anyone having touch sensitivity issues?? It's really hard for me to scroll in like programs or settings or file explorer...but opera and skyfire are fine.

Battery is real nice and the ROM is smooth (running 4.10 still...like soooo two days ago) I tweaked my battery settings to 1250 with Taylor's cab. Would his other hacks/tweaks for the battery improve battery life further?? Anyways thanks Taylor for the tweaks.

One more thing, I flashed to updated sprint radio 1.11 and it's amazing!!!! Waaaaay better service in San Diego area.

you should use the telus radio the best for sure thus far..... and also im using the newest mghty rom and have all the battery tweaks (5 total) and the screen sensitiviy, as well as the keyboasrd all from taylors thread :>

02-23-2009, 03:44 AM
you should use the telus radio the best for sure thus far..... and also im using the newest mghty rom and have all the battery tweaks (5 total) and the screen sensitiviy, as well as the keyboasrd all from taylors thread :>

Yeah I'll hop on all those tweaks, but I got a real good thing with the Sprint Radio, but I'll try flashing to Telus. I heard the battery life is better with that one, but maybe more dropped calls?? I guess it all depends on your area. As long as my TP goes all day on a charge I'm happy :>

02-23-2009, 02:41 PM
Yeah I'll hop on all those tweaks, but I got a real good thing with the Sprint Radio, but I'll try flashing to Telus. I heard the battery life is better with that one, but maybe more dropped calls?? I guess it all depends on your area. As long as my TP goes all day on a charge I'm happy :>
with my battery tweaks alone you'll get a full day at least with my cabs and tweaks.....i go about 20% in a day with moderate use.....a few phone calls and texting and such....and i have bd reception so i force roam which uses more battery.....check out my thread below in my signature.

02-24-2009, 05:49 AM
I NEVER thought that my phone would actually make it though a FULL day with 1/2 battery left let alone ANY battery left. This ROM with a couple battery tweaks this phone is 100x's better than the crappy sprint ROM. You want this ROM trust me.

--------- New Post Merged on 24/2/2009 at 05:37:02 --------

btw I did change the page pool to 48MB and this works SOO good!!

02-24-2009, 08:48 AM
might have to try this out. see what all the fuse is about. been using juggalos rom for awhile now. runs smooth and fast and no known issues for me. is there any issues in the picturemail in this rom? just might flash this...

02-24-2009, 01:08 PM
This Rom is Hot ya dig.. i doesn't come stock with sprint picture mail so ull have to put it on there or download it from the website, i used Taylor's battery hacks like I always do and they work great!!.. im just trying to find a cab to change the back color of the clock to clear cus i put a pic on mine ya dig.. so can someone get at me.. appreciate it.. 100

02-24-2009, 01:19 PM
This Rom is Hot ya dig.. i doesn't come stock with sprint picture mail so ull have to put it on there or download it from the website, i used Taylor's battery hacks like I always do and they work great!!.. im just trying to find a cab to change the back color of the clock to clear cus i put a pic on mine ya dig.. so can someone get at me.. appreciate it.. 100

check this out:


ya dig......lmao

02-24-2009, 01:24 PM
I NEVER thought that my phone would actually make it though a FULL day with 1/2 battery left let alone ANY battery left. This ROM with a couple battery tweaks this phone is 100x's better than the crappy sprint ROM. You want this ROM trust me.

--------- New Post Merged on 24/2/2009 at 05:37:02 --------

btw I did change the page pool to 48MB and this works SOO good!!

how did the page pool change the speed for you? i have mine set at 26 and its running smooth and stable as hell and the battery life is pretty damn good :> i have to admit that this rom does blow juggalos out of the water atm...... but remember hjuggs hasnt made an update since 1-16-09 so he may have something up his sleeve when he comes back to the kitchen to cook.

02-24-2009, 04:20 PM
how did the page pool change the speed for you? i have mine set at 26 and its running smooth and stable as hell and the battery life is pretty damn good :> i have to admit that this rom does blow juggalos out of the water atm...... but remember hjuggs hasnt made an update since 1-16-09 so he may have something up his sleeve when he comes back to the kitchen to cook.

Im actually running this, well 4.10 on a 48pp and speed and stability is pretty decent, but, I suspect, its causing some extra dain on my battery, because i am not getting the same great battery life everyone else seems to be getting... It's sparatic on my baterry, I can go out to run errands for about an hour, an hr and a hlf, with mild to moderate texting and lose only 10-20 percent which is awesome, but then i can surf the web (or Wckediden) for like 15-20 minutes tops and Lose about 30-40 percent of battery juice, which is just weird... I suspect at the higher page pool, its draining the battery faster online becuase its using more of the process to load pages quickly, as opposed to playing mp3 straight from my memory card w/ mild to moderate texting...

--------- New Post Merged on 24/2/2009 at 03:21:15 --------

Im thinking once I get my shishimi set up just right, Ill flash 4.11 and run it at the lower pp and see how it goes...

02-24-2009, 05:49 PM
how did the page pool change the speed for you? i have mine set at 26 and its running smooth and stable as hell and the battery life is pretty damn good :> i have to admit that this rom does blow juggalos out of the water atm...... but remember hjuggs hasnt made an update since 1-16-09 so he may have something up his sleeve when he comes back to the kitchen to cook.

I cant say I notice any major speed changes or anything at 48 compared to the 24. I just know that it is REALLY responsive, but its not like it wasnt before. If that makes sense.

Im actually running this, well 4.10 on a 48pp and speed and stability is pretty decent, but, I suspect, its causing some extra dain on my battery, because i am not getting the same great battery life everyone else seems to be getting... It's sparatic on my baterry, I can go out to run errands for about an hour, an hr and a hlf, with mild to moderate texting and lose only 10-20 percent which is awesome, but then i can surf the web (or Wckediden) for like 15-20 minutes tops and Lose about 30-40 percent of battery juice, which is just weird... I suspect at the higher page pool, its draining the battery faster online becuase its using more of the process to load pages quickly, as opposed to playing mp3 straight from my memory card w/ mild to moderate texting...

--------- New Post Merged on 24/2/2009 at 03:21:15 --------

Im thinking once I get my shishimi set up just right, Ill flash 4.11 and run it at the lower pp and see how it goes...

I dont use the internet too much but have not personally noticed any major battery drains using it.

I also ended up getting 36 or so hours of battery life before I recharged and It still had a bar left. NEVER thought my phone would last so long.

02-24-2009, 06:32 PM
I cant say I notice any major speed changes or anything at 48 compared to the 24. I just know that it is REALLY responsive, but its not like it wasnt before. If that makes sense.

I dont use the internet too much but have not personally noticed any major battery drains using it.

I also ended up getting 36 or so hours of battery life before I recharged and It still had a bar left. NEVER thought my phone would last so long.

U runnin 4.10 or 4.11?

02-24-2009, 07:48 PM
I am using 4.11

02-24-2009, 08:25 PM
i just flashed to mighty's 4.11, i was running juggalo's rom before this. i will give a report on the ups or downs in a few days.

02-24-2009, 09:19 PM
I've searched around and Im trying to figure out what you guys are talking about when you say page pull. Like what it is, what it does, why change it, how to change it. That kind of stuff. Could someone direct me to a thread please!

Also, my battery life is good, but not great. Mine goes like 12 hrs on a full charge. I use the phone for like calls, text, email, light surfing, but that's it. I installed Taylos battery cabs, the 1250 one and two others. Any ideas??

One more thing, sometimes when I'm opening up text messages my phone freezes and I have to soft reset. only issue Ive had

02-24-2009, 09:39 PM
I've searched around and Im trying to figure out what you guys are talking about when you say page pull. Like what it is, what it does, why change it, how to change it. That kind of stuff. Could someone direct me to a thread please!

Also, my battery life is good, but not great. Mine goes like 12 hrs on a full charge. I use the phone for like calls, text, email, light surfing, but that's it. I installed Taylos battery cabs, the 1250 one and two others. Any ideas??

One more thing, sometimes when I'm opening up text messages my phone freezes and I have to soft reset. only issue Ive had
lol think of it as memory...ive giving break down before... its basically like going from a 512 system to a 1gb or 2 gb ram.all you need to know is its a good thing..makes phone faster...way faster

pagepool lives in RAM and works like cache, low pagepool makes your device noticeably slower.
RAMdisk is a place to store any kind of files just like storage card, just not removable. It's a bit more volatile, shorting the battery contacts will remove its contents.
Program memory is where active, running programs and data reside just for the time being. It's blank right after any hard or soft reset.
the most important area for most of us is the area our device calls (a bit confusing) storage. It's where most cab's install programs plus their data and settings by default. It is normally limited to 14MB, by pulling unused EXTrom area to it, you can expand it.
Did I cover it all?

How to change page pool


02-24-2009, 11:15 PM
This Rom is pretty good except one thing.. the internet sharing isn't working at all.. it has one already installed on it and then i tried to download the one on taylor's joint and it said the one already on the Phone can't be removed, so I came to the conclusion that it's cooked into the ROM.. is there anyway i can get the internet sharing to work because that's a big part of what I do with my phone.. so please help and thanks in advance...

02-24-2009, 11:31 PM
This Rom is pretty good except one thing.. the internet sharing isn't working at all.. it has one already installed on it and then i tried to download the one on taylor's joint and it said the one already on the Phone can't be removed, so I came to the conclusion that it's cooked into the ROM.. is there anyway i can get the internet sharing to work because that's a big part of what I do with my phone.. so please help and thanks in advance...

my internet sharing works flawless. it comes with this rom so i dont know why yours is not working. try re-flashing.

02-24-2009, 11:36 PM
New version will be up in a few hours.....waiting for servers to be linked.

Added new change log to first post...

MightyROM 4.12

[ # ] CE OS 20765 Build 20765 AKU 1.4.4
[ # ] Fixed - Microsoft Exchange Push-Mail Issues
[ # ] New - Smart Phone Tracker (Track Your Lost/Stolen Phone)
[ # ] Added - REV A (Alltel Users Only)
[ # ] Updated - HTC Album 2.5.1820.4127 - Diamond2

02-24-2009, 11:41 PM
That's wassup, I'm just going to wait until the new one then.. appreciate all the help fam..

--------- New Post Merged on 24/2/2009 at 10:47:35 --------

[ # ] Added - REV A (Alltel Users Only).. is that gong to mess something up since I have Sprint and already have that?... should i still download that new 412 Rom?.. I know i probably sound like a noob but get at me lol.. thanks in advance..

02-24-2009, 11:54 PM
Links Are Live


02-24-2009, 11:58 PM
That's wassup, I'm just going to wait until the new one then.. appreciate all the help fam..

--------- New Post Merged on 24/2/2009 at 10:47:35 --------

[ # ] Added - REV A (Alltel Users Only).. is that gong to mess something up since I have Sprint and already have that?... should i still download that new 412 Rom?.. I know i probably sound like a noob but get at me lol.. thanks in advance..
yup youll be fine

02-25-2009, 12:21 AM
http://www.sbbala.com/ppcgeeks/MightyROM_4.12_RAPH.rar Here is the Link right here too.. =)

02-25-2009, 12:25 AM
http://www.sbbala.com/ppcgeeks/MightyROM_4.12_RAPH.rar Here is the Link right here too.. =)
Thanks man, but you soooo know better then to not code your links:< I did it for you and I added to the first post.

02-25-2009, 12:29 AM
appreciate it homie.. good lookin out like always Supe.. =)

02-25-2009, 09:35 PM
thanks to whoever updated the first post and is this worth flashing over too even since the changelog doesnt really have much added besides the audio player and the rev a for the alltel users.... would love to hear some feedback on whether or not to stay or flash.

02-25-2009, 09:39 PM
ummm/.... worth it from 4.11 to 4.12 not too much from 4.10.... (my opinion). Freedom of speech I LOVE Wckediden!

02-25-2009, 09:45 PM
thanks to whoever updated the first post and is this worth flashing over too even since the changelog doesnt really have much added besides the audio player and the rev a for the alltel users.... would love to hear some feedback on whether or not to stay or flash.
I updated the post last night and nine switched an really liking it.....said htc album from tp2 is ok....other than that not much added,

02-25-2009, 11:28 PM
just a simple question, just flashed 4.12, do i still need to install the hotfix cabs?

02-25-2009, 11:30 PM
no/.....it should be fixed in the ROM.. the build release shows the fix

02-26-2009, 01:27 AM
cant get my mail2web to sync ? Anyone else use this?

im trying to sync my contacts on here.

02-26-2009, 01:37 AM
cant get my mail2web to sync ? Anyone else use this?

im trying to sync my contacts on here.
Take a look over at ppcgeeks....it has been discussed tons of times and i think there is a fix or mighty found a slolution....just follow the link posted on original post.

02-26-2009, 01:38 AM
Hey guys, I would say this one is better and worth flashing to for the simple reason that I installed picture mail and it worked withouth having to do anything else.

02-26-2009, 03:12 AM
I'm not even going to hold ya'll up.. this ROM is amazing.. I don't think im going to flash to anything else for a while inless Kaos does something amazing.... (hint hint).. but this Rom is smoov and with the help of all of Taylor's hacks and cabs I have made this Rom my favorite by far.. Good Job guys!!! foreal!!! I appreciate you all!!! much love ya dig.. ya'll have taken my swag to new heights lol..

02-26-2009, 03:36 AM
hey taylor, what hacks would you recommend I add to this rom.

02-26-2009, 12:11 PM
cant get my mail2web to sync ? Anyone else use this?

im trying to sync my contacts on here.

nevermind, fixed on its own, lol maybe the site was down... AWESOME ROM.

best one out right now hands down, thanks to ALL that do these roms. I know its not easy and if it wasnt for you guys, we would just have the SAME BORING ASS PHONES.

02-26-2009, 02:59 PM
cant get my mail2web to sync ? Anyone else use this?

im trying to sync my contacts on here.

Take a look over at ppcgeeks....it has been discussed tons of times and i think there is a fix or mighty found a slolution....just follow the link posted on original post.

Sorry guys. ppcgeeks isnt letting view the thread for some reason. Anyway you guys can let me know the deal with this? I have 4.12 and it still isnt working. Thanks

02-26-2009, 03:01 PM
What do u mean it isn't working.. if anything re flash it..

02-26-2009, 03:07 PM
Sorry guys. ppcgeeks isnt letting view the thread for some reason. Anyway you guys can let me know the deal with this? I have 4.12 and it still isnt working. Thanks
I just checked and I can view the thread just fine, I went through the first 8 pages so what ever issue there was before should be fine now.....are you a member over there????

02-26-2009, 03:08 PM
Sorry guys. ppcgeeks isnt letting view the thread for some reason. Anyway you guys can let me know the deal with this? I have 4.12 and it still isnt working. Thanks

I use m2w to sync contacts and it wasnt working for about 10 minutes...I dont think its rom issue, its m2w themselves...

02-26-2009, 03:08 PM
What do u mean it isn't working.. if anything re flash it..

It won't sync. Getting error code 0x80072EE7.... I just came off a fresh flash

--------- New Post Merged on 26/2/2009 at 02:10:35 --------

I just checked and I can view the thread just fine, I went through the first 8 pages so what ever issue there was before should be fine now.....are you a member over there????

Yeah, weird

I use m2w to sync contacts and it wasnt working for about 10 minutes...I dont think its rom issue, its m2w themselves...

I was wondering if this might be the case. thanks

02-26-2009, 03:16 PM
well u probably could redownload the Rom and when u reflash it to ur device make sure u take the battery out for at least a minute then put it back in and do a hard reset by holding down the down volume arrow, power button, circle button and soft reset... I dont have any type of problem with this Rom it's smoov and quick..

02-26-2009, 03:37 PM
Ok I think my problems lie in the fact that I can't connect to interent at all.... I ran the EPST thing and it shows.....

Active Peofile: 0
MIP_MODE: Mobile IP Only
User Name: blank
Reverse Tunnel Perferre: Enable
Home Agent Ip Address:
Primary Home Agent:
Secondary Home Agent:
HA Shared Secret(HEX): blank
AAA Shared Secret(HEX): blank

I tried to run restore and it came back with the same thing.

02-26-2009, 03:39 PM
did u update ur profile in settings?... that could be a solution..

02-26-2009, 03:44 PM
did u update ur profile in settings?... that could be a solution..

Where do I find that? In the stock I know its under Setting > > System but where on this ROM?

02-26-2009, 03:51 PM
ur right. i dont see it in the settings.. hopefully Dash or Supe or someone will begin to help.. sorry homie I couldnt be of anymore help..

02-26-2009, 04:01 PM
i believe that you need to flash back to stock to get your internet settings up to date properly, when you indeed make sure it works, then flash to custom. most custom roms dont have the ability to update your profile cuz they are not carrier specific.

02-26-2009, 04:14 PM
ur right. i dont see it in the settings.. hopefully Dash or Supe or someone will begin to help.. sorry homie I couldnt be of anymore help..
I have the Profile Update exe.... I'll zip it up tonight when I get home and upload it here....you need to put it in your windows folder to run it.....one thing u want to check for is so make sure your msid is correct....you will need your msl to do that....but if all your settings like, username, phone number has all been changed you will need to call sprint and just asked for you msid....and username.,...that all can be edited using ##codes.....and having your msl of course....there are msl grabbers here....

02-26-2009, 04:19 PM
Ok I think my problems lie in the fact that I can't connect to interent at all.... I ran the EPST thing and it shows.....

Active Peofile: 0
MIP_MODE: Mobile IP Only
User Name: blank
Reverse Tunnel Perferre: Enable
Home Agent Ip Address:
Primary Home Agent:
Secondary Home Agent:
HA Shared Secret(HEX): blank
AAA Shared Secret(HEX): blank

I tried to run restore and it came back with the same thing.
you need to change your active profile to 1.....you will need your msl to do that....look at the post above this and I explained some steps in order to get your data back going....I had the same issue with another rom when I first got my diamond....if this all seems a bit confusing to you....the easiest thing to do is flash back to stock and run the profile update from settings/connections......

02-26-2009, 04:54 PM
Ok I think my problems lie in the fact that I can't connect to interent at all.... I ran the EPST thing and it shows.....

Active Peofile: 0
MIP_MODE: Mobile IP Only
User Name: blank
Reverse Tunnel Perferre: Enable
Home Agent Ip Address:
Primary Home Agent:
Secondary Home Agent:
HA Shared Secret(HEX): blank
AAA Shared Secret(HEX): blank

I tried to run restore and it came back with the same thing.

you need to change your active profile to 1.....you will need your msl to do that....look at the post above this and I explained some steps in order to get your data back going....I had the same issue with another rom when I first got my diamond....if this all seems a bit confusing to you....the easiest thing to do is flash back to stock and run the profile update from settings/connections......

beat me to the punch, i had the original quoted aboive to tell him the same..... nice work taylor :>

02-26-2009, 07:10 PM
Lol, Mighty Mouse bro? Are you serious? Lol, love the rom. Thanks for the post Dash ("Best Damn Rom") I wouldn't have found it without that.

02-26-2009, 08:22 PM
Lol, Mighty Mouse bro? Are you serious? Lol, love the rom. Thanks for the post Dash ("Best Damn Rom") I wouldn't have found it without that.
The creator is MIGHTYmike....hes "trademark" is MIGHTmouse. Thats why its in the splash screen.

02-26-2009, 08:58 PM
Mighty Mouse is a G.. I like that he's on the joint.. =)

02-26-2009, 09:53 PM
Mighty Mouse is a G.. I like that he's on the joint.. =)

i have to agree and my name at some other forums that i used to visit quite often in the nextel days is mightymouse19 so dont be dissin lmao

02-26-2009, 09:57 PM
The creator is MIGHTYmike....hes "trademark" is MIGHTmouse. Thats why its in the splash screen.

Lol, gee thanks. I had nooo clue whatsoever. "What's the world coming to?"

02-26-2009, 10:05 PM
Lol, gee thanks. I had nooo clue whatsoever. "What's the world coming to?"
looks like its coming to a world OF HATERS!!!!

02-27-2009, 12:36 AM
Where do I find that? In the stock I know its under Setting > > System but where on this ROM?

You dont have to flash back to stock to run the prl update and profile update...being that this is a generic rom (meaning non carrier specific) they dont include those 2 things b/c its for sprint only....EPST does work on this rom without the exe's...here is the prl/profile update cab from kaos's post:
Install that to device and go to settings and it should be there

If u need the MSL dl this also:

Thanks to Kaos for those links

02-27-2009, 12:51 AM
Whats with all the blue font ape... gonna make me have a seizure...

02-27-2009, 08:43 PM
hey taylor, what hacks would you recommend I add to this rom.
Battery tweaks and hacks for sure....few others depending on what you like and doo....there bluetooth hacks, new calendar tabs,program tabs.....you name it i pretty much got it and still have a bunch more coming.....go ahead and click on my link below in my signature to my tweaks cab and read all the info on the tweaks i posted......anyother questions just post there....enjoy.

03-03-2009, 02:10 AM
All right, been running this ROM for a few days. I'll start with my ONE complaint: The People tab takes a little longer to load than other ROMs I've used. Now for my HALF complaint: GPS is not too quick to lock, but ok. Other than that, this thing is SOLID. My phone is as smooth as I can imagine it just about. My battery life is considerably better than with KK, Stock, and Juicy. It would most likely be even better if I didn't use my bluetooth as much as I do. For the record, I also have Taylors hacks installed. This thing also loads up the quickest from a soft-reset than with any other I've experienced. Having this ROM on my phone makes me feel like it can take on any app or apps I throw at it. And last, but not least, love the splash screen! There , I said it.

03-03-2009, 02:17 AM
All right, been running this ROM for a few days. I'll start with my ONE complaint: The People tab takes a little longer to load than other ROMs I've used. Now for my HALF complaint: GPS is not too quick to lock, but ok. Other than that, this thing is SOLID. My phone is as smooth as I can imagine it just about. My battery life is considerably better than with KK, Stock, and Juicy. It would most likely be even better if I didn't use my bluetooth as much as I do. For the record, I also have Taylors hacks installed. This thing also loads up the quickest from a soft-reset than with any other I've experienced. Having this ROM on my phone makes me feel like it can take on any app or apps I throw at it. And last, but not least, love the splash screen! There , I said it.
hmmm weird never seen an issue with people tab loading slow....just to be on the safe side...did u pull battery and hard reset after flash??? and for GPS locking, that has nothing to do with roms....it will depend on locations, where your at in your house, surrounding areas....also did you use quick gps??? my location locks within seconds.....which tweaks of mine are you using....what your battery life like?? lol just want to get a nice reveiw for other members.....

03-03-2009, 02:41 AM
hey taylor so what hacks of yours work best with this rom?

03-03-2009, 02:43 AM
hmmm weird never seen an issue with people tab loading slow....just to be on the safe side...did u pull battery and hard reset after flash??? and for GPS locking, that has nothing to do with roms....it will depend on locations, where your at in your house, surrounding areas....also did you use quick gps??? my location locks within seconds.....which tweaks of mine are you using....what your battery life like?? lol just want to get a nice reveiw for other members.....

I pulled the battery, but did fail to hard re-set. So that may be an issue. And the GPS thing, might be unfair like you said since it is heavily dependent on where you're at and all. As far as Taylor hacks, I have: AwakeOnTalk, Battery Performance, BlueToothSuspend, and KeyBoardSpeed_Hack for now. And battery life: I leave my place at 9sh with a full charge. I tend to keep my bluetooth on all the time, and make about 20-30 min worth of phone calls throughout the day. Some light texting and web surfing. I also have two e-mails acct checking my e-mail every 15 min and every 2 hours respectively. I also get in a game of pocket uno whenever I get a chance. After all of that, I get home about 5-6pm with 20-30% left on my battery. That for me is pretty good cause normally I'm re-charging my phone 4-5 hrs after unplugging it. I'm still trying to get better with these reviews as I try an post more stuff, so hopefully this helps!:connie_mykilroy:

03-03-2009, 03:20 AM
I pulled the battery, but did fail to hard re-set. So that may be an issue. And the GPS thing, might be unfair like you said since it is heavily dependent on where you're at and all. As far as Taylor hacks, I have: AwakeOnTalk, Battery Performance, BlueToothSuspend, and KeyBoardSpeed_Hack for now. And battery life: I leave my place at 9sh with a full charge. I tend to keep my bluetooth on all the time, and make about 20-30 min worth of phone calls throughout the day. Some light texting and web surfing. I also have two e-mails acct checking my e-mail every 15 min and every 2 hours respectively. I also get in a game of pocket uno whenever I get a chance. After all of that, I get home about 5-6pm with 20-30% left on my battery. That for me is pretty good cause normally I'm re-charging my phone 4-5 hrs after unplugging it. I'm still trying to get better with these reviews as I try an post more stuff, so hopefully this helps!:connie_mykilroy:

Glad my tweaks worked for you.....which battery interval are you using??

03-03-2009, 03:51 AM
Glad my tweaks worked for you.....which battery interval are you using??

Battery interval of 1250.

03-03-2009, 12:09 PM
Sorry Taylor but ive seen your post on bat tweeks. Which one(s) are everyone using with mighty rom telus radio. ANd what is the 1250 interval and how to change? Thank you

03-03-2009, 12:26 PM
Sorry Taylor but ive seen your post on bat tweeks. Which one(s) are everyone using with mighty rom telus radio. ANd what is the 1250 interval and how to change? Thank you

you should be asking this in Taylor tweak cab and hacks thread...

and and the 1250 interval is the number of the polling interval you need to change in one of Taylors main batterey registry edits... and to change it, you need a registry editor like phm reg edit or use one of the tools in total commander or sktools... which will also let you modify and change you registry... or the simplest way is to go to taylor tweaks, hacks and cab thread and download his cab... he's done all the work for you there...

03-04-2009, 05:02 PM
Best Rom out there now 10/10 indeed...no one is touching this by far man...evrything is so sweet running in this rom....mighty kicked all them asses over at ppcgeeks...keyboard no lag, battery with taylors cab is amazing...im using this with radio 1.11 which works best!!!! aint no radio better then sprints...

What do roms do,im new to all of this and idj what it does.I installed it to my sprint touch pro but what does it do

03-04-2009, 05:05 PM
what do roms do,im new to all of this and idj what it does.i installed it to my sprint touch pro but what does it do

hi your rom is your os wm 6.1 on your smartphone

grtz weesje

03-04-2009, 05:07 PM
What do roms do,im new to all of this and idj what it does.I installed it to my sprint touch pro but what does it do

if you didnt know what it is you didnt install...... trust me.... you have to unlock your device and than once you unlock it you have to flash it from bootloader and follow many other steps that you wouldnt get without a tutorial trust me..... take a look ast my signature below for some more details.

03-05-2009, 12:58 AM
So I decided to give this a try, and so far I'm pretty impressed, but I've got one annoyance that's giving me fits trying to figure out. I sync with work email (exchange server), which means usually in excess of 80-100 emails per day, about 40% of which I just need to delete. Normally, I can drag to select multiple messages, then tap and hold to mark them as read and delete. For some reason, I can't drag/select multiple messages on this rom. Email was one of the last things I set up, but other than the background on all tabs app for TF3D, I haven't installed anything that wasn't on my prior roms on the TP or Mogul for that matter.

Is there a chance this has anything to do with the fat scrollbars or something else in the rom? I'm baffled at the moment.

03-05-2009, 01:00 AM
sigh....I'm sorry to ask but i can't find the battery performance hacks by TaylorWckediden. I'm sorry. i feel bad for asking but i need help and whenever i install my sprint TV, it doesn't show up in my programs list. Just need a little bit of direction. And i'm have the Exact same problem as Moebius is. Can't drag and select emails or text messages that i wanna delete or cut. I'll take the help on that when he gets it.

03-05-2009, 01:07 AM
sigh....I'm sorry to ask but i can't find the battery performance hacks by TaylorWckediden. I'm sorry. i feel bad for asking but i need help and whenever i install my sprint TV, it doesn't show up in my programs list. Just need a little bit of direction. And i'm have the Exact same problem as Moebius is. Can't drag and select emails or text messages that i wanna delete or cut. I'll take the help on that when he gets it.
there is a link below in my signature to my tweaks thread, and unfortunatly there isnt multi-select for email....i noticed that as well and it doesnt seem to be a setting that can be changed......

03-05-2009, 01:11 AM
there is a link below in my signature to my tweaks thread, and unfortunatly there isnt multi-select for email....i noticed that as well and it doesnt seem to be a setting that can be changed......

Thanks for the quick response. any solution to the sprint tv problem that i'm having?

03-05-2009, 01:13 AM
there is a link below in my signature to my tweaks thread, and unfortunatly there isnt multi-select for email....i noticed that as well and it doesnt seem to be a setting that can be changed......

Well, at least I know I'm not crazy. Ok, I AM crazy, but it's not just me having the drag and select problem. :D Hopefully we can find a solution on this one. While it's not a total showstopper, it's something I use pretty damn heavily.

03-05-2009, 01:14 AM
Well, at least I know I'm not crazy. Ok, I AM crazy, but it's not just me having the drag and select problem. :D Hopefully we can find a solution on this one. While it's not a total showstopper, it's something I use pretty damn heavily.
ill ask mighty if it is something that can be changed......ill take a look at the registry and see what i can do.

03-05-2009, 02:17 AM
So I decided to give this a try, and so far I'm pretty impressed, but I've got one annoyance that's giving me fits trying to figure out. I sync with work email (exchange server), which means usually in excess of 80-100 emails per day, about 40% of which I just need to delete. Normally, I can drag to select multiple messages, then tap and hold to mark them as read and delete. For some reason, I can't drag/select multiple messages on this rom. Email was one of the last things I set up, but other than the background on all tabs app for TF3D, I haven't installed anything that wasn't on my prior roms on the TP or Mogul for that matter.

Is there a chance this has anything to do with the fat scrollbars or something else in the rom? I'm baffled at the moment.

sigh....I'm sorry to ask but i can't find the battery performance hacks by TaylorWckediden. I'm sorry. i feel bad for asking but i need help and whenever i install my sprint TV, it doesn't show up in my programs list. Just need a little bit of direction. And i'm have the Exact same problem as Moebius is. Can't drag and select emails or text messages that i wanna delete or cut. I'll take the help on that when he gets it.
I believe this has nothing to do with the ROM. It's some sort of update to WM. Any semi-recent ROM will have this feature. You now have to go into the menu and "select several."

03-05-2009, 09:58 AM
I believe this has nothing to do with the ROM. It's some sort of update to WM. Any semi-recent ROM will have this feature. You now have to go into the menu and "select several."

If that's the case, I hope someone either figures out a hack around it, or MS undoes it. I had found the select several, but it's not nearly as user friendly. Plus as soon as you take an action, the selection drops. Ugh.

03-05-2009, 02:24 PM
If that's the case, I hope someone either figures out a hack around it, or MS undoes it. I had found the select several, but it's not nearly as user friendly. Plus as soon as you take an action, the selection drops. Ugh.

Yeah, I'm no fan of this either, and I forget the reason why they did it, but there's a detailed explanation of it somewhere. I'll look around.

03-06-2009, 10:46 PM
just to clarify, theres a diamond and pro version of the rom. i flashed this rom since yesterday and love it so far, i just added a custom taskbar and resized the scrollbar which was what i dnt like about this rom.

i just need to get rid of the gay welcomehead... looks good but dont want that cartoon mouse lol

i highly recommend this rom

yeah i also dont like the thick scrolls, where is this so i can resize mine if u dont mind. i havent resized scroll bars in a long time. dont remember where it was...lol
much appreciated

03-06-2009, 10:54 PM
yeah i also dont like the thick scrolls, where is this so i can resize mine if u dont mind. i havent resized scroll bars in a long time. dont remember where it was...lol
much appreciated
Use advanced config......i think mighty is set to 13pixels and 9 for the arrows.....go to 9pixles for bars and 3-4pixles for the arrows<<<<<<Default

03-06-2009, 11:15 PM
thanks buddy, gonna check it out

--------- New Post Merged on 6/3/2009 at 10:23:24 --------

do u know anything about the mms limit. its set to 130 instead of 160? j/w

03-07-2009, 05:27 AM
Is anyone having any issues with the volume buttons. Lately I have had to soft reset my phone because the volume buttons wouldnt respond. sometimes it takes up two soft resets to get it to work.

03-07-2009, 05:59 AM
Is anyone having any issues with the volume buttons. Lately I have had to soft reset my phone because the volume buttons wouldnt respond. sometimes it takes up two soft resets to get it to work.

Yes i had encountered this b4...but the soft resets seems to fix them, Im guessing theres nothing we can do till mighty address this issue in the next build.

03-07-2009, 06:33 AM
Hallo @all,

it seems to be a nice ROM. Is there a small chance to see this Rom in German Language ever ... Thanks for the Answer in advice

03-07-2009, 10:25 AM
thanks buddy, gonna check it out

--------- New Post Merged on 6/3/2009 at 10:23:24 --------

do u know anything about the mms limit. its set to 130 instead of 160? j/w

there is a cab you need to install to make it 160 for sprint....i'll attach it for ya

03-07-2009, 01:32 PM
thanks buddy, gonna check it out

--------- New Post Merged on 6/3/2009 at 10:23:24 --------

do u know anything about the mms limit. its set to 130 instead of 160? j/w
MMS isnt text size....it is picture size.....are you wondering about text limit??? because i have one in my tweaks thread I set to 300.....there isnt a limit on how much you text.....but regardless it will still split the messages up in two for the receiver...... just want to double check which one are looking for??? I have both MMS & SMS in my tweaks thread.

03-07-2009, 01:43 PM
Is anyone having any issues with the volume buttons. Lately I have had to soft reset my phone because the volume buttons wouldnt respond. sometimes it takes up two soft resets to get it to work.
i had the same problem too when i first flashed it, but soft reseted it once and it doesnt lock on me anymore.

there is a cab you need to install to make it 160 for sprint....i'll attach it for ya
thanks man, sweet find

MMS isnt text size....it is picture size.....are you wondering about text limit??? because i have one in my tweaks thread I set to 300.....there isnt a limit on how much you text.....but regardless it will still plit the messages up in to for the receiver...... just want to double check which one are looking for??? I hope both MMS & SMS in my tweaks thread.
yeah, thats what i meant, i dont know what i was thinking i was typing to fast...lol. dont know how i missed that one in ur thread...lol thanks

03-10-2009, 04:09 PM
Hey everyone,

I convinced my best friend to get a touch pro and turned him on to Wckediden and he was really excited.

He bought a touch pro off ebay brand new and when the box came, he came over to my house and I helped him upgrade to MightyRom 4.12. Then he activated his phone but the internet doesn't work. He can make calls just fine, but he cant get a data connection. He gets that #777 error. Is it a problem with the ROM? What should I do for him? Thanks guys

03-10-2009, 04:14 PM
Hey everyone,

I convinced my best friend to get a touch pro and turned him on to Wckediden and he was really excited.

He bought a touch pro off ebay brand new and when the box came, he came over to my house and I helped him upgrade to MightyRom 4.12. Then he activated his phone but the internet doesn't work. He can make calls just fine, but he cant get a data connection. He gets that #777 error. Is it a problem with the ROM? What should I do for him? Thanks guys

call sprint or whoever ur carrier is, and have them walk u through the updating prl info... tell the the phones activated but data isnt working... it can be like a 15 minute process, but that what i had to do when i first got my pro...

03-10-2009, 04:50 PM
call sprint or whoever ur carrier is, and have them walk u through the updating prl info... tell the the phones activated but data isnt working... it can be like a 15 minute process, but that what i had to do when i first got my pro...

We were walked through updating the msl info and we dialed like ##3282# or something like that and inputed some code and then we were told to update the profile icon, but there is no update profile icon with the mighty rom. Is this what you had to do talent?? Thanks man.

Does it have to do with the fact that we changed to a custom ROM before the phone was activated for the first time, or should that not matter?

03-10-2009, 05:39 PM
We were walked through updating the msl info and we dialed like ##3282# or something like that and inputed some code and then we were told to update the profile icon, but there is no update profile icon with the mighty rom. Is this what you had to do talent?? Thanks man.

Does it have to do with the fact that we changed to a custom ROM before the phone was activated for the first time, or should that not matter?

yes thats what I had to do... and your right, ive never noticed till now, but the mighty rom doestent have the update profile and update prl icons... not sure what to tell you but you may have to flash stock and do the process and then flash back... as thats kind of a drastic step, id ask first... have you tried installin a dcd carrier cab... its worked for me in the past w/ similar issure of phone gettin phone service and no data... it might be the easy way to get er done...

03-10-2009, 05:42 PM
yes thats what I had to do... and your right, ive never noticed till now, but the mighty rom doestent have the update profile and update prl icons... not sure what to tell you but you may have to flash stock and do the process and then flash back... as thats kind of a drastic step, id ask first... have you tried installin a dcd carrier cab... its worked for me in the past w/ similar issure of phone gettin phone service and no data... it might be the easy way to get er done...

there is a update profile cab. for sprint here in Wckediden, just search for it. then install like a regular cab. and you will hape the update prl options under settings.

03-10-2009, 05:57 PM
We were walked through updating the msl info and we dialed like ##3282# or something like that and inputed some code and then we were told to update the profile icon, but there is no update profile icon with the mighty rom. Is this what you had to do talent?? Thanks man.

Does it have to do with the fact that we changed to a custom ROM before the phone was activated for the first time, or should that not matter?

there is a update profile cab. for sprint here in Wckediden, just search for it. then install like a regular cab. and you will hape the update prl options under settings.

there you have it... thanks Jos....
Gbogart... download that cab and try from there, and you should be good to go!

03-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Great! You guys are awesome. Can you post a link to that file? I'm looking right now. Thanks.

03-10-2009, 08:35 PM
Great! You guys are awesome. Can you post a link to that file? I'm looking right now. Thanks.

i have the cab, but i'll wait and see if taylor adds it to his tweaks thread. if not i'll send you the download link.

03-10-2009, 10:59 PM
i have the cab, but i'll wait and see if taylor adds it to his tweaks thread. if not i'll send you the download link.
go ahead an post the cab if ya like, i dont have it on my tweaks thread...not really a tweak but a must have with custom roms....

03-10-2009, 11:02 PM
go ahead an post the cab if ya like, i dont have it on my tweaks thread...not really a tweak but a must have with custom roms....

i try to post it in your thread bro, but it said my post needed to be approved by an administrator, so i was waiting for that. i will try one more time before i post it as a thread, since is better to have everything in one thread.

03-11-2009, 10:59 PM
Sorry in advance for long post.....

I am having some issues with this ROM all of the sudden. It just started yesterday, it became slow so I soft reset. It took 5 SOLID MINUTES to reboot! So I thought maybe I jacked something up without realizing it but I was on vacation and hadn't modded or installed anything in 5 days. I completely reflashed this ROM to start over (yes, I pulled battery and hard reset). Once I got everything installed again it worked fine......... Until my next soft reset. It took 5 minutes again! So I hard reset again, reinstall everything. And, everything is totally fine..... Until I skinned it up with Probex WM7 theme.... I installed and soft reset as instructed AND IT TOOK 5 MINUTES AGAIN!.... I don't know what else to do...... I don't think its Probex's cabs because they worked at first, it just happend all of the sudden. Here's what I have installed:

Total Commander
SlingPlayer mobile
TF3d config
(Taylors) Wckediden batteryperformance enhancement
(Taylors) Wckediden performance&battery tweak
(Taylors) Super Sensitivity
Sms160 hack
Music ID (gravity mobile)
WMWifi router
(Taylors) mUn background4allpages
Arcsoft MMS
(Taylors) MMSincreaseHack
Reg Hack IME Tweak
Wei nuepower driver

Probex WM7 skinned + custom task bar + S2U2

03-11-2009, 11:28 PM
Sorry in advance for long post.....

I am having some issues with this ROM all of the sudden. It just started yesterday, it became slow so I soft reset. It took 5 SOLID MINUTES to reboot! So I thought maybe I jacked something up without realizing it but I was on vacation and hadn't modded or installed anything in 5 days. I completely reflashed this ROM to start over (yes, I pulled battery and hard reset). Once I got everything installed again it worked fine......... Until my next soft reset. It took 5 minutes again! So I hard reset again, reinstall everything. And, everything is totally fine..... Until I skinned it up with Probex WM7 theme.... I installed and soft reset as instructed AND IT TOOK 5 MINUTES AGAIN!.... I don't know what else to do...... I don't think its Probex's cabs because they worked at first, it just happend all of the sudden. Here's what I have installed:

Total Commander
SlingPlayer mobile
TF3d config
(Taylors) Wckediden batteryperformance enhancement
(Taylors) Wckediden performance&battery tweak
(Taylors) Super Sensitivity
Sms160 hack
Music ID (gravity mobile)
WMWifi router
(Taylors) mUn background4allpages
Arcsoft MMS
(Taylors) MMSincreaseHack
Reg Hack IME Tweak
Wei nuepower driver

Probex WM7 skinned + custom task bar + S2U2

Well, I wouldn't be able to tell you anything for sure, but I can brainstorm about different things you can try. When I ran the Mighty ROM, I had most of what you have installed as well, and had no problems. I used Mighty for a little over two weeks. With that being said, you can try uninstalling certain apps to try and see if you can isolate an app that's not agreeing with Mighty. I would try running it without Slingplayer, and then if still the same, then try Arcsoft mms. I say those two, because those are the only two I never used. Another option might be downloading Mighty's ROM again instead of re-flashing with the file you already have, in case something got corrupted. One more thing you can do is check your registries to make sure Taylor's Hacks changed the registries like they were supposed to. I believe all or most of his hacks have a read me attached so that you can manually do them. So just verify that all is well there. Question:Once it finally boots up, does it run ok, or laggy?

03-11-2009, 11:29 PM
Sorry in advance for long post.....

I am having some issues with this ROM all of the sudden. It just started yesterday, it became slow so I soft reset. It took 5 SOLID MINUTES to reboot! So I thought maybe I jacked something up without realizing it but I was on vacation and hadn't modded or installed anything in 5 days. I completely reflashed this ROM to start over (yes, I pulled battery and hard reset). Once I got everything installed again it worked fine......... Until my next soft reset. It took 5 minutes again! So I hard reset again, reinstall everything. And, everything is totally fine..... Until I skinned it up with Probex WM7 theme.... I installed and soft reset as instructed AND IT TOOK 5 MINUTES AGAIN!.... I don't know what else to do...... I don't think its Probex's cabs because they worked at first, it just happend all of the sudden. Here's what I have installed:

Total Commander
SlingPlayer mobile
TF3d config
(Taylors) Wckediden batteryperformance enhancement
(Taylors) Wckediden performance&battery tweak
(Taylors) Super Sensitivity
Sms160 hack
Music ID (gravity mobile)
WMWifi router
(Taylors) mUn background4allpages
Arcsoft MMS
(Taylors) MMSincreaseHack
Reg Hack IME Tweak
Wei nuepower driver

Probex WM7 skinned + custom task bar + S2U2
well since probex themes are so well implemented with creativity perfection top of the line graphics they are pretty big files....almost 20+megs when you put it together....i did to run if for a bit an noticed the lag...bootin up was fine. but it did slow down tf3d just a bit.....i would do this......download advanced config, change file system cache to 8mb, change filter cache to 32768 sectors, that should speed a few things up.....also you should use sktools to clean temp files and clean ram up.....with a larger cache your going to need that......also when i used probe theme it was on a fresh install...no tweaks had been added yet......after i did those things it was pretty quick.

03-11-2009, 11:31 PM
Sorry in advance for long post.....

I am having some issues with this ROM all of the sudden. It just started yesterday, it became slow so I soft reset. It took 5 SOLID MINUTES to reboot! So I thought maybe I jacked something up without realizing it but I was on vacation and hadn't modded or installed anything in 5 days. I completely reflashed this ROM to start over (yes, I pulled battery and hard reset). Once I got everything installed again it worked fine......... Until my next soft reset. It took 5 minutes again! So I hard reset again, reinstall everything. And, everything is totally fine..... Until I skinned it up with Probex WM7 theme.... I installed and soft reset as instructed AND IT TOOK 5 MINUTES AGAIN!.... I don't know what else to do...... I don't think its Probex's cabs because they worked at first, it just happend all of the sudden. Here's what I have installed:

Total Commander
SlingPlayer mobile
TF3d config
(Taylors) Wckediden batteryperformance enhancement
(Taylors) Wckediden performance&battery tweak
(Taylors) Super Sensitivity
Sms160 hack
Music ID (gravity mobile)
WMWifi router
(Taylors) mUn background4allpages
Arcsoft MMS
(Taylors) MMSincreaseHack
Reg Hack IME Tweak
Wei nuepower driver

Probex WM7 skinned + custom task bar + S2U2

if your not on the stock rom munbackground is causing the issues.... this is built into all the new roms automatically and doesnt need to be installed again...

03-12-2009, 12:26 AM
if your not on the stock rom munbackground is causing the issues.... this is built into all the new roms automatically and doesnt need to be installed again...

I'm pretty sure it was left out of Mighty ROM because this is the first and only ROM I've used besides stock on the Pro..... But just in case I was wrong I just uninstalled/soft reset and it still took 4+ mins, plus now I only have the background on the home tab so I guess do need it..... Everything works totally fine once booted but 5 mins to reboot is so annoying. Oh I almost forgot to mention every reboot is eating like 5% battery too

03-12-2009, 01:38 AM
I'm pretty sure it was left out of Mighty ROM because this is the first and only ROM I've used besides stock on the Pro..... But just in case I was wrong I just uninstalled/soft reset and it still took 4+ mins, plus now I only have the background on the home tab so I guess do need it..... Everything works totally fine once booted but 5 mins to reboot is so annoying. Oh I almost forgot to mention every reboot is eating like 5% battery too

i have never installed the cab on mine and i am running mightyrom also..... and all my backgrounds are the same on different themes also.

03-12-2009, 02:01 AM
the issue is that probex theme comes with background for all tabs.....i have mighty newest now and installed it no problem never a glitch....but the wm7 theme has it in the cabs.....probex stated that in original post not to install it again or u will get issues....hope this helps

03-12-2009, 03:23 AM
MightyROM 4.13
...In Development

[ # ] Opera Mobile 9.5.15954 w. Full Flash Support (No Crashes, Lockups, Etc)
[ # ] New Adobe Flash Package
[ # ] nueGpsSecurity
[ # ] Improved Drivers System Wide
[ # ] Hardware Keyboard Lag Removed
[ # ] Much More...

Cant wait!! I don't know what else he could add since this rom already kicks ass!! At least he is addressing the opera issue.

03-12-2009, 07:33 AM
i have never installed the cab on mine and i am running mightyrom also..... and all my backgrounds are the same on different themes also.

the issue is that probex theme comes with background for all tabs.....i have mighty newest now and installed it no problem never a glitch....but the wm7 theme has it in the cabs.....probex stated that in original post not to install it again or u will get issues....hope this helps

Thanks.... Yeah I was wondering that if maybe installing it messed it up so simply uninstalling it wouldn't work. If I have time today I'll hard reset and reinstall everything the way I have it all over again with out installing that cab. Hopefully then it will be ok, I'll report back.

Cant wait!! I don't know what else he could add since this rom already kicks ass!! At least he is addressing the opera issue.

Sweet, maybe he's adding some of these tweaks and custom taskbar. Either way, thanks for the heads up

03-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Thanks.... I'll hard reset and reinstall everything the way I have it all over again with out installing that cab. Hopefully then it will be ok, I'll report back.

have you tried Sashimi, latly.. easiest way to reinstall everything you want, back to your specs after a hard reset or flash, w/o having to do it all manually...

03-12-2009, 03:28 PM
have you tried Sashimi, latly.. easiest way to reinstall everything you want, back to your specs after a hard reset or flash, w/o having to do it all manually...

Thanks, I'll search for it in a minute

I figured out what was causing the booting issue but I don't understand why.... I installed everything back and soft reset after each install. It all went perfectly fine until I installed S2U2. Weird..... I installed from this cab: S2U2_V1.50_Touch_Pro_Edition_White_Clock_VGA from here https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=181643&highlight=s2u2
and it functions correctly while in use, but it is the only thing that caused the boot up issue after it was installed. I uninstalled and the booting worked perfectly. I guess I'll try the newest 1.52

03-12-2009, 03:32 PM
Thanks, I'll search for it in a minute

I figured out what was causing the booting issue but I don't understand why.... I installed everything back and soft reset after each install. It all went perfectly fine until I installed S2U2. Weird..... I installed from this cab: S2U2_V1.50_Touch_Pro_Edition_White_Clock_VGA from here https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=181643&highlight=s2u2

and it functions correctly while in use, but it is the only thing that caused the boot up issue after it was installed. I uninstalled and the booting worked perfectly. I guess I'll try the newest 1.52

cool glad you figured out what was doing it.... and you dont have any other lock installed do you? sometimes certain apps just dont play right with eachother..... let us know how the new version is working for you if you dont mind.

03-12-2009, 04:12 PM
cool glad you figured out what was doing it.... and you dont have any other lock installed do you? sometimes certain apps just dont play right with eachother..... let us know how the new version is working for you if you dont mind.

Yep, 1.52 seems to work just fine, and rebooted like normal, and I installed probex s2u2 skin over with no problems..... Weird how V1.50 worked just fine for 5 days or so then all of the sudden it gave me issues eventhough I did no installations or modding in that same period of time

03-12-2009, 06:02 PM
hands down the best rom fo speed and stability

03-13-2009, 12:09 AM
Migthyrom 4.13 Officially out!!! gonna flash in a bit :) fresh out of the kitchen!

MightyROM 4.13
[ # ] CE OS 20765 Build 20765 AKU 1.4.4
[ # ] Opera Mobile 9.5.14954 w. Full Flash Support
[ # ] New Adobe Flash Package
[ # ] nueGPS Security
[ # ] + New Registry Mods
[ # ] Hardware Keyboard Lag Removed
[ # ] + New Updated Drivers
[ # ] ... More I Can't Remember

03-13-2009, 02:48 AM
updated first post with newest version

03-13-2009, 03:09 AM
Been working with this version since 8pm pst putting it to my liking. I must say its very responsive. boot screen is dope now! not the mightymouse.
if you want programs menu to be four columns you will have to manually change it since he left it out this time here it is.

MightyROM Original Programs Layout

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\IconCo nfig]


so far soooo good!

03-14-2009, 07:02 PM
just to clarify, theres a diamond and pro version of the rom. i flashed this rom since yesterday and love it so far, i just added a custom taskbar and resized the scrollbar which was what i dnt like about this rom.

i just need to get rid of the gay welcomehead... looks good but dont want that cartoon mouse lol

i highly recommend this rom

hey bro i just installed this rom and its great..i was wondering how to install the customer taskbar..i searched and found one i liked but so far no luck on how to install it...can you like give me a turorial or something...this is the one i'm trying to install..thanks in advance


03-14-2009, 07:07 PM
hey bro i just installed this rom and its great..i was wondering how to install the customer taskbar..i searched and found one i liked but so far no luck on how to install it...can you like give me a turorial or something...this is the one i'm trying to install..thanks in advance


hi code your links nextime and ask this in the thread at ppcgeeks not here


03-14-2009, 07:16 PM
hey bro i just installed this rom and its great..i was wondering how to install the customer taskbar..i searched and found one i liked but so far no luck on how to install it...can you like give me a turorial or something...this is the one i'm trying to install..thanks in advance


we have a thread here like that too called changing taskbar and most of the custom taskbars come with the themes so h ave you tried hitting up the themes area to see?

03-14-2009, 10:30 PM
wow, just flashed the update. lovin this rom. like mentoned above....hands down!

03-14-2009, 10:55 PM
Someone please help. I have sipchange and on mighty 4.12 and now 4.13 I cant get full qwerty to stay as my default keyboard after soft reset. Anyone else have this prob? Thanks

03-15-2009, 05:16 AM
DL link seems to dead off the server, both ppcgeeks and here. If someone had 4.13, could you please reup... Anyone have any feedback on this?

03-15-2009, 08:19 AM
dl link seems to dead off the server, both ppcgeeks and here. If someone had 4.13, could you please reup... Anyone have any feedback on this?

hi big jew just checkt it works fine

grtz weesje

03-15-2009, 11:42 AM
hi big jew just checkt it works fine

grtz weesje

weesje, are you using the big DOWNLOAD LINK in yellow? when i click it , it redirects me, but eventually times out. can u post me a link? THANKS

03-15-2009, 11:45 AM
weesje, are you using the big DOWNLOAD LINK in yellow? when i click it , it redirects me, but eventually times out. can u post me a link? THANKS



03-15-2009, 11:49 AM


i guess it must be me. I pasted the link in both Firefox and IE ... they both time out. and tell me page cannot be displayed....WTF?

03-15-2009, 11:59 AM
i guess it must be me. I pasted the link in both firefox and ie ... They both time out. And tell me page cannot be displayed....wtf?

yes got to be something whit your internet browser acces

grtz weesje

03-15-2009, 01:20 PM
Hi Im currently running 13IG JE\/\/'s Murder Build Rom right now and wanna try this out. Should I flash to stock rom first or is it fine to flash straight to this rom.

Any help appreciated.

03-15-2009, 01:31 PM
Hi Im currently running 13IG JE\/\/'s Murder Build Rom right now and wanna try this out. Should I flash to stock rom first or is it fine to flash straight to this rom.

Any help appreciated.

flash sraight to this, you should be fine

03-15-2009, 02:04 PM
this might seem like a very stupid queston but on the sd card I already have the murder build rom's ruu signed to raphimg.nbh. would i delete this file and and rename the new one from the might rom or what?

03-15-2009, 02:06 PM
this might seem like a very stupid queston but on the sd card I already have the murder build rom's ruu signed to raphimg.nbh. would i delete this file and and rename the new one from the might rom or what?

name JeWs rom to something else, and mighty to raphimg.nbh

03-15-2009, 02:07 PM
this might seem like a very stupid queston but on the sd card I already have the murder build rom's ruu signed to raphimg.nbh. would i delete this file and and rename the new one from the might rom or what?
Well if you are going to flash from sd card then yes....but just put the murder rom in a folder so if you feel like switching back to that you can always just put back to root of sd card.....but you would have to move the mighty rom to a folder as well......you cant have two nbh files on the root to flash....it wont work that way and one will overwrite the other........

03-15-2009, 02:13 PM
Thank you both. Ill do what you said Taylor about putting BJ's in another folder cuz I really like that rom and might switch back to it.

03-15-2009, 10:57 PM
So I'm still trying to improve the battery life on my TP. I'm running this ROM and I love it, but I'm still getting like 12-14 hours on a single charge daily. All I do is light texting and talking and email, maybe some apps or surfing, but seriously light usage. I set page interval to 1250 with taylor's cab, and flashed to the telus radio. I just hear some ppl getting like 24hrs on a charge and I am wondering if there is anything else that I could do. Thanks homies.

03-15-2009, 11:15 PM
So I'm still trying to improve the battery life on my TP. I'm running this ROM and I love it, but I'm still getting like 12-14 hours on a single charge daily. All I do is light texting and talking and email, maybe some apps or surfing, but seriously light usage. I set page interval to 1250 with taylor's cab, and flashed to the telus radio. I just hear some ppl getting like 24hrs on a charge and I am wondering if there is anything else that I could do. Thanks homies.

if your on the stock radio that came with the phone that will be the reason... there is a thread with all the different radios for the touch pro and i use the telus version still and love the battery life that i get with it..... signal also is way better than any of the other radios out there....... and to flash the radio it uses the ruu but you dont have to worry about setting the phone up again because it doesnt do a restore on your device.

03-16-2009, 12:45 AM
if your on the stock radio that came with the phone that will be the reason... there is a thread with all the different radios for the touch pro and i use the telus version still and love the battery life that i get with it..... signal also is way better than any of the other radios out there....... and to flash the radio it uses the ruu but you dont have to worry about setting the phone up again because it doesnt do a restore on your device.

Yea, I have been using the telus radio for a few weeks now. I don't really see much difference in signal. I still get the same signal strength in my house (which isnt very good) and still drop calls in the same areas when I'm driving as I did with the stock radio.

So if I'm in an area all day where I get a 3g connection and full signal strength I'll have better battery life then if I am at home all day where I have 1 or 2 bars and switch between 1X and EV speeds all day?

03-18-2009, 01:06 AM

MightyROM 4.14
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771 AKU 1.4.6
[ + ] New - System Icons
[ # ] Fixed - RSS Hub Opening Links In Opera
[ # ] Fixed - Flash In Opera (Tested Youtube.com & Works Fine)
[ # ] Updated - Internet Explorer 6
[ # ] Updated - Drivers!
[ # ] Updated - EZInput Package (Faster Typing Speeds)
[ # ] Updated - Enlarge Start Menu .dll's (Faster Draw Speeds)
[ # ] Updated - Manila Engine (Thanks Juicy)
[ # ] Updated - Audio Manager
[ # ] Revised - Many More Registry Edits Throughout OS
[ # ] Removed - Battery Monitor, PHM Reg Edit, JetCet Print, Soft Reset Utility, Network Plugin,

I'm already flashing :P

03-18-2009, 02:44 PM
I was using juggalos rom for a while but I have to say this rom runs much better while using less. My battery seems to last longer now too. I love the new contacts tab. Thanks. Hopefully you can get your hands on the touch pro 2 manila when its done being ported and incorporate it into your next rom. Crap! there's a newer version already? Time to reload all the cabs.

03-19-2009, 12:58 PM
This may be a general TP question, but since I'm currently running this rom, starting here. Heck, I honestly can't remember when I noticed this, so it may be something different in TP altogether.

Basically, I seem to have lost any auto spelling correction when using the slide out keyboard, or qwerty screen keyboard. Normally, things like "i" used to be capitalized automatically, and most apostrophe situations were automatically corrected (Im became I'm, cant - can't, wouldnt - wouldn't, etc...). Is there a setting or file that does this? Or for that matter is it something the removed from the sys versions on the Touch Pro (the last time I can remember seeing it was still on my Mogul)?

I generally travel a lot and handle quite a few emails from my mobile (haven't traveled in a couple months so didn't notice when I got my TP) so I've come to rely on some of those auto-corrects quite a bit and would love to get them working again if possible.

--------- New Post Merged on 19/3/2009 at 12:09:41 --------

Edit (hoping for automerge here)

Forgot to add that auto-correct and word suggestion are enabled in the Input/Word Completion settings.

03-19-2009, 01:10 PM
updated the title with the newest version released on the 18th.

03-19-2009, 01:14 PM
This may be a general TP question, but since I'm currently running this rom, starting here. Heck, I honestly can't remember when I noticed this, so it may be something different in TP altogether.

Basically, I seem to have lost any auto spelling correction when using the slide out keyboard, or qwerty screen keyboard. Normally, things like "i" used to be capitalized automatically, and most apostrophe situations were automatically corrected (Im became I'm, cant - can't, wouldnt - wouldn't, etc...). Is there a setting or file that does this? Or for that matter is it something the removed from the sys versions on the Touch Pro (the last time I can remember seeing it was still on my Mogul)?

I generally travel a lot and handle quite a few emails from my mobile (haven't traveled in a couple months so didn't notice when I got my TP) so I've come to rely on some of those auto-corrects quite a bit and would love to get them working again if possible.

--------- New Post Merged on 19/3/2009 at 12:09:41 --------

Edit (hoping for automerge here)

Forgot to add that auto-correct and word suggestion are enabled in the Input/Word Completion settings.

There is a thread that talks about exactly this with a cab that is called classic word completion. I have the cab and installed it once but never installed it again because I didn't like it for some reason. I think it may have changed another setting.....can't really remember. Anyway, the thread is out there, just keep searching

--------- New Post Merged on 19/3/2009 at 12:16:55 --------

Look at this:


03-19-2009, 04:10 PM
Hey Guys, sorry this question may have been answered but I've tried to no evail and I always get the "timed out" page on ppc geeks or downloading from the yellow download to get this mighty rom for my htc diamond....can anone help? I cant get it from anywhere...cheers.

03-19-2009, 04:15 PM
Hey Guys, sorry this question may have been answered but I've tried to no evail and I always get the "timed out" page on ppc geeks or downloading from the yellow download to get this mighty rom for my htc diamond....can anone help? I cant get it from anywhere...cheers.

well one....you cant use this rom.....its for the tp.....so dont try to flash this version.....and two you want to take it up with mighty or lil rico over at ppcgeeks in the diamond thread since they have members hosting the server to which the files are uploaded too,.

03-19-2009, 04:33 PM
sorry for the double post..thanks to everyone for answering my question.

03-19-2009, 04:35 PM
sorry guys, trying to get this downloaded for my telus htc diamond with no success from here or ppc geeks...anyone help? the download (yellow tab) and ppc geeks all time out.

Bro, did you read what Taylor wrote? This rom isn't for the DIAMOND its for the Touch Pro. If you try and flash this you will brick your device. Mighty also makes roms for the Diamond I believe but you will have to find that thread and try that.

03-19-2009, 06:33 PM
will MightyROM 4.13 work on the HTC Mogul?? i have the 3.35 radio.

03-19-2009, 06:35 PM
will MightyROM 4.13 work on the HTC Mogul?? i have the 3.35 radio.

This is made for the Touch Pro read the description on the things. Flashing the wrong rom for the wrong kinda phone and you could ruin the one you have!!!!

03-19-2009, 07:04 PM
There is a thread that talks about exactly this with a cab that is called classic word completion. I have the cab and installed it once but never installed it again because I didn't like it for some reason. I think it may have changed another setting.....can't really remember. Anyway, the thread is out there, just keep searching

--------- New Post Merged on 19/3/2009 at 12:16:55 --------

Look at this:


Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

03-23-2009, 12:20 AM
looks like Might has another release or is coming soon to be released

MightyROM 4.15
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771 AKU 1.4.6
[ # ] Optimized ROM For Final Build
[ # ] Optimized System Tweaks
[ # ] Stock Pocket IE
[ # ] PACKAGE_Rhodium_HTC_Menu
[ # ] PACKAGE_Topaz_System_Icons
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BootLauncher_1.0.37394.1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_AutoShortcut_1.1.2.0
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BTBPP_1.7.18.R1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_HTC_APM_1.5.1819.3426
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_Concurrence Manager_1.5.1911.1625

03-23-2009, 02:15 AM
updated first 2 posts with newest verison..... had to steal your post taylor :glasses1:

03-23-2009, 02:54 AM
It's up and I'm downloading now. Is there any difference between the Rhodium enhancement cabs and the rhodium/topez ones?

03-23-2009, 07:23 AM
is there a major difference between 15 from 14???:Drogar-Mark-02(LBG)

03-23-2009, 09:30 AM
The link is re-opened the rom issue with the e mail has been fixed. Downloading again. Will post thoughts tonight.

03-23-2009, 01:49 PM
is there a major difference between 15 from 14???:Drogar-Mark-02(LBG)

You can look at the change log but the only noticeable differences so far are a bunch of new program icons, and a new email setup app

03-23-2009, 07:48 PM
This ROM is the Shizzznit! I am in Love... :lol:

03-23-2009, 08:23 PM
This ROM is the Shizzznit! I am in Love... :lol:

Have u tried the new Juicy 5 rom yet?

03-23-2009, 08:25 PM
I was going to ,.... I downloaded it but never flashed!

03-23-2009, 09:34 PM
Have u tried the new Juicy 5 rom yet?
I am def NOT a fan of Juicys take on TP roms. Mighty has had the best run so far with TP roms in my opinion, including this one.

03-23-2009, 09:43 PM
it jumped from 4.14 to 4.7?

--------- New Post Merged on 23/3/2009 at 09:11:51 --------

[March 23rd, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.15 [20771]

please fix the title thanks

03-23-2009, 10:30 PM
it jumped from 4.14 to 4.7?

--------- New Post Merged on 23/3/2009 at 09:11:51 --------

[March 23rd, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.15 [20771]

please fix the title thanks

no, it started at 4.7 and now is at 4.15. the title does not need to be fixed, this thread is just being updated with the newest version as it comes out.

03-23-2009, 10:40 PM
it jumped from 4.14 to 4.7?

--------- New Post Merged on 23/3/2009 at 09:11:51 --------

[March 23rd, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.15 [20771]

please fix the title thanks

no, it started at 4.7 and now is at 4.15. the title does not need to be fixed, this thread is just being updated with the newest version as it comes out.

hes right it should be 4.15 and switching the title... the 4.7 is for the diamond

03-24-2009, 12:02 AM
First I have to say thank you to Mike for making an outstanding set of ROMs. I just wish I knew how to make a good sd config file because I have been flashing his updates all last week...and from what I can see at PPC geeks, this is not the last one. Now, the new set of icons looks amazing. They actually look modern rather than windows mobile 5. The new e mail setup wizard was great too. I was able to set up Hotmail and Yahoo with no issues whatsoever. The new menu options for for the e mail are a welcomed change also. They look nicer and give you more options like selecting specific message for deleting or moving, etc. That menu structure is also used for text messages and others like the phone menu. The system icons like the evdo symbol, battery meter, etc have also been updated. They are just like the icons on the Juggalo rom. The new notifications page is way better than the old one. Where the old one would give you symbols when the top bar is touched , this one gives you info in a textual format with options to dismiss all or close. It looks like you are supposed to go to the call history page when you tap the missed call tab, it even highlights, but nothing happens. So in that sense, I don't know if it is working properly. Overall though, this rom kicks ass. It seems like it runs better than 4.14 (my phone wasn't happy with it). Hope this helps...just don't be surprised when he comes out with yet another one in a few days.

03-24-2009, 12:31 AM
no, it started at 4.7 and now is at 4.15. the title does not need to be fixed, this thread is just being updated with the newest version as it comes out.

you beat me to it Dash, lol

I LOVE THIS ROM, but everytime i get my phone right they come out with an updated rom... DAMNIT hahahaha


--------- New Post Merged on 24/3/2009 at 02:22:23 --------


Just seen this over at PPC GEEKS

MightyROM 4.15 TF3D2-BETA
featuring TF3D-2 port courtesy of xboxmod

This is extremely beta! This is not an official release. Please DO NOT report any bugs, glitches, etc. This release is not intended to surpass the current MightyROM 4.15 release.

Come take MightyROM 4.15 for a test drive featuring the recently released rhodium manila port thanks to xboxmod and friends.

[ # ] HTC Rhodium Manila Port by XboxMod
[ # ] SMS Issues Fixed
[ # ] Contacts Fixed
[ # ] NO Email Bug
[ # ] 2 Other Fixes yet to be seen in any other rom! MightyROM Exclusive!!!

Many thanks to Xboxmod & Pyrotech for allowing me to include some of the newest fixes unreleased and offer them to the community to take for a test drive.

03-24-2009, 01:05 PM
updated first post with the newest version!!! touchflo 3d-2

03-24-2009, 08:02 PM
Is anyone using the 4.15 tf3d-2 ROM (beta) he made???... I would like to flash it, but would like an idea how well it runs............I LOVE 4.15... When in doubt ..just say MIGHTY MIKE!

03-24-2009, 08:21 PM
Is anyone using the 4.15 tf3d-2 ROM (beta) he made???... I would like to flash it, but would like an idea how well it runs............I LOVE 4.15... When in doubt ..just say MIGHTY MIKE!

im actually using it right now. flashed the beta2, he fixed the tf3d crash when u open weather. still messing with it. havent seen any noticable bugs so far. it is pretty smooth and fast. let yall know more as soon possible.

03-24-2009, 08:52 PM
im actually using it right now. flashed the beta2, he fixed the tf3d crash when u open weather. still messing with it. havent seen any noticable bugs so far. it is pretty smooth and fast. let yall know more as soon possible.

do you know if he just added the new fix(v1c) or if he did something else different?

03-24-2009, 08:52 PM

here is the MightyROM TF3D2-BETA2

03-24-2009, 09:54 PM

here is the MightyROM TF3D2-BETA2

thanks, i was about to do that. he did sum other fixes but the weather started to crash again. i tried using weather database editor but my city isnt showing up on the list. but i can say, im using BBExtreme 5.0 and it is sweet on this Rom!

03-24-2009, 10:09 PM
Hm, after installing this rom I can't do anything requiring data. I always seem to get this problem... I already ran the profile updater and all that jaz, is this a common problem(hopefully) with a known quick fix?

03-24-2009, 10:56 PM
Hm, after installing this rom I can't do anything requiring data. I always seem to get this problem... I already ran the profile updater and all that jaz, is this a common problem(hopefully) with a known quick fix?

thats because this isnt made for the mogul this is a touch pro rom!!

03-24-2009, 11:01 PM
Hm so I called sprint customer support and they came to the conculusion that i had profile 0 selected vs profile 1 on the ## data thing. Still going hella slow tho >.<

03-24-2009, 11:04 PM
Hm so I called sprint customer support and they came to the conculusion that i had profile 0 selected vs profile 1 on the ## data thing. Still going hella slow tho >.<

that doesnt matter rthis is made for the touch pro and notthe mogul.... im suprised you havent bricked.... flash back to a mogul rom asap or it will prolly overheat or frye some things quickly

03-24-2009, 11:10 PM
thats because this isnt made for the mogul this is a touch pro rom!!

Sorry dash, havn't updated my status. Just got a new tp after I "accidentally" broke my mogul.

03-25-2009, 01:24 AM
So I noticed something for the first time tonight and was wondering if anyone else has seen similar. Whenever I open the slide, the phone app launches for a sec, then closes. For example, when I noticed it I was replying to a text message using SIP. Decided to open and type the rest with the keyboard. Phone app launched, couple screen flashes (first to what looked like recent calls, then dialer skin) then the app closed and I was back at the SMS screen entering text. The same thing seemed to happen when I closed the slide. I haven't had a chance to test after a soft reset yet (certain other pressing engagements came up :) ), but was curious if anyone had seen such as symptom. This is still on 4.14 at the moment as I've not had a chance to flash 15 yet.

03-25-2009, 01:39 AM
So I noticed something for the first time tonight and was wondering if anyone else has seen similar. Whenever I open the slide, the phone app launches for a sec, then closes. For example, when I noticed it I was replying to a text message using SIP. Decided to open and type the rest with the keyboard. Phone app launched, couple screen flashes (first to what looked like recent calls, then dialer skin) then the app closed and I was back at the SMS screen entering text. The same thing seemed to happen when I closed the slide. I haven't had a chance to test after a soft reset yet (certain other pressing engagements came up :) ), but was curious if anyone had seen such as symptom. This is still on 4.14 at the moment as I've not had a chance to flash 15 yet.

I had that problem a long time ago with some other pro roms but never with any of the mighty roms. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it is still there after your next flash

03-25-2009, 01:39 AM
So I noticed something for the first time tonight and was wondering if anyone else has seen similar. Whenever I open the slide, the phone app launches for a sec, then closes. For example, when I noticed it I was replying to a text message using SIP. Decided to open and type the rest with the keyboard. Phone app launched, couple screen flashes (first to what looked like recent calls, then dialer skin) then the app closed and I was back at the SMS screen entering text. The same thing seemed to happen when I closed the slide. I haven't had a chance to test after a soft reset yet (certain other pressing engagements came up :) ), but was curious if anyone had seen such as symptom. This is still on 4.14 at the moment as I've not had a chance to flash 15 yet.

yeah, it happened to me a couple of times today. it didnt really bother me as much cause like he says, "extremely" beta. one day this will be official, but so far this is sweet!

--------- New Post Merged on 25/3/2009 at 01:53:38 --------

just read that the mightyrom tf3d-2 beta will end tommorrow and the links will be removed. just a heads up.

03-25-2009, 03:04 AM
hey guys anybody having issues intalling the tf3d config tool on this rom (4.15) it worked on 4.13 and 4.14 for me but for some reason on this rom after i installed and soft reset, when i tap on the icon it gives me an error saying unexpeqted error happend on tf3d.exe pls quit and restart program. any help???

03-25-2009, 03:08 AM
hey guys anybody having issues intalling the tf3d config tool on this rom (4.15) it worked on 4.13 and 4.14 for me but for some reason on this rom after i installed and soft reset, when i tap on the icon it gives me an error saying unexpeqted error happend on tf3d.exe pls quit and restart program. any help???

if your running the rom with touchflo 3d-2 than that wont work since you have to use the tf3d-2 themes and theres only a couple out at this time.

03-25-2009, 05:07 AM
if your running the rom with touchflo 3d-2 than that wont work since you have to use the tf3d-2 themes and theres only a couple out at this time.

how would you know if its the tf3d-2?? if its the beta stage that i read, then its NOT or did the 4.15 came with the tf3d-2? im confused now anyways still enjoying my probex wm7 so dont really care just i want to test some themes for my friends pro. thanks!!

03-25-2009, 09:06 AM
how would you know if its the tf3d-2?? if its the beta stage that i read, then its NOT or did the 4.15 came with the tf3d-2? im confused now anyways still enjoying my probex wm7 so dont really care just i want to test some themes for my friends pro. thanks!!

If your running the wm7 theme then you don't have it. There are 2 versions of 4.15 (1 with tf3d-2 and 1 without). You would know if you had it. There are a lot of differences (i.e. stock tab, start menu etc.). Did you delete the tweaks file located under program files?

03-25-2009, 05:22 PM
I'm sorry but its kinda hard for me to believe so much of the hype of this rom right now without asking 1 single question that maybe somebody can help me with.

First off lemme say i do enjoy the programs installed. However, heres my problem: I have 4.15 mighty on the left and juggalo's on the right. Both have the alltel radio 1.04.5 so what's the problem with the signal may I ask? I just cannot seem to get any signal worth a crap with any mighty roms. Any help?

Ohh I've tried this phone on other roms as well and the mighty roms are the only ones that give me bad signal.

03-25-2009, 07:06 PM
I'm sorry but its kinda hard for me to believe so much of the hype of this rom right now without asking 1 single question that maybe somebody can help me with.

First off lemme say i do enjoy the programs installed. However, heres my problem: I have 4.15 mighty on the left and juggalo's on the right. Both have the alltel radio 1.04.5 so what's the problem with the signal may I ask? I just cannot seem to get any signal worth a crap with any mighty roms. Any help?

Ohh I've tried this phone on other roms as well and the mighty roms are the only ones that give me bad signal.
I'm not positive, but I think one of the two added more signal bars with a registry edit which gives them more bars than stock, thus making it seem like one has more bars than the other. I can't really explain it clearly, but maybe someone else could.

03-25-2009, 07:11 PM
I'm not positive, but I think one of the two added more signal bars with a registry edit which gives them more bars than stock, thus making it seem like one has more bars than the other. I can't really explain it clearly, but maybe someone else could.

thats a good catch...i believe you are talking about the skinny signal bars vs. the thick signal bars hack....I didn't even realize that the bars do look different in regards to width

03-25-2009, 07:32 PM
yea so im like, thinking about flashing this beast but im just wondering what you guys really think about it? this or juicy 5?

03-25-2009, 07:41 PM
I'm sorry but its kinda hard for me to believe so much of the hype of this rom right now without asking 1 single question that maybe somebody can help me with.

First off lemme say i do enjoy the programs installed. However, heres my problem: I have 4.15 mighty on the left and juggalo's on the right. Both have the alltel radio 1.04.5 so what's the problem with the signal may I ask? I just cannot seem to get any signal worth a crap with any mighty roms. Any help?

Ohh I've tried this phone on other roms as well and the mighty roms are the only ones that give me bad signal.

ive noticed this as well..i believe its in the polling. to save battery...as soon as you dial it changes and goes full signal.....same as other...

03-25-2009, 09:00 PM
4.16 is up now. It sounds like he is taking a bit of a break after this one. Downloading it now. Will report any problems to ya guys.

Changelog is

[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771
[ # ] nueGpsSecurity
[ # ] Volume Settings Set Default To "System"
[ # ] Minor Registry Edits
[ # ] Updated System .Dll's

03-25-2009, 09:25 PM
Both of them have the same exact battery poll intervals of 1250 and, icons are the same as well. The mighty physically just does not get as good of signal compared to juggalo and it's a side by side comparison of the two. If there are any registry hacks that give 2 full bars that are out there PLEASE by all means tell me which ones they are lol. Anybody really know whats up now?

03-25-2009, 09:58 PM

here is the link for......

MightyROM 4.16
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771
[ # ] nueGpsSecurity
[ # ] Volume Settings Set Default To "System"
[ # ] Minor Registry Edits
[ # ] Updated System .Dll's

my phones keyboard works sometimes so im getting a new one sent to me so when i get it ill put this on it.... now i gotta put the phone back to SPRINT MODE lol and relock it O WHAT FUN

03-25-2009, 10:18 PM
I've decided to give you guys the full picture so you can see it a bit better here.
