View Full Version : Mogul Headphone Help

03-10-2009, 12:12 PM

First off, I would like to say I love the site and everyone is doing a great job here. I just did my first flash last night and it is amazing. Keep up the great work.

My question is, I like to listen to music at work, and I have been trying to figure out how to get my music to either pause or silent the phone when I unplug my headphones.

I have tried s2p with s2u2 setting to disable music when unplugged and that did not work.

I also have phoneweaver install and tried the profile change when headphone is unplugged/plugged in.

I really think the issue is my mogul does not know the headphones are plugged in/unplugged.

Any input would be great. Thanks

Sorry if this is in the wrong section or has been already asked. I tried every search option I could think of.

03-10-2009, 01:01 PM

First off, I would like to say I love the site and everyone is doing a great job here. I just did my first flash last night and it is amazing. Keep up the great work.

My question is, I like to listen to music at work, and I have been trying to figure out how to get my music to either pause or silent the phone when I unplug my headphones.

I have tried s2p with s2u2 setting to disable music when unplugged and that did not work.

I also have phoneweaver install and tried the profile change when headphone is unplugged/plugged in.

I really think the issue is my mogul does not know the headphones are plugged in/unplugged.

Any input would be great. Thanks

Sorry if this is in the wrong section or has been already asked. I tried every search option I could think of.

what kind of headphones are you using? are they the ones that came with the phone or at least mini usb compatible headphones... or are you using 3.5/2.5 mm headphone jack in some sort of adapter to plug into the mini usb port?

03-10-2009, 01:07 PM
what kind of headphones are you using? are they the ones that came with the phone or at least mini usb compatible headphones... or are you using 3.5/2.5 mm headphone jack in some sort of adapter to plug into the mini usb port?

I have used the mini usb headphones that came with it and I also have a mini usb to 3.5mm adapter.

03-10-2009, 01:14 PM
and issues with both?... hmm not sure what else can adjust those settings, but ill look aroun and see what I can find, if the s2p settings arent work... thus far thats the only app Ive seen with that feature...

also have you tried adjusting you settings w/ the adv config tool, not sure if that will do it for you, but i know there are setting there for the audio manager and such...

03-10-2009, 01:27 PM
I will look into the adv config tool and see if anything in there will work.

Is this the one you are talking about?


--------- New Post Merged on 10/3/2009 at 01:32:16 --------

Ok, I have an additional question that might help me figure this out. Is there an icon that appears or registry value that changes when headphones are plugged in/unplugged? If that happens I might be able to write a script.


03-13-2009, 12:45 PM
I tried the adv config tool, and there was no luck there. Thanks for the suggestion. I guess my next option is to see if it works with bluetooth or just remember to hit pause myself lol.

If anyone has anything else, I am open for suggestions. Thanks again.

03-13-2009, 04:14 PM
sorry man... wish I could help more... but I have a pro... I can tell you the on the pro the headphone icon does pop up, the device, intuitivly knows when headphones are plugged in and unplugged... so I assume there is some sort of registry settings for it... if your good w/ scripts you may be able to track it down on your mogul and write something up for it... besides that i dont have to many more ideas... have u tried upgrading to the latest version of s2us... i know it has the settings to pause s2p when headphones are unplugged, as u mentioned earlier... it may be something as simple as they feature not working on whatever version your running... but if you upgrade to a more recent version of both s2u2 and s2p... it may work?

03-13-2009, 04:43 PM
Yea, I have tried the latest versions of s2p and s2u2 and I also tried older versions of them, still no go. I really appreciate the help. I am going to explore the registry tonight and see if there is a value stored somewhere.

Does anyone know if there is a program that will display all registry values at a given time, and export them.

Basically I want to get all the registry values, the whole list, when my headphones are not connected and get it again when they are connected to see what value/s change. It would be nice if i could put them on my desktop computer to view them eaiser.


03-13-2009, 09:58 PM
Yea, I have tried the latest versions of s2p and s2u2 and I also tried older versions of them, still no go. I really appreciate the help. I am going to explore the registry tonight and see if there is a value stored somewhere.

Does anyone know if there is a program that will display all registry values at a given time, and export them.

Basically I want to get all the registry values, the whole list, when my headphones are not connected and get it again when they are connected to see what value/s change. It would be nice if i could put them on my desktop computer to view them eaiser.


if im not mistaking byteswired has a desktop version of a registry editor... i have posted a couple of them so if you search registry editor here you will be bound to find one that suites your purpose.

03-13-2009, 10:43 PM
if im not mistaking byteswired has a desktop version of a registry editor... i have posted a couple of them so if you search registry editor here you will be bound to find one that suites your purpose.

I used sktools to export the registry, while having the headset connected and unconnected, and the only values that changed were the signal and the time. I think it might be a lost cause for now, but, I will just keep chipping away at it and if I figure out anything I will let you all know; just in case I am not alone in wanting this.