View Full Version : Need a little help

03-06-2009, 11:36 AM
Well I have a htc touch pro and i would like to make it like an iPhone.
I've downloaded the torex one before but it seemed like it wasn't going to work so I didn't continue.
Then i downloaded another one and it had a lot of manila files i believe and
I think i was suppose to overwrite the windows ones i think
I didnt know what to do so if maybe someone can help me somehow.
I have a little experience with this.I have unlocked my phone and everything i even have a different rom.
I just wanted a link to an iPhone theme or rom
or instruction on how to do it.

Thanks Sprint Ahead.

03-06-2009, 01:20 PM
Well I have a htc touch pro and i would like to make it like an iPhone.
I've downloaded the torex one before but it seemed like it wasn't going to work so I didn't continue.
Then i downloaded another one and it had a lot of manila files i believe and
I think i was suppose to overwrite the windows ones i think
I didnt know what to do so if maybe someone can help me somehow.
I have a little experience with this.I have unlocked my phone and everything i even have a different rom.
I just wanted a link to an iPhone theme or rom
or instruction on how to do it.

Thanks Sprint Ahead.

there are thousands of iphone themes out there unfortunately..... the torx version needed Wisbar and WAD. the other one was for an iphone touchflo 3d version (and yes manila files are in the windows folder.) try ifonz, simple iphone interface, grumps, etc..... those threaa above are all cab files. also the search feature Must be used... you would have found all of those by searching iphone interface or something similar...... hope this helps ya out some and the lack of responce for this thread was becasue there are also 4000 others like it...... good luck and hope all goes well this time...

when you have questions on certain themes, apps, games, etc, please ask in that thread soyou can be better assisted than if you make a new threads.... this is becasue in the original thread we have more to look off of info wise in the first post, pics, etc.