View Full Version : [Check4SPAM] RE: VIDEO Walkthrough for Unlocking / Installing Rom on HTC Di

03-08-2009, 10:07 AM
[URL Attempt (https://www.wckediden.com/forumdisplay.php?f=501)] User received an error - No action required!

Hey guys, first post on here. But I just wanted to share that i made a (VERY AMATURE) walkthrough video on how to Unlock and install roms and even a theme onto your Sprint HTC Diamond. So if there is anyone out there frustrated that would like that little bit of extra visual walkthrough, go here :> it's 4 video with some minor annotations for convenience. Theres 4 video's all together. I tried to be thorough.

hope this helps somebody! I wish i had a video walkthrough when first modding my phone :>~


:connie_mykilroy: :connie_mykilroy: :connie_mykilroy: :connie_mykilroy:
That poor .. sad.. little face.. ;)~