03-25-2009, 02:02 PM
Pocket God v1.09 for iPhone and iPod
Generate lightning in stormy weather by touching cloud and dragging. Languages
English Requirements
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone 2.2 Software Update
Application description
What kind of god would you be? Benevolent or vengeful? Play Pocket God and discover the answer within yourself. On a remote island, you are the all-powerful god that rules over the primitive islanders. You can bring new life, and then take it away just as quickly. Exercise your powers on the islanders. Lift them into the air. Throw them in the water. Propel them into the horizon. Show them who's boss!
Pocket God is an interactive experience for you to explore. Help us grow it by submitting your suggestions using iTunes comments! What sort of godly powers would you like to see added?
Currently, as the god of the island, you can:
- Click the plus button (top left) to create new islanders
- Levitate the islanders into the air by pressing your finger on an islander and moving them upward.
- When you have them in your grasp, fling, throw or drop them!
- Propel them into the distance by running your finger across the islander from below. The harder you hit them, the further they go!
Possible future additions:
Changing day to night and vice-versa
Generating hurricanes
Sharks and other hungry sea creatures
Other islands
Visitors from afar New in this version
Change weather by touching sky and pushing quickly right or left.
Generate lightning in stormy weather by touching cloud and dragging. Languages
English Requirements
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone 2.2 Software Update
Application description
What kind of god would you be? Benevolent or vengeful? Play Pocket God and discover the answer within yourself. On a remote island, you are the all-powerful god that rules over the primitive islanders. You can bring new life, and then take it away just as quickly. Exercise your powers on the islanders. Lift them into the air. Throw them in the water. Propel them into the horizon. Show them who's boss!
Pocket God is an interactive experience for you to explore. Help us grow it by submitting your suggestions using iTunes comments! What sort of godly powers would you like to see added?
Currently, as the god of the island, you can:
- Click the plus button (top left) to create new islanders
- Levitate the islanders into the air by pressing your finger on an islander and moving them upward.
- When you have them in your grasp, fling, throw or drop them!
- Propel them into the distance by running your finger across the islander from below. The harder you hit them, the further they go!
Possible future additions:
Changing day to night and vice-versa
Generating hurricanes
Sharks and other hungry sea creatures
Other islands
Visitors from afar New in this version
Change weather by touching sky and pushing quickly right or left.