View Full Version : [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

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03-26-2009, 10:25 PM
All credit to NFSFAN, original link here

http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=432487&page=238neither AMJ nor NFSFAN are responsible if you brick your device.





************************************************** ****

REQUIREMENTS: Must have general knowledge of PPCs and how to use one. GPS Radio.
RECOMMENDED: GPS Radio (3.42.50) for Bell users

************************************************** ****
Precaution: Do not backup anything from previous ROM versions.
Only backup contacts, appointments, emails and text messages.

************************************************** ****

IMPORTANT: Always flash from bootloader mode!!!
Always Hard-Reset after ROM flash!!!
Always let customizations run on my ROMs!!!

************************************************** ****


1. You have the choice of which dialer to install.
This is very important!! You must install a dialer from one of the
supplied cabs!! You have 2 choices CDMA or GSM.
Click Here to visit the dialer post I made :) (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4198615&postcount=8543)

2. For GPS to work with different carriers than Bell install
one of the cabs in the attachment below, that matches your carrier.

3. For the weather to show up on the Manila2D homescreen
you have to install the CDMA Home Weather Fix.cab
found in the attachments at the end of this post.

************************************************** ****

NFSFAN's Opera 9.5

Based off newest build 17753!

Tweaked and built to be used with NFS ROM.
Fully featured and loaded with speed enhancements. Enjoy!


Changes over stock:
*Tweaked to be used with Vogue NFS ROM (heap & memory)
*Zoom Slider Enabled
*Full Exit
*Auto RAM Cache
*Max Tabs set to 5
*Download Complete Notification
*Smooth Scrolling
*Turbo Mode
*Special Effects Enabled
*Scroll Bar Colors Enabled
*20 MB Disk Cache
*Large page cache
*Large image cache
*Tweaked Adaptive Zooming
*Max Server and Total Connections Tweaked
*Removed HTC splash, substituted for original Opera splash
*Defaulted skin colors to stock Opera
*Home page set to google

************************************************** ****



************************************************** **************************


Verizon MMS:

* Install the cab provided in the link below, then after install go into the Connections,
and delete everything there. After that is done, open Advanced
Config, press Menu, and press "Import provisioning XML".
Search for mxipupdate_oemoperators_102.provxml, and import it. Soft-reset, and MMS
should work.

MMS CAB (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qezzmozmtwy)

************************************************** *****************




************************************************** *****************

************************************************** ******************************************
Full Change Log (Applies to all Releases)


General Change Log


***Fixed issue with hard resets occuring***
*Kitchen changed to platformrebuilder with my .bat scripts
*WMP plays videos by default
*Fixed headphone issue (this time it works properly no joke)
*Fixed blurry camera
*Fixed video recording issues (removed CIF & L modes)
*Fixed date and time picker position in landscape + ported new version
*Fixed Album slideshow
*Optimized boot
*Optimized memory allocation
*Added new WinMo Dialer skin
*Added new icons for Adobe & Album
*Added aGPS Confirmation -- 1.0.1918.3131
*Added HTC Geo Service -- 1.0.1919.1120
*Added Microsoft Facebook --
*Added Manila2D Weather Cities Editor -- 2.1
*Added Bluetooth Audio Gateway support
*Added Microsoft Marketplace
*Updated to final WM6.5 21864 build (builds after will be designed on 6.5.1 branch and will be betas)
*Updated Google Maps --
*Updated Adobe PDF --
*Updated Boot Launcher -- 1.0.1918.1525
*Updated HTC Framework -- 1.1.1919.2728
*Updated Shared Resource -- 1.0.1919.2728
*Updated Manila 2D -- 2.0.1919.1432
*Updated AudioManager -- 2.2.1918.2329
*Updated Media Tool Kit -- 1.0.1918.2223
*Updated Random Access -- 4.1.1917.3928
*Updated RSS Hub --
*Updated Settings Improvement -- 1.0.1918.4129
*Updated Streaming Media -- 3.1.1918.3421
*Updated Task Manager -- 2.1.1918.3027
*Updated USB to PC Popup -- 2.3.1918.3029
*Updated Voice Recorder -- 1.10.1918.1619
*Updated Menu Enhancement -- 1.1.1919.1133
*Updated Email Setup Wizard -- 2.1.1919.1730
*Updated HTC Power --
*Updated HTC Album -- 3.0.1918.2223
*Updated Pocket RAR -- 3.90
*Updated CapSure -- 1.11g
*Updated Windows Live
*Updated MyPhone

************************************************** ******************************************

If you like and appreciate my work and effort, please take the time to click on the http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2120549) button. Thank you for your kind support!!!

03-26-2009, 10:28 PM
OH YA! I'm going to give this a shot this weekend. Thanks bro

03-26-2009, 10:31 PM
the only thing that hit a nerve on this rom is that since the start menu is now bigger in icons, all the added icons are stretched and pixelated..... ugh.... disgusted me LOL

besides that, its a really good rom (still no dialer)

03-26-2009, 10:33 PM
the only thing that hit a nerve on this rom is that since the start menu is now bigger in icons, all the added icons are stretched and pixelated..... ugh.... disgusted me LOL

besides that, its a really good rom (still no dialer)
there's no weather either, can't wait for the built in titanium weather

i love my weather in the main interface, not a big fan of weather applications

03-26-2009, 10:35 PM
there's no weather either, can't wait for the built in titanium weather

i love my weather in the main interface, not a big fan of weather applications

you can still add it though, here ya go. just install this cab and set up in the (launcher) tab

03-26-2009, 11:18 PM
Here are some other tweeks I found.

The startmenu cab will give you 4 columns instead of 3 in your start menu
The honeycomb cab will add the honeycomb feature if you like it better
And the you should know about the dialer.

03-26-2009, 11:24 PM
Here are some other tweeks I found.

The startmenu cab will give you 4 columns instead of 3 in your start menu
The honeycomb cab will add the honeycomb feature if you like it better
And the you should know about the dialer.

hahah nice, damn and after i already set up everything on the other rom

the life of a junkie lol

03-26-2009, 11:29 PM
ugg.....I can only get the honeycomb to work!

--------- New Post Merged on 26/3/2009 at 10:35:32 --------

If some has the dialer showing up and working would you show me how?

03-26-2009, 11:40 PM
ugg.....I can only get the honeycomb to work!

--------- New Post Merged on 26/3/2009 at 10:35:32 --------

If some has the dialer showing up and working would you show me how?

ill see what i can do, i guess you need to disable the HTC dialer interception for it to show

all i needed is the honeycomb back to fix the icons, ill mess with everything else afterwards

EDIT: there is no 6.5 dialer, what we saw is the unlock password keypad do no dice

the icons are still grainy

03-27-2009, 11:28 AM
Hey there are going to be lots of updates coming out for this one and fast. Please help me keep up on it.





************************************************** ****

CRITICAL: For GPS to work with different carriers than Bell install
one of the cabs in the attachment below, that matches your carrier.

************************************************** ****


*Changed second soft-key from Contacts to Calendar when on clock
*Updated System Status screen to match battery image
*Ported newer Lang files
*Optimized OS

************************************************** ****


1. Port TitaniumWeather (integrates weather into today screen)
TitaniumWeather is currently VGA (Found a QVGA cab)

2. Fix the icons for all the Applications built into ROM

************************************************** **************************

Completed Tasks (V3):

*Ported Rhodium IME Engine (eliminates Contact Suggestion conflict + All SIPS working in IE + Widgets)
*Removed Add Word option when typing (not compatible with new IME Engine)
*Renamed Remote Desktop Mobile to Remote Desktop & TouchResponse (fix cutoff)
*Added CDMA Diamond Dialer (great compatibility + data arrows function :) )
*Re-routed All Photos soft-key to point to (Storage Card\DCIM\100MEDIA)
*Corrected Icons to proper WM6.5 ones

NOTE: Photos must be placed in Storage Card\DCIM\100MEDIA, everything has been re-routed there

************************************************** *************************



************************************************** *****************



03-27-2009, 01:02 PM
Slide Colors

Pick the color that you want in the file and copy both items in the individual file into the windows directory. Soft reset. It will change the slide on your home screen to that color.

03-27-2009, 04:29 PM
See here is another update. Thanks NFSFAN




( GET (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?m5gynjty1mj) YOUR DOWNLOAD HERE

************************************************** ****
CRITICAL: For GPS to work with different carriers than Bell install
one of the cabs in the attachment below, that matches your carrier.
************************************************** ****

*Ported Rhodium IME Engine (eliminates Contact Suggestion conflict + All SIPS working in IE + Widgets)
*Removed Add Word option when typing (not compatible with new IME Engine)
*Renamed Remote Desktop Mobile to Remote Desktop & TouchResponse (fix cutoff)
*Added CDMA Diamond Dialer (great compatibility + data arrows function :) )
*Re-routed All Photos soft-key to point to (Storage Card\DCIM\100MEDIA)
*Corrected Icons to proper WM6.5 ones
*Ported Rhodium TouchFLO
*Disabled TouchFLO Scrolling (Fix Kinetic Scrolling)
NOTE: Photos must be placed in Storage Card\DCIM\100MEDIA, everything has been re-routed there

************************************************** *************************

*Changed second soft-key from Contacts to Calendar when on clock
*Updated System Status screen to match battery image
*Ported newer Lang files
*Optimized OS

************************************************** ****
1. Port TitaniumWeather (integrates weather into today screen)
TitaniumWeather is currently VGA (Found a QVGA cab)
2. Fix the icons for all the Applications built into ROM

************************************************** **************************
************************************************** *****************


03-27-2009, 05:18 PM
fixed the first post

03-27-2009, 08:38 PM
damn, i hate this new start menu, they removed the honeycomb but they resized the icons too big. the problem with this is that any application added that doesnt come with winmo 6.5, the icon will look stretched and real grainy (im even talking about a QVGA screen) .... its a real eyesore for such a nice menu

if anyone finds a way to resize the start icons via registry or some other hack like it was when it was honeycomed please let me know.....

03-27-2009, 09:30 PM
You should really update this thread title to "NFSFAN Custom Win6.5 Rom [Vogue]"

--------- New Post Merged on 27/3/2009 at 08:31:19 --------

damn, i hate this new start menu, they removed the honeycomb but they resized the icons too big. the problem with this is that any application added that doesnt come with winmo 6.5, the icon will look stretched and real grainy (im even talking about a QVGA screen) .... its a real eyesore for such a nice menu

if anyone finds a way to resize the start icons via registry or some other hack like it was when it was honeycomed please let me know.....

NFSFAN is updating icons in his updated versions. Please be patient as they will come with the updates. Thanks

03-27-2009, 10:57 PM
You should really update this thread title to "NFSFAN Custom Win6.5 Rom [Vogue]"

--------- New Post Merged on 27/3/2009 at 08:31:19 --------

NFSFAN is updating icons in his updated versions. Please be patient as they will come with the updates. Thanks

im not being impatient ok, im just stating something that bothers me about these OS builds and NFSFAN already said that its MS fault for making the new icons bigger and any installed app designed for 6.1 or older will have this issue so no need to talk to me like im some sort of noob

Every extra app you install, won't show a proper icon. This is stupid MS's fault. They are super lazy, and decided to use 45 x45 png images to overlap the default icons, such as Activesync, Help, Internet Sharing,...etc. In the V3 build I spent hours writting a wrapper for the cpl, to recognize some of the icons MS missed even on their default built in apps.

changed thread title

03-27-2009, 11:14 PM
hey sorry if this is in the wrong post, but where can i find themes for this rom, and i like the theme thats in the gallery pic. it would be nice if i could get directed to it.

03-27-2009, 11:17 PM
hey sorry if this is in the wrong post, but where can i find themes for this rom, and i like the theme thats in the gallery pic. it would be nice if i could get directed to it.

there arent much themes for 6.5 yet due to the fact that a 6.1 theme or older will reverse the 3d menu effect

the one in the gallery is the default blue theme with a different wallpaper

03-27-2009, 11:22 PM
im not being impatient ok, im just stating something that bothers me about these OS builds and NFSFAN already said that its MS fault for making the new icons bigger and any installed app designed for 6.1 or older will have this issue so no need to talk to me like im some sort of noob

changed thread title

Wow mike I was not saying anything to disrespect you . I wasn't saying that in a rude way, I promise. I was just informing you. Sorry if it came across rude. And I know your not a noob. :)

Thanks for updating.

--------- New Post Merged on 27/3/2009 at 10:23:05 --------

hey sorry if this is in the wrong post, but where can i find themes for this rom, and i like the theme thats in the gallery pic. it would be nice if i could get directed to it.

I am going to look into themes for this tonight. Will let you know what I find

03-27-2009, 11:34 PM
ohhh. ok well do you mind giving me the link of the wallpaper.

03-27-2009, 11:34 PM
Wow mike I was not saying anything to disrespect you . I wasn't saying that in a rude way, I promise. I was just informing you. Sorry if it came across rude. And I know your not a noob. :)

Thanks for updating.

--------- New Post Merged on 27/3/2009 at 10:23:05 --------

I am going to look into themes for this tonight. Will let you know what I find

nah no offense taken bro, i was gonna edit my post cuz i thought i came a bit strong but you got to it first.... no hard feelings

03-27-2009, 11:37 PM
nah no offense taken bro, i was gonna edit my post cuz i thought i came a bit strong but you got to it first.... no hard feelings

Sweet s*@t bro. We all are looking out for each other here ad that's what makes us the best :)

--------- New Post Merged on 27/3/2009 at 10:38:55 --------

ohhh. ok well do you mind giving me the link of the wallpaper.

You can use any wallpaper you want. Just save picture to phone click and hold on file then do the save to wallpaper option.

03-27-2009, 11:48 PM
thanks alot man.

03-28-2009, 03:54 PM
Here is a custom background for you if you like.


03-29-2009, 05:23 PM
yes!!!! i found the hack to go back to the honeycomb menu that actually works, so no more oversized icons and we can still enjoy this rom

attached below

rafyvitto is to thank for this

03-29-2009, 05:58 PM
i know this may be asking alot but can someone please attach the rom since im blocked from outside links :( i would be in your debt forever

03-29-2009, 06:04 PM
i know this may be asking alot but can someone please attach the rom since im blocked from outside links :( i would be in your debt forever

if the file isnt too big i will... gimme a sec bro

03-29-2009, 06:36 PM
i just tried but it exeeded the 50mb limit of uploads to the attachment

03-29-2009, 08:32 PM
i just tried but it exeeded the 50mb limit of uploads to the attachment

thanks for trying will just have to wmwifi it up since im already on it now anyways uploading a youtube video

03-30-2009, 01:48 PM
so does this have the dialer yet or no?? just curious i was not sure if that got added yet? this looks great so far.. and thank you nfsfan!!

03-30-2009, 02:21 PM
so does this have the dialer yet or no?? just curious i was not sure if that got added yet? this looks great so far.. and thank you nfsfan!!

Not yet. I know there are alot of people at xda looking into it though

03-30-2009, 04:43 PM
am i the only one who is really annoyed by the scrolling with the start menu in this build?

it only goes for a little bit then stops, not even smooth or anything, just jerks to a stop

03-30-2009, 05:00 PM
am i the only one who is really annoyed by the scrolling with the start menu in this build?

it only goes for a little bit then stops, not even smooth or anything, just jerks to a stop

They set it up to quick flick one full page at a time. If you scroll slow then it will go fine.

03-30-2009, 07:27 PM
bump bump, first post updated with version 4

hey mike, you can't ***** about the icons anymore! hahaha they're looking real nice without any honeycomb cabs installed or anything

03-30-2009, 07:59 PM
bump bump, first post updated with version 4

hey mike, you can't ***** about the icons anymore! hahaha they're looking real nice without any honeycomb cabs installed or anything

hahaha well see about that, i need to install something thats not built into the rom and see...

im gonna have to look for something new to ***** about now if its fixed.... thats what keeps them on their toes LMAO

DL now

03-30-2009, 08:15 PM
Someone should upload some screen shots or I will when I get home

--------- New Post Merged on 30/3/2009 at 11:09:15 --------


03-31-2009, 12:51 AM
Here are some screen shots of the titanium weather tab. Attached files.


1) Disable home plugin.
2) Install Showaco-Titanium-Weather-QVGA-by-Mnemonique-v2-M2D-Icons
3) Reset
4) Start>go to very bottom>add ons>weather
5) Forecast Options/Setup When all done click cancel to get o main menu
6) Choose Run full update and exit
7) Re-enable your home screen plug in and WALLA Weather tab

03-31-2009, 01:02 AM
original link here for the weather


03-31-2009, 03:22 PM
The one problem i ran into was the internet did not connect.I install the carrier cab seem to work and is the fix 4 internet sharing on this rom?

04-01-2009, 07:41 PM

http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/statusicon/post_new.gif Today, 09:04 PM
http://forum.xda-developers.com/image.php?u=997784&dateline=1231009686 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=997784)NFSFAN (http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=997784) http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Toronto
Posts: 470
http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/misc/im_msn.gif (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=3556776#)

I'll be releasing v5 6.5 today. However I'm not going to include footprints, because it is a massive memory hog, especially when running on WM6.5. Not only that it doesn't run properly when I tested.

--------- New Post Merged on 2/4/2009 at 12:21:10 --------


http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/statusicon/post_new.gif Today, 09:04 PM
http://forum.xda-developers.com/image.php?u=997784&dateline=1231009686 (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fmember.php%3Fu%3D997784)NFSFAN (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fmember.php%3Fu%3D997784) http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Toronto
Posts: 470
http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/misc/im_msn.gif (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D3556776%23)

I'll be releasing v5 6.5 today. However I'm not going to include footprints, because it is a massive memory hog, especially when running on WM6.5. Not only that it doesn't run properly when I tested.

Sorry guys. NFSFAN just told us he fell asleep so the release won't be available till tomorrow.

04-05-2009, 08:40 PM
http://forum.xda-developers.com/image.php?u=1124917&dateline=1218439723 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=1124917) eric2k (http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=1124917) http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif

http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/icons/icon4.gif 21202
Just a little news. NFS and myself been working on 21202 build of Windows Mobile 6.5.

V5 release should be coming tonight and include:

Upgraded Build to 21202
Manila 2D (iolite, but with footprints disabled)
Manila 2D Customizer
CEHome Customizer
DeviceLock to allow lock on sleep
Increased overall volume 40-45% (System, Ringer, CarKit, Headset, Handsfree, Earcuple)
Adjusted PagePool to 20MB
Fixed Power settings when System Status screen is disabled
AND more goodies :P

FACEBOOK WILL NOT BE ADDED BACK. When it is more stable then it will be. So for now stop asking.
The CDMA dialer is staying for V5.
Opera is not going to be included, so again stop asking.

--------- New Post Merged on 6/4/2009 at 03:21:02 --------




GET YOUR DOWNLOAD HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ctzjydmvgmx)

************************************************** ****

CRITICAL: For GPS to work with different carriers than Bell install
one of the cabs in the attachment below, that matches your carrier.
************************************************** ****


*Increased overall volume 40-45% (System, Ringer, CarKit, Headset, Handsfree, Earcuple)
*Adjusted PagePool to 20MB
*Upgraded Build to 21202
*Fixed Power settings when System Status screen is disabled
*Manila2D fully working (without footprints)
*Titanium Customizer + Manila2D Customizer included
*New Themes (DVG Green, Isaac Mizrahi Purple, Rock & Republic Black, Ron Arad Orange, Vera Wang Red)
*MS Large Menus are now scrollable



04-06-2009, 04:57 AM
New update released!!!!!!!!!

nfsfan's 6.5 21202 v5 generic carrier rom

hot out of the oven and super stable!!!!!
fastest wm6.5 rom for vogue

v5 released!!!

get your download here (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ctzjydmvgmx)

************************************************** ****

critical: for gps to work with different carriers than bell install
one of the cabs in the attachment below, that matches your carrier.
************************************************** ****

news on changes (v5):

*increased overall volume 40-45% (system, ringer, carkit, headset, handsfree, earcuple)
*adjusted pagepool to 20mb
*upgraded build to 21202
*fixed power settings when system status screen is disabled
*manila2d fully working (without footprints)
*titanium customizer + manila2d customizer included
*new themes (dvg green, isaac mizrahi purple, rock & republic black, ron arad orange, vera wang red)
*ms large menus are now scrollable

************************************************** ****

news on changes (v4):

*fixed every single icon from apps built into rom
*expanded landscape start menu to 4 columns
*fixed ie homepage
*added endkey app back

note: Opera icon has been pre-added, upon installation it will show.

-->additions of future icons can be included upon request and if icon is provided.

************************************************** ****

news on changes (v3):

*ported rhodium ime engine (eliminates contact suggestion conflict + all sips working in ie + widgets)
*removed add word option when typing (not compatible with new ime engine)
*renamed remote desktop mobile to remote desktop & touchresponse (fix cutoff)
*added cdma diamond dialer (great compatibility + data arrows function :) )
*re-routed all photos soft-key to point to (storage card\dcim\100media)
*corrected icons to proper wm6.5 ones
*ported rhodium touchflo
*disabled touchflo scrolling (fix kinetic scrolling)

note: Photos must be placed in storage card\dcim\100media, everything has been re-routed there

************************************************** *************************

news on changes (v2):

*changed second soft-key from contacts to calendar when on clock
*updated system status screen to match battery image
*ported newer lang files
*optimized os

************************************************** ****

future plans (v5):

1. M2d/cmhome combo

2. Add cmhome configurator

************************************************** **************************


Verizon mms:

* install the cab provided in the link below, then after install go into the connections,
and delete everything there. After that is done, open advanced
config, press menu, and press "import provisioning xml".
Search for mxipupdate_oemoperators_102.provxml, and import it. Soft-reset, and mms
should work.

mms cab (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qezzmozmtwy)

************************************************** *****************



04-06-2009, 09:55 AM
updated first post with v5

04-06-2009, 11:12 AM
updated first post with v5

Thanks. Can someone update the title release to v5 instead of v3 and update the date on it too. Thanks guys.

04-07-2009, 12:53 AM
Hello I was just wondering what the GPS registery cab file is for?? didnt know if I really had to have it? Love the Rom tho Thanks

04-07-2009, 01:20 AM

GET YOUR DOWNLOAD HERE (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?hg2ntafqfww)

************************************************** ****

CRITICAL: For GPS to work with different carriers than Bell install
one of the cabs in the attachment below, that matches your carrier.
************************************************** ****


*Removed CWelcomeCenter from Titanium Customizer
*Added WindowsLive to CMHome
*Fixed MyPhone (now works)
*Fixed Clock cutoff in LockScreen
*Optimized build

04-07-2009, 09:19 PM
updated first post to v6, enjoy!!!

i know i am lol

04-08-2009, 03:48 AM
Just some info

People over at xda were complaining about the phone hard resetting after .cab installs. you would install the .cab soft reset your phone later and it would act like a hard reset instead. This is what I posted to them and figured I would post here in case anyone else had issues.

for the hard resetting issue. I had also had several problems after installing cabs. After two days of frustrations I figured I would install one at a time and soft reset after each one to see which program was doing it. I installed many programs and soft reset after each and so far have had no issues. I am not sure if I have not installed the app that might have been causing this but so far all seems well.

Hope this info helps.
list of apps....... (will update as I install other programs)

NFSFAN Sprint GPS Registry FIX
NFSFAN Opera build 15529
quick menu 2.8
Sprint picture mail site hack
start menu fix file i created (startmenufiles.zip Just extract and replace into windows directory)

04-08-2009, 12:50 PM
Hope this info helps.
list of apps....... (will update as I install other programs. They will be in red)

NFSFAN Sprint GPS Registry FIX
NFSFAN Opera build 15529
quick menu 2.8
Sprint picture mail site hack
start menu fix file i created (startmenufiles.zip Just extract and replace into windows directory)


--------- New Post Merged on 8/4/2009 at 05:02:09 --------

Hope this info helps.
list of apps....... (will update as I install other programs. They will be in red)

NFSFAN Sprint GPS Registry FIX
NFSFAN Opera build 15529
quick menu 2.8
Sprint picture mail site hack
start menu fix file i created (startmenufiles.zip Just extract and replace into windows directory)


update. deviceupdate cause the freeze and hard reset. If you seem to be experience issues with this please flash stock rom, let everything run and then reinstall NFSFAN rom. Been told this fixes the issue.

04-09-2009, 07:37 PM
I also had the soft/hard reset problem. I installed this on monday and had about 3-5 times that day. This is what I did,
Flash the stock rom let the customizations run then flash back to NFSFAN 6.5 v6 let customizations run do a hard reset after the the phone restarts from the customizations running, change your settings and began installing programs.
here is my list...........
bengalih SASHIMI autoinstaller raw 7.9 (auto installs more than one .cab file at a time)
m2dc v0.28.233
mikehalliday bullsh*t button (i love this app lol)
NFSFAN sprint gps registry fix
NFSFAN opera build 15529 v9
pocket text editor
quickmenu v2.8 (works great with the 6.5 menu)
s2u2 1.60
s2u2 customizer
showaco titanium weather
sprint picturemail site hack
winpm (picturemail)

and I have not had any issues as of right now.

04-09-2009, 07:53 PM
i dont get it... i never had any troubles with this rom much less any random hard resets....

guess im one of the lucky ones

04-10-2009, 02:40 AM
i had that problem too reflash and i try to installed one at the time but it froze and i when i did a soft rest and it would get stuck and the it would rest the whole thing i switch to another rom

04-10-2009, 12:49 PM
i had that problem too reflash and i try to installed one at the time but it froze and i when i did a soft rest and it would get stuck and the it would rest the whole thing i switch to another rom

Please follow my instructions on previous page. It help me. I have never had problems with any of his work till this one but once I flashed to stock and then back then it is working flawlessly. :)

--------- New Post Merged on 10/4/2009 at 04:36:14 --------

so NFSFAN found the problem with the random soft/hard resets. here is his news

There are a few factors: how the XIP (core) is built, # of re-allocated modules. I found that staying below a certain number of modules clears up weird issues. Not all Vogues react the same way. Mine can take a good amount of modules allocated into memory, however not all Vogue memory chips are the same unfortunately. Hence comes the problem of me not being able to replicate the issue. But I did a test, and allocated 450 modules. I started experiencing the exact same symptoms, even after first boot. My phone will hard reset if i soft-reset. Going one module lower, 449, cleared that up for me. 6.5 v6 the first release had 381 modules allocated. The refresh will have 376. 6.5 v4 had 379. So I tried to get the modulation as low as possible in terms of numbers. If I unmodulate more files (dll/exe), some programs and background processes will take a hit.
EDIT: The XIP has also been rebuilt in a more proper way, and I didn't rush it.

04-11-2009, 07:29 AM
please help........how do i get my internet working on my sprint touch

04-11-2009, 12:07 PM
you need to install the sprint DCD carrier cab it can be found here (https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=178928&highlight=dcd*)

04-11-2009, 03:27 PM
[QUOTE=hipcassius;354580][SIZE=2]The one problem i ran into was the internet did not connect.I install the carrier cab seem to work and is the fix 4 internet sharing on this


04-11-2009, 04:33 PM
try hard resetting then installing the carrier cab again, if it still doesn't work then flash a sprint specific ROM.

04-12-2009, 01:38 PM
[quote=hipcassius;354580][size=2]The one problem i ran into was the internet did not connect.I install the carrier cab seem to work and is the fix 4 internet sharing on this


naw thats all i and mike20pr have done on the sprint service and dont have any troubles what-so-ever.

04-14-2009, 01:30 AM
hey guys, i accidentlly deleted the 'widgets' folder that is under 'program files' which is related to the msn weather, money, and search widgets and it screwed them up for me. can anyone who uses this rom zip it up for me and attach?


04-14-2009, 11:46 AM
Hey they new 6.5 rom v6 r2 is out and i tried it and it works good now is smooth and i havent had any problems yep. no more resets


04-14-2009, 12:04 PM
hey they new 6.5 rom v6 r2 is out and i tried it and it works good now is smooth and i havent had any problems yep. No more resets


thanks wil ad this to the first posted bud remember to code your links next time oke

grtz weesje

04-14-2009, 12:39 PM
hey guys, i accidentlly deleted the 'widgets' folder that is under 'program files' which is related to the msn weather, money, and search widgets and it screwed them up for me. can anyone who uses this rom zip it up for me and attach?


bump just in case it isnt overlooked....

04-14-2009, 01:15 PM
thanks wil ad this to the first posted bud remember to code your links next time oke

grtz weesje

ok, no problemo dude

04-14-2009, 01:25 PM
hey guys, i accidentlly deleted the 'widgets' folder that is under 'program files' which is related to the msn weather, money, and search widgets and it screwed them up for me. can anyone who uses this rom zip it up for me and attach?


Here you go, also uploading a keyboard fix .. speeds up the keyboard found it in DASHS app pack .

04-14-2009, 01:37 PM
Here you go, also uploading a keyboard fix .. speeds up the keyboard found it in DASHS app pack .

that fixed it, thanx buddy

i was avoiding a hard reset to not lose mt spbtv ans seeqpodmobile registrations lol

thanx again

04-15-2009, 12:55 AM
Ok tried to flash this rom to my friends Touch today and would not work lol. I unlocked his phone then went to go flash and got a Invalid Error code after 1 percent of the download...... I even mannully put into bootloader mode to check it was unlocked. I feel like a noob any idea's as too what i did wrong ?

04-15-2009, 01:18 AM
Ok tried to flash this rom to my friends Touch today and would not work lol. I unlocked his phone then went to go flash and got a Invalid Error code after 1 percent of the download...... I even mannully put into bootloader mode to check it was unlocked. I feel like a noob any idea's as too what i did wrong ?

what was the code that it gave you like error wise?

04-15-2009, 01:21 AM
what was the code that it gave you like error wise?

It said Invalid Formatt Error which I have never seen but off hand cant remember what code was!!!!!

04-15-2009, 02:17 AM
It said Invalid Formatt Error which I have never seen but off hand cant remember what code was!!!!!

sound like an incompatible ruu, or ur pc wasnt recognizing the device... maybe the usb connection was interrupted and then the pc couldnt recogniz what device it was b/cuz of bootloader mode, after a soft reset and retether, make sure the chords is plugged seurly and retry I think... if not, download a diff ruu folder made specifically for the touch maybe?

04-16-2009, 01:12 AM
I also had the soft/hard reset problem. I installed this on monday and had about 3-5 times that day. This is what I did,
Flash the stock rom let the customizations run then flash back to NFSFAN 6.5 v6 let customizations run do a hard reset after the the phone restarts from the customizations running, change your settings and began installing programs.
here is my list...........
bengalih SASHIMI autoinstaller raw 7.9 (auto installs more than one .cab file at a time)
m2dc v0.28.233
mikehalliday bullsh*t button (i love this app lol)
NFSFAN sprint gps registry fix
NFSFAN opera build 15529 v9
pocket text editor
quickmenu v2.8 (works great with the 6.5 menu)
s2u2 1.60
s2u2 customizer
showaco titanium weather
sprint picturemail site hack
winpm (picturemail)

and I have not had any issues as of right now.

+1 on this, i started having problems after only 5hrs so i flashed a stock ROM and then back to v6 and then took the battery out for the minute and hard reset and running smooth as silk now.

04-19-2009, 01:34 AM
V7 will be released sunday night, stay tuned

new build and "a few new goodies"according to NFSFAN

04-19-2009, 07:54 PM
u mean tonight "sunday" i assume?¿ (:

04-19-2009, 08:16 PM
u mean tonight "sunday" i assume?¿ (:
lol yes i mean tonight.

It will be up late tonight. I got everything implemented and ported. Just got to put the auto lock feature. I've spent a lot of time getting the FavePeople plugin working through OEM, as well as the HTC Audio Manager plugin on the home screen. I've spent many hours upon hours getting everything to work, and fixing up the scaling on the Audio Manager Plugin. Sorry for making you guys wait so long, but right now I'm going out, and I'll be back later. Here is the changelog so far:
v7 6.5:
*Added Rhodium PowerOff Warning
*Updated GoogleMaps to
*Updated SYS + CORE to 21501 AKU 5070
*Fixed ABC/T9 automatic switch annoyance
*Removed DRM LockStream
*Removed App Service & HTCAPP
*Reduced Modulation
*Added Favourite People Panel
*Added HTC Music Panel (enable from Titanium Customizer)

a little taste of what is in store for us

04-20-2009, 01:21 AM
anyone know about what time the new release will come out? i live on the east coast

04-20-2009, 10:16 AM
yeah im patiently waiting as well.. hopefully soon

04-20-2009, 11:52 AM
v7 posted, enjoy.....

04-20-2009, 02:19 PM
will custom taskbar icons still work on 6.5?

04-20-2009, 02:23 PM
will custom taskbar icons still work on 6.5?

Yea bro it will i have my 6.5 running with a custom taskbar .

04-20-2009, 02:29 PM
Yea bro it will i have my 6.5 running with a custom taskbar .

beautiful, thanks so i can use the same ones i have now or is there a whole new set for 6.5?

04-20-2009, 02:40 PM
beautiful, thanks so i can use the same ones i have now or is there a whole new set for 6.5?

Nah man no special ones u run the ones u have now lol .Good question though.I didnt know if id be able to run the custom taskbar but i tried it an worked like a charm i mean whats the worst that can happen its a touch pro u can always hard reset it gotta love it

04-20-2009, 02:46 PM
Nah man no special ones u run the ones u have now lol .Good question though.I didnt know if id be able to run the custom taskbar but i tried it an worked like a charm i mean whats the worst that can happen its a touch pro u can always hard reset it gotta love it

Ha yeh lol, im about 2 upgrade and use 6.5 for the 1st time, thanks for the help

04-20-2009, 02:50 PM
Ha yeh lol, im about 2 upgrade and use 6.5 for the 1st time, thanks for the help

Man bro ull be glad u did its different,but once u get used to it and find all the goodies your gonna love it ,and no problem bro

04-20-2009, 02:55 PM
Man bro ull be glad u did its different,but once u get used to it and find all the goodies your gonna love it ,and no problem bro

thats what i have been reading, i cant wait, this is the one with m2d built in correct? i still love m2d

04-20-2009, 03:02 PM
thats what i have been reading, i cant wait, this is the one with m2d built in correct? i still love m2d

Yup looks it bro if u read above it says m2d

04-20-2009, 07:12 PM
this is goin too be my 1st time flashing to a custom rom, ive flashed to offical roms b4 tho!, i kno i need 2 unlock the phone and i kno the rest of the steps, where im stuck is "drop the nbh file into the RUU Folder" whats nbh?

04-20-2009, 07:16 PM
this is goin too be my 1st time flashing to a custom rom, ive flashed to offical roms b4 tho!, i kno i need 2 unlock the phone and i kno the rest of the steps, where im stuck is "drop the nbh file into the RUU Folder" whats nbh?

Well thats easy bro the ruu folder that u need is around here somewhere ill look for it for u and u really dont have to drop the nbh file in the ruu u just place it on ur desktop with thr RUU folder and u should be fine

-nbh file is a file thats inside every custom rom this is what u drag out and put on ur desktop.

04-20-2009, 07:22 PM
Well thats easy bro the ruu folder that u need is around here somewhere ill look for it for u and u really dont have to drop the nbh file in the ruu u just place it on ur desktop with thr RUU folder and u should be fine

-nbh file is a file thats inside every custom rom this is what u drag out and put on ur desktop.

oh ok thank u so much i was confused, i never had 2 drop anythin in any folder b4 while flashin, thanks alot bro

04-20-2009, 07:22 PM
this rom has everything needed to flash already included so no need to hunt down a ruu or anything

just extract all the files in the rar to an empty folder, connect via usb via activesync or bootloader and run the romupdateutility.exe in the folder

follow instructions and done!!

04-20-2009, 07:26 PM
Well thats easy bro the ruu folder that u need is around here somewhere ill look for it for u and u really dont have to drop the nbh file in the ruu u just place it on ur desktop with thr RUU folder and u should be fine

-nbh file is a file thats inside every custom rom this is what u drag out and put on ur desktop.

Here you go bro the first link is a tutorial on how to flash ur rom ,second link is for the RUU folder u will need for the flash process.



All found here at AMJ bro u just gotta do the search .Enjoy if u need any help hit me up

04-20-2009, 07:27 PM
this rom has everything needed to flash already included so no need to hunt down a ruu or anything

just extract all the files in the rar to an empty folder, connect via usb via activesync or bootloader and run the romupdateutility.exe in the folder

follow instructions and done!!

hey wassup, yeh im seeing that thanks i still have 2 unlock my phone right?

04-20-2009, 07:29 PM
hey wassup, yeh im seeing that thanks i still have 2 unlock my phone right?

yes but its as simple as connecting to activesync and runnin an exe also so its not hard

04-20-2009, 07:29 PM
hey wassup, yeh im seeing that thanks i still have 2 unlock my phone right?

Yea bro you have to .

04-20-2009, 07:44 PM
thanks guyz, i will let u kno how it went

04-22-2009, 10:34 AM
hey any one knows how the battery life is going cuz thats the only problem i saw on this one the battery life suck on the last version lol

04-23-2009, 11:23 AM
OK, so I'm running this ROM, day 1, and I'm finding it's a little laggy, like closing out stuff, it's takes 5 seconds or so before it closes, and it DID NOT come with the HTC Performance overclocking app, CAN I PUT THIS ON MY PHONE AND RUN IT WITH THIS ROM???? maybe to help with the lagging?

04-23-2009, 01:33 PM
OK, so I'm running this ROM, day 1, and I'm finding it's a little laggy, like closing out stuff, it's takes 5 seconds or so before it closes, and it DID NOT come with the HTC Performance overclocking app, CAN I PUT THIS ON MY PHONE AND RUN IT WITH THIS ROM???? maybe to help with the lagging?

i dont think it will work with 6.5 since there is a good amount of changes made to the registry..... and really that slow? im running a release from a couple weeks back on my vogue that the old man is using at the moment and he hasnt incountered any of those troubles and he is always the first to complain since he hates technology lmao.

04-23-2009, 02:04 PM
YES THAT SLOW! and I've tried disabling the titanium thing, and using the Manila TF2d instead, no go! on the HTC music app (which I love), it TOTALLY freezes my phone up! I tried applying a M2D theme from my storage card, TOTALLY froze my phone..........I've soft reset 5 times today!!!!! Not liking this! Like I said I love the look of it and all that, but if it's going to be that laggy and unresponsive, I can't deal with it, I'll have to find another ROM to flash to!!!! I read through alot of the thread on the XDA site before I flashed this thing last night, but that thread is amost 500 pages long!!! please...........don't have time to read through all that!!!!!!

04-23-2009, 02:08 PM
hey any one knows how the battery life is going cuz thats the only problem i saw on this one the battery life suck on the last version lol

Battery life isn't too bad. I can make it through the day with about 20% left, and that's with heavy usage.

04-23-2009, 02:09 PM
YES THAT SLOW! and I've tried disabling the titanium thing, and using the Manila TF2d instead, no go! on the HTC music app (which I love), it TOTALLY freezes my phone up! I tried applying a M2D theme from my storage card, TOTALLY froze my phone..........I've soft reset 5 times today!!!!! Not liking this! Like I said I love the look of it and all that, but if it's going to be that laggy and unresponsive, I can't deal with it, I'll have to find another ROM to flash to!!!! I read through alot of the thread on the XDA site before I flashed this thing last night, but that thread is amost 500 pages long!!! please...........don't have time to read through all that!!!!!!

after you flashed you did remember to take out the battery and hard reset correcT? that can cause a lot of these troubles you are describing.

04-23-2009, 02:18 PM
after you flashed you did remember to take out the battery and hard reset correcT? that can cause a lot of these troubles you are describing.

I did NOT remove the battery, I followed the directions listed on XDA to the T regarding flashing this ROM, all was basically the same except for that part, and at the end it did say to do a hard reset once the phone was booting back up and I did that.............do you think I should reflash it tonite and instead once it's rebooting for the 2nd time.... take the battery out, put it back in, and hard reset it?

04-23-2009, 02:20 PM
I did NOT remove the battery, I followed the directions listed on XDA to the T regarding flashing this ROM, all was basically the same except for that part, and at the end it did say to do a hard reset once the phone was booting back up and I did that.............do you think I should reflash it tonite and instead once it's rebooting for the 2nd time.... take the battery out, put it back in, and hard reset it?

yup out than in than hard reset and you should be golden..... dont even think that you will have to reflash if you dont want to.

04-23-2009, 02:22 PM
yup out than in than hard reset and you should be golden..... dont even think that you will have to reflash if you dont want to.

OH so your saying just take the battery out, put back in, then hard reset it? WITHOUT reflashing all over.......??? huh? I will try that tonite!!! will let you know.............

04-23-2009, 02:58 PM
OH so your saying just take the battery out, put back in, then hard reset it? WITHOUT reflashing all over.......??? huh? I will try that tonite!!! will let you know.............

yuppers and keeping my fingers crossed that it will work for you otherwise i may have one more idea up my sleeve for you to try that you may like.

04-23-2009, 04:56 PM
yuppers and keeping my fingers crossed that it will work for you otherwise i may have one more idea up my sleeve for you to try that you may like.

Alrighty then..........we are still talking about the "phone" right Dashy? LMAO!!!
J/K...........will let you know how it goes tonite............

04-23-2009, 06:19 PM
Alrighty then..........we are still talking about the "phone" right Dashy? LMAO!!!
J/K...........will let you know how it goes tonite............

hahahahahaha we are talking about whatever you want to talk about :) thanks and once again good luck :)

04-23-2009, 09:54 PM
angiekay, hope i spelled it correctly. i am ahveing the same problems as you, amd i know i flshed it correctly, i've had the rom before the v7 release and it worked like a charm, but since i flashed the new 1 my phone went to hell. im getting ready to throw it out the window with the freezeing and it even hard reset itself. i've tried hard reseting and reinstalling it several times but it continues to mess up. Can someone please help us come up with a solution for this.

04-23-2009, 10:09 PM
dont tell me this lol i am minutes from flashin... i mean im goin 2 flash anyway 2 see if i get the same results, hopefully not since its my 1st custom rom, it might haunt me forever lol

04-23-2009, 10:17 PM
yea, i would suggest you not to for now. till we see the problem.

04-23-2009, 10:21 PM
yea, i would suggest you not to for now. till we see the problem.

i guess i can use the experiance, i was in the middle of doin it, wen i saw the post...i already started the unlock process, ill report wa happens

04-23-2009, 10:24 PM
i guess i can use the experiance, i was in the middle of doin it, wen i saw the post...i already started the unlock process, ill report wa happens
don't worry 'bout it

i've been running this since it came out, the only thing i've had problems with is with smartlock, but you just uncheck all the boxes for it and it won't do anything

04-23-2009, 10:25 PM
angiekay, hope i spelled it correctly. i am ahveing the same problems as you, amd i know i flshed it correctly, i've had the rom before the v7 release and it worked like a charm, but since i flashed the new 1 my phone went to hell. im getting ready to throw it out the window with the freezeing and it even hard reset itself. i've tried hard reseting and reinstalling it several times but it continues to mess up. Can someone please help us come up with a solution for this.

try flashing a stock rom and then back to this version, then take the battery out and hard reset. worked for me.

04-23-2009, 10:28 PM
try flashing a stock rom and then back to this version, then take the battery out and hard reset. worked for me.

that was explained earlier in this thread, so this issue was mentioned

read guys cmon....

04-23-2009, 10:31 PM
u guys r scarin me, im in the middle of flashin, and gotta have my phone workin by 12 or so , so that i can call my "weed man" ha lol

04-23-2009, 10:31 PM
quoting thermus on the issue and the solution provided from the original thread

I also had the soft/hard reset problem. I installed this on monday and had about 3-5 times that day. This is what I did,
Flash the stock rom let the customizations run then flash back to NFSFAN 6.5 v7 let customizations run do a hard reset after the the phone restarts from the customizations running, change your settings and began installing programs.
here is my list...........
bengalih SASHIMI autoinstaller raw 7.9 (auto installs more than one .cab file at a time)
m2dc v0.28.233
mikehalliday bullsh*t button (i love this app lol)
NFSFAN sprint gps registry fix
NFSFAN opera build 15529 v9
pocket text editor
quickmenu v2.8 (works great with the 6.5 menu)
s2u2 1.60
s2u2 customizer
showaco titanium weather
sprint picturemail site hack
winpm (picturemail)

and I have not had any issues as of right now.

04-23-2009, 11:14 PM
OK guys its not a rumor lol, this thang did like 5hardsets on its own just now lol, i can laugh now, now that i kno how easy it is 2 flash ... but im about 2 go back 2 offical and follow the steps above, WM6.5 looks sexy cant wait till i stableize this biiiiaatttchhh lol

--------- New Post Merged on 23/4/2009 at 11:22:29 --------

whao, i went back to offical rom, now i cant go back 2 wm6.5, it keeps disconnectin me from activesync durin the process

--------- New Post Merged on 23/4/2009 at 11:58:43 --------

can some1 help me quick, i really gotta run and need my contacts lol for the past hr i been tryin 2 re flash, i went back 2 offical rom, now wen i try 2 flash wm6.5 it just disconnects me from active sync..

04-24-2009, 01:37 AM
When I start the ROM installer it will go to the progress screen and show 0% on both the phone and computer. Then it fails and shows me an error. The phone boots back into 6.1 like nothings changed...luckily I guess. But I've tried several times now and the same thing every time. I've also been through the error wizard or w/e too and that didn't help. Any ideas about what's going wrong? Thanks in advance!

--------- New Post Merged on 24/4/2009 at 01:08:52 --------

When I start the ROM installer it will go to the progress screen and show 0% on both the phone and computer. Then it fails and shows me an error. The phone boots back into 6.1 like nothings changed...luckily I guess. But I've tried several times now and the same thing every time. I've also been through the error wizard or w/e too and that didn't help. Any ideas about what's going wrong? Thanks in advance!
-TravisI just realized me and the post above mine are having the same problem.

04-24-2009, 03:50 AM
When I start the ROM installer it will go to the progress screen and show 0% on both the phone and computer. Then it fails and shows me an error. The phone boots back into 6.1 like nothings changed...luckily I guess. But I've tried several times now and the same thing every time. I've also been through the error wizard or w/e too and that didn't help. Any ideas about what's going wrong? Thanks in advance!

--------- New Post Merged on 24/4/2009 at 01:08:52 --------

I just realized me and the post above mine are having the same problem.

you didnt answer the question i asked.... did you unlock your phone first before flashing..

04-24-2009, 03:53 AM
you didnt answer the question i asked.... did you unlock your phone first before flashing..

wassup, i have da same prob, i ran the unlocker but i wasnt sure if it was unlocked or not, then i ran the new rom..now went i try 2 flash it disconnects

04-24-2009, 03:54 AM
wassup, i have da same prob, i ran the unlocker but i wasnt sure if it was unlocked or not, then i ran the new rom..now went i try 2 flash it disconnects

itds supposed to disconnect when it enters bootloader and just after the percent bar comes up on your pc....... your still connected it just wont show it on your ppc.

04-24-2009, 03:57 AM
itds supposed to disconnect when it enters bootloader and just after the percent bar comes up on your pc....... your still connected it just wont show it on your ppc.

well everythin was fine it ran through, i was able 2 install the wm6.5 rom b4 but then i had the restart/hardreset problem, so then i went back 2 the offical rom and thats wen it started, i cant flash back

04-24-2009, 04:19 AM
So you ran the 6.5 before. Which means you should know that you ALWAYS flash from the bootloader screen. If you flashed to stock sprint rom then you can flash back to NFSFAN custom rom. Your doing something wrong some where

04-24-2009, 04:22 AM
So you ran the 6.5 before. Which means you should know that you ALWAYS flash from the bootloader screen. If you flashed to stock sprint rom then you can flash back to NFSFAN custom rom. Your doing something wrong some where

yea for some reason i cant get back dat rom, it disconnects everytime from activesync while its in process im not sure why,

04-24-2009, 04:28 AM
yea for some reason i cant get back dat rom, it disconnects everytime from activesync while its in process im not sure why,

Does that mean your not flashing from boot loader screen?

04-24-2009, 04:29 AM
Does that mean your not flashing from boot loader screen?

dont kno, 1st time unlockin and 1st custom rom

04-24-2009, 04:32 AM
dont kno, 1st time unlockin and 1st custom rom

are you flashing form the screen that has three colors??? If not Hold the camera and power button and soft reset (stylus in small hole) and it will enter a boot loader screen. (three colored screen) should say in the bottom USB. Thus meaning your connected. Start flash install. Let customizations run. Install carrier cab and Your done.

04-24-2009, 04:45 AM
i know this first post here is now real long, but READ IT ALL before posting/pm'ing anyone. trust me, you will get through it all...every last word.
(dont get all scared either, this cant ruin your phone. if you are stuck at the htc boot screen, your device is not bricked. if you are stuck at a rainbow/tricolor screen, your phone is not bricked. have faith and patience! :) )Stock Rom To Custom Rom
1. download the custom rom of your choice.
2. connect to activesync and run the unlocker found here: https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=158002&highlight=touch+unlocker
3. once done with unlocking the bootloader drop the nbh file (get when download rom) into the RUU Folder found here: https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=140935&highlight=RUU%2A
4. run the romupdateutility.exe and follow the wizards instructions on your pc

this method is for a pc running Microsoft Windows XP. if this is not your situation, still continue reading as there are methods for virtually every case.

ive been told that imcokeman's vogue unlocker will not work from a partitioned drive, though im not sure if thats the case.

if you know what flashing/the benefits of flashing are, skip this paragraph; if not, read on. flashing could be likened to installing a different Operating System on your PC. keep in mind, however, that when flashing roms to phones/pdas, the roms ARE DEVICE SPECIFIC. if you find an awesome rom for the titan and LOVE it, but you yourself have a kaiser, forget it. only roms made specifically for your device (and no, even if you have a cdma device, and they make a gsm version of your device, it still will not work) will work for your device. the benefits/advantages of flashing a custom rom onto your device are speed enhancements, addition/removal of programs/settings/reg settings you want or dont want.
now for how to..

for some slight insight on using a Mac, have a look down to the bottom where it says "HERE IS THE BOTTOM" after reading everything else, and/or go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=332533&highlight=macos (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D332533%26hig hlight%3Dmacos)

for how to on Vista, look down to the bottom where it says "HERE IS THE BOTTOM" after reading everything else, and/or simply remove any sd cards you might have and follow below directions as normal, and/or go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=292631 (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D292631)

linux users: still read everything here, but have a look down at the bottom where it says "HERE IS THE BOTTOM"

for those who don't know this, flashing your phone also performs the same functions a hard reset would. all your previous apps, contacts, registry tweaks, etc will be gone. also, when you flash someone elses custom rom onto your device, keep in mind that they may have cooked in their own apps and registry tweaks.

ok, go ahead and go to this http://rapidshare.com/files/88767429/RUU.zip.html (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Frapidshare.com%2Ff iles%2F88767429%2FRUU.zip.html) rapidshare link, and download the ruu.zip there. (if this does not work, navigate to \vogue\users on the ftp, and you should find "RUU.zip" there. if not, go to the folder there titled "jim256-jim2561" and you should find "RUU.zip" there.)

if for some reason you are unable to download the ruu from the above link/location, try my ftp dir here: ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/jim256%20-%20jim2561 (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=ftp%3A%2F%2Fup.ppcgeeks.com%2FV ogue%2FUsers%2Fjim256%2520-%2520jim2561)

download whatever rom image you want

if the rom you download is in nbh format (something.nbh), read on and skip step 7.
if the rom you dowloaded is an exe (something.exe), read on and skip steps 5 and 8 (or use winrar or a similar program to extract the .nbh from the .exe)

then, get imcokeman 's 0.4.0 vogue unlocker tool here (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D20370)

for those who arent sure, you never have to have ActiveSync synchronized for this to work. you just have to have it connected, with ActiveSync recognizing that the device is there and plugged in.

1. backup all contacts/data/etc..
2. ensure your device is connected to your pc via activesync.
3. run imcokeman 's vogue unlocker and follow ALL instructions in the command prompt exactly .
4. once you have booted back up into wm and are connected to activesync again (dont worry about setting up your device again because you're just going to flash it again and erase all that in a second anyway) extract the ruu.zip to somewhere convenient.
5. (FOLLOW THIS STEP ONLY IF THE ROM YOU DOWNLOADED IS AND NBH) stick the rom you downloaded (should be something.nbh -- if the file extension is NOT NBH, stop; this will get you nowhere. as i stated above, roms are device specific, you cannot install another devices rom to your vogue.) into the RUU folder from the rapidshare/ftp link.
6a. (power-camera reset) press and hold both the camera button and the power button (top), and poke the stylus into the reset hole. you should then be presented with the tricolor screen and near the top you should see something like coke 0.4.0 ( if you do not see the coke 0.4.0, then dont bother trying to flash your device. if it does not say coke 0.4.0, the device is not unlocked, and you need to start at step 3 again).
8. (FOLLOW THIS STEP ONLY IF THE ROM YOU DOWNLOADED IS AN NBH) run ROMUpdateUtility.exe in the ruu folder you downloaded and extracted.
9. follow the steps, be patient, be careful, and whala!
10. thank imcokeman and whoever you downloaded your rom image from.

good luck.

also, for all those that keep asking about this and are worried about this, yes, the version discrepancy is completely normal in the ruu before updating. it just means v1 of the cookers rom, so even if it is a version lower than 1.12.651.1, that is ok.
whenever you flash a custom rom, it says whatever they want it so say in the ruu, so even if it doesnt say 1.12.651.1, that doesnt mean that it is downgraded, it is just the version of the custom rom builders rom.

ok, for those vista/mac/linux users, there is another method of flashing., courtesy of pnyce777 (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2Fmember.php%3Fu%3D41197) in post #42 and on. this method is via the sd card. it is not required that you do step one if your card is already fat32. i will update this post as we gain more knowledge

1. Format your MicroSD card to FAT32 (YES - FAT 32 32 32!! not just plain old FAT) (again, this is not required if your card is already fat32; it is ok to have other data on the card). I have read that the card needs to be 2gb or smaller, though I'm not sure how much truth, if any, there is to that...
2. Extract the .NBH you desire to flash from the exe or zip or w/e put it on the microsd card rename it from RUU_signed.nbh to VOGUIMG.NBH
3.Put the MicroSD card in your phone and Get To the BOOTLOADER screen (camer+power+reset) it should then start updating with the .NBH on the SD card and the procedure should begin automatically.

you can also use this procedure to unlock your phone by flashing the .nbh from Cokemans unlocker just extract it and rename it VOGUIMG.NBH or if your stuck at that HTC screen and cant sync because your phone wont boot up.

i will try to provide support on this as i can, but as i have never used this method myself, pnyce777 is probably a far better resource if he is available and willing.

sorry this is now so long, wasnt supposed to be in the first place. but if you're not already used to a lot of reading, this is a good first step, because you will need to be doing a LOT of reading.

Quick How-To for gps/rev a flash/upgrade
IMPORTANT!!! ONLY SPRINT users follow below steps 5 and 8-11!! Altell users can follow all the steps except step 5 as long as they use a different ppst.exe, not the one mentioned below.

ok well i just made up this list a while ago to help someone out, and have ended up giving it to quite a few ppl now, so i figured i might as well post it here under an appropriate title for all to easily see and access.

i know dharvey wrote a great tutorial, and that there are prob others, but..what the heck. plus this is pretty quick and easy, though i cant say that it is as full and thought out and great as dharvey4651's (thx man!)...

"#1- Backup all pim info and anything else you might want (yes flashing will erase/wipe out E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!)
#2- Ensure you are currently running your carriers original official oem rom (os and radio) (if you have never flashed it at all then dont worry youre good to go).
#3- Unlock using imcokemans 2.31 unlocker (this for gps roms)
#4- run the sprint leaked rom.exe (here (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D26114), close to the bottom where it says "original rom")
#5- SPRINT ONLY: allow all customizations to complete and run (i know - it takes a lil while)
#6- flash to desired rom.
#7- after she's all booted up, hard-reset.
#8- download and run cab from here (altell users run your own ppst stuff, non-sprint and non-altell users SKIP TO STEP 12): http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...&postcount=139 (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2Fshowpost.php%3Fp%3D282955%26postcount%3D139)
#9- allow soft-rest.
#10- navigate to \windows folder and run ppst.exe
#11- allow soft reset.
#12- allow boot-up, customize, restore pim info etc...

04-24-2009, 04:45 AM
Ok I realized I was an idiot and hadn't unlocked the phone. So now I'm trying to unlock the phone by running "Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe". After it gets into the DOS screen I get an error saying the software isn't compatible with my 64-bit windows. Any ideas? Thanks again!

04-24-2009, 04:51 AM
Ok I realized I was an idiot and hadn't unlocked the phone. So now I'm trying to unlock the phone by running "Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe". After it gets into the DOS screen I get an error saying the software isn't compatible with my 64-bit windows. Any ideas? Thanks again!

Not sure as I am not running 64 bit but Go here https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=153750&highlight=FLASHING+ROMS
and read EVERYTHING STEP FOR STEP and maybe it will help Oh only the TOUCH section though


04-24-2009, 05:00 AM
Yeah I've been following those directions. Those directions bring up another question I had....assuming I can make the unlocker and such work an a 32-bit computer....those directions want me to install a Sprint ROM in step 4:

#4- run the sprint leaked rom.exe (here, close to the bottom where it says "original rom")

Am I supposed to run this on my Verizon phone? The directions specifically say to avoid steps 5, 8-11.....so that means I should follow step 4 and install the Sprint ROM?

Last newb questions: Does my radio change in any of this? Does it matter that I have already upgraded to Rev A. and I think GPS with the Verizon Windows 6.1 update? Or do I have to kind of replace them to work with the new Custom ROM? Will I have to involve Verizon in any of this...like calling to reactivate the phone?

Thanks again!

04-24-2009, 12:54 PM
Ok I realized I was an idiot and hadn't unlocked the phone. So now I'm trying to unlock the phone by running "Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe". After it gets into the DOS screen I get an error saying the software isn't compatible with my 64-bit windows. Any ideas? Thanks again!

you need to read further and do via card or get a 32 bit os..... i use 64 bit vista ultimate and ran into the same problem.

Not sure as I am not running 64 bit but Go here https://www.wckediden.com/showthread.php?t=153750&highlight=FLASHING+ROMSand read EVERYTHING STEP FOR STEP and maybe it will help Oh only the TOUCH section though


thanks for the help.

Yeah I've been following those directions. Those directions bring up another question I had....assuming I can make the unlocker and such work an a 32-bit computer....those directions want me to install a Sprint ROM in step 4:

#4- run the sprint leaked rom.exe (here, close to the bottom where it says "original rom")

Am I supposed to run this on my Verizon phone? The directions specifically say to avoid steps 5, 8-11.....so that means I should follow step 4 and install the Sprint ROM?

Last newb questions: Does my radio change in any of this? Does it matter that I have already upgraded to Rev A. and I think GPS with the Verizon Windows 6.1 update? Or do I have to kind of replace them to work with the new Custom ROM? Will I have to involve Verizon in any of this...like calling to reactivate the phone?

Thanks again!

no you dont need to do the sprint...... thats was for the radio but as long as you are running 6.1 onyour device like the progfile says than you have the right verison...... your radio wont change with custom roms sicne it isnt built in but in stock roms it is so thats why it was telling you to do so, but since you upgradsed already all you have to do is unlock and flash to the rom of your choice for your vogue. and being a verizon customer each time you hard reset or flash you have to give them a call at the number given on th emessage before your phone is active again.... my bussy has to do this and it literally takes 2 minutes max on the phone with them..... just tell them that you had to do a hard reset...

04-24-2009, 02:36 PM
I think I have followed directions. I formatted my SD card to fat32. Then took the file named "Voguimg2.nbh" from the 2.31 imcokeman's unlocker.....and renamed it to "VOGUIMG.nbh". I then put the card in my phone. I held power-camera-reset and get to the 4 color screen. It starts I guess and gets to a "loading....." screen and never moves. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong now? Can I run the unlocker from the .exe file...from the card?

Edit: oh yeah I rebooted the phone and it came back to windows and everything still works.

04-24-2009, 02:41 PM
I think I have followed directions. I formatted my SD card to fat32. Then took the file named "Voguimg2.nbh" from the 2.31 imcokeman's unlocker.....and renamed it to "VOGUIMG.nbh". I then put the card in my phone. I held power-camera-reset and get to the 4 color screen. It starts I guess and gets to a "loading....." screen and never moves. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong now? Can I run the unlocker from the .exe file...from the card?

Edit: oh yeah I rebooted the phone and it came back to windows and everything still works.

than the card wasnt properly formatted.... and that is the only file on the card correct? i would go for the regular fat32 format again but dont do quick format..... let it do its thing and than drag the nbh only to your storage card and try again.

04-24-2009, 04:50 PM
Ok so now I'm using a 32-bit computer.....I ran the unlocker and that worked. So now I'm running the new ROM and it seemed to start ok. Right now the screen looks like this:


Update Complete
Update Success

Then the RUU on the computer gave me error 260 -connection error. Then I had to exit the RUU.

Now what should I do? Once again thanks a million!

04-24-2009, 05:01 PM
Ok so now I'm using a 32-bit computer.....I ran the unlocker and that worked. So now I'm running the new ROM and it seemed to start ok. Right now the screen looks like this:


Update Complete
Update Success

Then the RUU on the computer gave me error 260 -connection error. Then I had to exit the RUU.

Now what should I do? Once again thanks a million!

just soft reset and see if you are running 6.5 i would recommend that you reflash to be safe than take the battery out for 1 minute and hard reset the device so all settings can stick beofre you isntall anything.

04-24-2009, 05:08 PM
slowLX, when you're in the bootloader does it say "SPL - 2.31 coke"?

if it doesn't and soft resetting doesn't make your phone boot to wm 6.1 or 6.5 and flashing gives you a USB error then you're out of luck. this happened to my first touch when i didn't follow the last step in the unlocker when it says to press any key to boot to windows mobile. so it wasn't unlocked and you can't flash. also at that point activesync no longer recognizes the phone so you can't repeat the unlocking process...so there's actually nothing you can do at that point

04-24-2009, 05:16 PM
slowLX, when you're in the bootloader does it say "SPL - 2.31 coke"?

if it doesn't and soft resetting doesn't make your phone boot to wm 6.1 or 6.5 and flashing gives you a USB error then you're out of luck. this happened to my first touch when i didn't follow the last step in the unlocker when it says to press any key to boot to windows mobile. so it wasn't unlocked and you can't flash. also at that point activesync no longer recognizes the phone so you can't repeat the unlocking process...so there's actually nothing you can do at that point

so if u messed up once ur done for good? where was that on the fine print

04-24-2009, 05:20 PM
so if u messed up once ur done for good? where was that on the fine print

it sdays that in every release... we are not responsible if you brick or wrecjk your device......

04-24-2009, 05:24 PM
it sdays that in every release... we are not responsible if you brick or wrecjk your device......

no prob my device is fine, im just kinda upset that it seems i can no longer have wm6.5, dat was da only reason i hard resetted

04-24-2009, 05:38 PM
It booted up into Windows 6.1 and everything was still working. I put the .nbh file on my sd card again and ran it. This time it took the expected amount of time. Before it finished too fast. So now it ended up at the same screen. So I did a soft reset and it boots up with the classic Verizon logo then the HTC logo(which it never did before) On the first startup screen it says I'm running "D: 3NFS". So anyway it's not getting past the HTC logo on startup. It just sits there. I re-ran the ROM and got the same problem again...just sitting on the HTC logo.

EDIT: I'm an idiot. While typing and posting this it came up into windows 6.5!!!!!! WOOOT!!!!

04-24-2009, 05:38 PM
are you flashing form the screen that has three colors??? If not Hold the camera and power button and soft reset (stylus in small hole) and it will enter a boot loader screen. (three colored screen) should say in the bottom USB. Thus meaning your connected. Start flash install. Let customizations run. Install carrier cab and Your done.

i followed these steps, got the rainbow screen which does say usb at the bottom! but when i hit update on the computer screen to get the new wm6.5 rom i get update error 262 and nothin happens

04-24-2009, 05:43 PM
i followed these steps, got the rainbow screen which does say usb at the bottom! but when i hit update on the computer screen to get the new wm6.5 rom i get update error 262 and nothin happens
uis the 262 a connection error or what?

04-24-2009, 05:46 PM
uis the 262 a connection error or what?

yeah it is, then it tells me to take out battery for 3 sec, this happens over and over everytime i try this..all this began when i unlocked, flashed 2 wm6.5, then i had the reset problem, went back to offical rom, now im suck here with the offical rom

--------- New Post Merged on 24/4/2009 at 05:08:09 --------

so there is a chance i can no longer flash 2 the new rom? righ now i have the offical back on it, it runs fine but i got a sneak peak of 6.5 las night and i loved it but it was hard resetting it self so i had 2 go back, tryin 2 get dat wm6.5. back lol

--------- New Post Merged on 24/4/2009 at 06:53:09 --------

Holy shyt i got it workin wm6.5 baby its been like an hr and no freeze, super fast lol hope it stays this way, not sure how i did it but i keep tryin 2 flash it even with the disconnects and it worked, and so far so good, so the problem may b us and not the rom only time will tell

04-24-2009, 08:14 PM

Verizon MMS:

* Install the cab provided in the link below, then after install go into the Connections,
and delete everything there. After that is done, open Advanced
Config, press Menu, and press "Import provisioning XML".
Search for mxipupdate_oemoperators_102.provxml, and import it. Soft-reset, and MMS
should work.

Delete what about the connections where? Is this the reason I can't connect to my email? I am also not seeing the EV logo. I didn't have to call Verizon to make the phone or txt messages work....also I can surf the internet....but I think I'm not using EV. What I need to do to fix this? Thanks again!

Edit: I should mention I installed the MMS cab, but I'm unclear about what exactly to do...."go into connections and delete everything there" sounds dangerous. But I understand the second part.

04-24-2009, 08:23 PM

Verizon MMS:

* Install the cab provided in the link below, then after install go into the Connections,
and delete everything there. After that is done, open Advanced
Config, press Menu, and press "Import provisioning XML".
Search for mxipupdate_oemoperators_102.provxml, and import it. Soft-reset, and MMS
should work.

Delete what about the connections where? Is this the reason I can't connect to my email? I am also not seeing the EV logo. I didn't have to call Verizon to make the phone or txt messages work....also I can surf the internet....but I think I'm not using EV. What I need to do to fix this? Thanks again!

Edit: I should mention I installed the MMS cab, but I'm unclear about what exactly to do...."go into connections and delete everything there" sounds dangerous. But I understand the second part.
thanks and will add to the first post right now.

04-24-2009, 08:28 PM
Whao, that was a question. I copy/pasted something out of post #1. I wasn't adding anything. Sorry for the confusion.


Verizon MMS:

* Install the cab provided in the link below, then after install go into the Connections,
and delete everything there. After that is done, open Advanced
Config, press Menu, and press "Import provisioning XML".
Search for mxipupdate_oemoperators_102.provxml, and import it. Soft-reset, and MMS
should work.

Delete what about the connections where? Is this the reason I can't connect to my email? I am also not seeing the EV logo. I didn't have to call Verizon to make the phone or txt messages work....also I can surf the internet....but I think I'm not using EV. What do I need to do to fix this? Thanks again!

Edit: I should mention I installed the MMS cab, but I'm unclear about what exactly to do...."go into connections and delete everything there" sounds dangerous. But I understand the second part.

04-24-2009, 11:59 PM
Dammit i knew it was 2 good 2 be tru lol, the phone started soft resetting itself, man i was so souped lol, is there a tru fix for this? i tried the fix here it didnt quite work, maybe i did it wrong?? the phone only gets stable when its connected 2 activesync

04-25-2009, 12:27 AM
Dammit i knew it was 2 good 2 be tru lol, the phone started soft resetting itself, man i was so souped lol, is there a tru fix for this? i tried the fix here it didnt quite work, maybe i did it wrong?? the phone only gets stable when its connected 2 activesync
did you flash back to your carriers stock then back to this? that should work, has for a bunch of people

04-25-2009, 11:27 AM
did you flash back to your carriers stock then back to this? that should work, has for a bunch of people

yeah i did, i must be doin something wrong tho not sure what, has of now im back to offical rom trying to go back 2 wm6.5

04-25-2009, 01:43 PM
yeah i did, i must be doin something wrong tho not sure what, has of now im back to offical rom trying to go back 2 wm6.5
when you do power + camera + reset it does still say you're unlocked right?

04-25-2009, 01:49 PM
when you do power + camera + reset it does still say you're unlocked right?

good question lol, im a rookie at this so i have no idea what its suppose to say if im locked or unlocked, whats is suppose 2 read?

04-25-2009, 01:53 PM
good question lol, im a rookie at this so i have no idea what its suppose to say if im locked or unlocked, whats is suppose 2 read?

what does it read and we will tell you if it is right

04-25-2009, 02:05 PM
what does it read and we will tell you if it is right

ok i pressed da camera, power, and soft reset got the rainbow screen



04-25-2009, 02:06 PM
ok i pressed da camera, power, and soft reset got the rainbow screen


yeah, soft reset to boot back to 6.1 and you need to run the unlocker again before you flash to this

04-25-2009, 02:12 PM
yeah, soft reset to boot back to 6.1 and you need to run the unlocker again before you flash to this

so it wasnt unlocked? mayb that explains the problems, i guess i need help unlocking

04-25-2009, 02:14 PM
so it wasnt unlocked? mayb that explains the problems, i guess i need help unlocking

Yea bro ur not unlocked .

04-25-2009, 02:46 PM
so it wasnt unlocked? mayb that explains the problems, i guess i need help unlocking

theres not much too say...... run the hardspl for the vogue and follow the steps on the pc's screen.

04-25-2009, 02:52 PM
theres not much too say...... run the hardspl for the vogue and follow the steps on the pc's screen.

gotchu, im gonna do this now, "hardspl for the vouge" this is the Vogue_unlocker ? lol again sorry in all these yrz ive never unlocked

04-25-2009, 02:53 PM
gotchu, im gonna do this now, "hardspl for the vouge" this is the Vogue_unlocker ? lol again sorry in all these yrz ive never unlocked

that is correct buddy aka "imcokeman unlocker"

- ImCokeMan's 2.31 Unlocker: http://www.mediafire.com/?dnmmthzm9ng

04-25-2009, 03:03 PM
yep just be sure to follow every instruction it gives you to the letter

04-25-2009, 03:12 PM
that is correct buddy aka "imcokeman unlocker"

- ImCokeMan's 2.31 Unlocker: http://www.mediafire.com/?dnmmthzm9ng

thanks for the link mike but the link was down, i wud like to try that unlocker

yep just be sure to follow every instruction it gives you to the letter

ok righ now it is telling me "the next step will be to load a temporary SPL to ram with JumpSPL" lol im not sure what this means

04-25-2009, 03:20 PM
thanks for the link mike but the link was down, i wud like to try that unlocker

ok righ now it is telling me "the next step will be to load a temporary SPL to ram with JumpSPL" lol im not sure what this means
yeah, it doesn't really matter just click to continue and it'll give you further instructions

you are using the 2.31 unlocker though right? because the 0.40 unlocker is for non-gps ROMs

04-25-2009, 03:26 PM
i uploaded mine for ya


04-25-2009, 03:28 PM
i uploaded mine for ya


thanks, gonna try it righ now!

--------- New Post Merged on 25/4/2009 at 02:48:28 --------

thanks, gonna try it righ now!

is the rom u included that one im suppose 2 use also?

--------- New Post Merged on 25/4/2009 at 03:28:36 --------

*UPDATE i was able to unlock it because it said "coke" righ now i have the wm6.5 runing, smooth so far, thanks mike for the unlocker..if it starts to restart i guess i now kno what 2 do, thanks guys

--------- New Post Merged on 26/4/2009 at 12:08:35 --------

after 1 night noproblem, this rom is pretty smooth, fast and so much memory left.. i got a question tho, anyway to get rid of the "LOCK" i want to disable it

04-27-2009, 04:29 PM
after 1 night noproblem, this rom is pretty smooth, fast and so much memory left.. i got a question tho, anyway to get rid of the "LOCK" i want to disable it

Hit the Start button, scroll down to "System Tools". You'll see the link for "Smart Lock". Just click on that and uncheck all of the boxes that are checked.

04-27-2009, 04:35 PM
thanx man i had found it yesturday, this rom is sick! so is wm6.5..huge difference

04-27-2009, 04:39 PM
thanx man i had found it yesturday, this rom is sick! so is wm6.5..huge difference
yeah, especially in the visuals, they're SO much nicer

glad this worked for ya

04-28-2009, 03:24 AM
thanx man i had found it yesturday, this rom is sick! so is wm6.5..huge difference

All you need now is this


04-28-2009, 01:48 PM
All you need now is this


looks hot, im gonna give it a try, good lookin!! question, is there a way to stop activesync from poppin up on its own on WM6.5?

04-28-2009, 01:51 PM
looks hot, im gonna give it a try, good lookin!! question, is there a way to stop activesync from poppin up on its own on WM6.5?

i use the fake account trick, open a new account in activesync (on the device) and put fake addersses and fake passords, when you are done, you can now access the (scedule) option that you could not before, set it to manual sync and exit. not it wont pop up anymore

04-28-2009, 02:07 PM
i use the fake account trick, open a new account in activesync (on the device) and put fake addersses and fake passords, when you are done, you can now access the (scedule) option that you could not before, set it to manual sync and exit. not it wont pop up anymore

forgot about that one, thanks mike

04-28-2009, 06:52 PM
v8 is up and running

04-28-2009, 09:04 PM
i installed the startmenu.cab for the 4 rows but i still get 3rolls after installation any fix?

04-28-2009, 09:15 PM
i installed the startmenu.cab for the 4 rows but i still get 3rolls after installation any fix?
you did soft reset after you installed that cab right?

04-28-2009, 09:35 PM
you did soft reset after you installed that cab right?

yeah, also did it again and still 3 rows, i dont mind the 3 rows but now that im addin apps, 4 wud be so much eaiser lol, any clue?

04-28-2009, 10:05 PM
yeah, also did it again and still 3 rows, i dont mind the 3 rows but now that im addin apps, 4 wud be so much eaiser lol, any clue?
yeah, i got nothing i thought i saw something on xda or ppcgeeks a while ago but i couldn't find it. i'm really not a big fan of the 4x4 menu myself, makes everything look squished/cluttered IMO

04-28-2009, 11:23 PM
yeah, i got nothing i thought i saw something on xda or ppcgeeks a while ago but i couldn't find it. i'm really not a big fan of the 4x4 menu myself, makes everything look squished/cluttered IMO

Ha u beat me to it, yeh i found it myself so if anyone needs it let me know, it totally fix it for me...it also made the icons a bit smaller so it does not look crowded at all .. just drop the item in windows, worked for me, try to back up the old 1

04-28-2009, 11:59 PM
anyone use GPS with this rom?

04-29-2009, 01:02 AM
anyone use GPS with this rom?
gps is working fine for me.if you're not on bell be sure to install the gps cab for your carrier attached to the first post

04-29-2009, 01:58 PM
once again i have this stupid little bug in my dialer lol i have no idea where this is coming from im not sure wat it is im installing, could this occur wen i try 2 customize my taskbar?

04-29-2009, 02:03 PM
once again i have this stupid little bug in my dialer lol i have no idea where this is coming from im not sure wat it is im installing, could this occur wen i try 2 customize my taskbar?

that's wierd but now i got your number and i am going to sell it on the black market lol. Just kidding. You should blur that out though.

04-29-2009, 02:13 PM
that's wierd but now i got your number and i am going to sell it on the black market lol. Just kidding. You should blur that out though.

yeh it is weird, i kno it something i installed, im goin with the taskbar.. normally on the dialer it would show a phone wit a little lock right?

04-29-2009, 04:11 PM
that's wierd but now i got your number and i am going to sell it on the black market lol. Just kidding. You should blur that out though.
LOL, yea...I took care of that.

04-29-2009, 04:31 PM
yeh it is weird, i kno it something i installed, im goin with the taskbar.. normally on the dialer it would show a phone wit a little lock right?

Yeah mine shows a small phone with a lock to the top right of it with a crosshair symbol next to it. Looks like your is suppose to be a arrow pointing at a phone but it's all big.

04-29-2009, 08:07 PM
Yeah mine shows a small phone with a lock to the top right of it with a crosshair symbol next to it. Looks like your is suppose to be a arrow pointing at a phone but it's all big.

just flashed to v8 and yeh it fixed but im scared to add things lol not knowing that it is, that causes this lol thanks

04-29-2009, 08:09 PM
just flashed to v8 and yeh it fixed but im scared to add things lol not knowing that it is, that causes this lol thanks

Don't be afriad to add things on. I like to add things one by one and soft reset after each when I run into stuff like this that way I can know which is messing up things. Then make a post about it so people will know what is causing issues and can research.

04-29-2009, 08:12 PM
Don't be afriad to add things on. I like to add things one by one and soft reset after each when I run into stuff like this that way I can know which is messing up things. Then make a post about it so people will know what is causing issues and can research.

your right, well as of now i got most of my apps, 1 thing i didnt touch yet is my taskbar icons...

04-29-2009, 08:15 PM
your right, well as of now i got most of my apps, 1 thing i didnt touch yet is my taskbar icons...

Yeah. Just to double check, you are installing 6.5 icons right? 6.1 icons are not compatible.

04-29-2009, 08:21 PM
Yeah. Just to double check, you are installing 6.5 icons right? 6.1 icons are not compatible.

umm, yeh i actually got both, some1 on this thread told me they have a full custom taskbar on wm6.5 with 6.1 icons..., with wm6.5 i can get all icons to work except for the messenging icon, did u manage 2 get it done?

04-29-2009, 08:27 PM
umm, yeh i actually got both, some1 on this thread told me they have a full custom taskbar on wm6.5 with 6.1 icons..., with wm6.5 i can get all icons to work except for the messenging icon, did u manage 2 get it done?

Nah, that's the one thing I have not done yet is taskbar.

--------- New Post Merged on 29/4/2009 at 07:30:19 --------

I tried once a while back and couldn't get it so i never tried again. :) im a sissy i know. :P

04-29-2009, 08:34 PM
Nah, that's the one thing I have not done yet is taskbar.

--------- New Post Merged on 29/4/2009 at 07:30:19 --------

I tried once a while back and couldn't get it so i never tried again. :) im a sissy i know. :P

ha lol well ova at ppcgeeks, they got a new wm6.5 custom taskbar thread , check it out

04-29-2009, 08:35 PM
ha lol well ova at ppcgeeks, they got a new wm6.5 custom taskbar thread , check it out

Could you code a link for us?

04-29-2009, 08:45 PM
Could you code a link for us?

sure here it is


04-29-2009, 08:50 PM
Please code you link

sure here it is

(https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3a%2f%2fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2fshowthread.php%3ft%3d65911%26highlight)http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=65911&highlight (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3a%2f%2fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2fshowthread.php%3ft%3d65911%26highlight) (https://www.wckediden.com/redirector.php?url=http%3a%2f%2fforum.ppcgeeks.com %2fshowthread.php%3ft%3d65911%26highlight)

04-29-2009, 08:52 PM
Please code you link

mybad, not sure how 2 do that lol

04-29-2009, 08:55 PM
mybad, not sure how 2 do that lol

highlight the link then click the little round spinning green icon

04-29-2009, 08:55 PM
mybad, not sure how 2 do that lol

hi check my sig and learn how to code

grtz weesje

04-29-2009, 09:03 PM

04-29-2009, 09:18 PM
Yeah. Just to double check, you are installing 6.5 icons right? 6.1 icons are not compatible.

6.1 icons taskbar is working on my phone and im running 6.5

04-29-2009, 09:21 PM
6.1 icons taskbar is working on my phone and im running 6.5

can u show a pic? or wat icons u used?

04-29-2009, 09:23 PM
can u show a pic? or wat icons u used?

Look here :


04-29-2009, 09:23 PM
6.1 icons taskbar is working on my phone and im running 6.5

Please enlighten me too

04-29-2009, 09:25 PM
Please enlighten me too

I just put a link out for omar go back one page and as u can c my taskbar works fine with 6.1 taskbars

04-29-2009, 09:29 PM
I just put a link out for omar go back one page and as u can c my taskbar works fine with 6.1 taskbars

yo that looks sick, i dont get it though?? u just copied them into /windows like before? im confused cuz for wm6.5 it doesnt even include all the .dlls 6.1 had lol

04-29-2009, 09:33 PM
yo that look sick, i dont get it though?? u just copied them into /windows like before? im confused cuz for wm6.5 it doesnt even include all the .dlls 6.1 had lol

Nah bro read here:


3 easy steps

-download sdkcerts cab
-pick a taskbar download and install the cab
-you then soft reset

04-29-2009, 09:47 PM
Nah bro read here:


3 easy steps

-download sdkcerts cab
-pick a taskbar download and install the cab
-you then soft reset

koo, thanks on 6.1 i had my custom taskbar , hopefully i can get this 2 work, wha kind of touch do u have?

04-29-2009, 09:48 PM
koo, thanks on 6.1 i had my custom taskbar , hopefully i can get this 2 work, wha kind of touch do u have?

I have a touch pro bro but i dont c why a 6.1 taskbar wouldnt work for you try it bro that link i gave you is for qvga and vga devices

04-29-2009, 10:07 PM
I have a touch pro bro but i dont c why a 6.1 taskbar wouldnt work for you try it bro that link i gave you is for qvga and vga devices

i have a touch, i will try these and see what happens, i think can get them all to work exepct messaging icon for some reason

04-30-2009, 01:12 AM
Has anyone got Pandora to work with this ROM? I have tried numerous times to get it to work but to no avail. Seems to work fine when I flash back to other 6.1 ROM's. Any help would be appreciated.

04-30-2009, 09:44 AM
i have a touch, i will try these and see what happens, i think can get them all to work exepct messaging icon for some reason

Did u get it to work bro ?

04-30-2009, 04:32 PM
Has anyone got Pandora to work with this ROM? I have tried numerous times to get it to work but to no avail. Seems to work fine when I flash back to other 6.1 ROM's. Any help would be appreciated.
pandora isn't compatible with 6.5, apparently if you install in on a 6.1 ROM, copy all the created and changed files/values then back that up, flash to 6.5 and put them in there it works

i haven't tried this myself but a bunch of people at xda got it to work. not worth the trouble if you ask me

05-01-2009, 10:21 PM
on the home screen (titanum) is there a way to make skyfire the default broswer instead of internet explorer?

05-02-2009, 07:31 PM
on the home screen (titanum) is there a way to make skyfire the default broswer instead of internet explorer?

I dont thing you can bro i know for sure you can replace it with opera.

05-02-2009, 07:36 PM
I dont thing you can bro i know for sure you can replace it with opera.

oh ok thanks, i cant even find my internet plugin anymore since ive installed the twitter plugin, id love it have it , but showin skyfire instead of IE

05-02-2009, 07:39 PM
oh ok thanks, i cant even find my internet plugin anymore since ive installed the twitter plugin, id love it have it , but showin skyfire instead of IE

Yea bro i have the same problem when installing some other plugins when i do something else dissapers and maybe if you wait a lil someone will come up with that plugin.

05-02-2009, 07:42 PM
Yea bep i have the same problem when installing some other plugins when i do something else dissapers and maybe if you wait a lil someone will come up with that plugin.

i see..yeah no biggie

05-03-2009, 08:27 PM
Does anyone know where I can find the TouchFlo 2D theme that this rom uses? I switched and want the original theme back, but did not back it up before switching it.

thanks so much.

05-05-2009, 11:03 PM
any1 know how to get the internet panel back? i seem 2 have lost mine when i put the twitter panel

05-05-2009, 11:05 PM
any1 know how to get the internet panel back? i seem 2 have lost mine when i put the twitter panel

common problem with the tabs... try to reinstall and soft reset again and see if it sticks.

05-05-2009, 11:07 PM
common problem with the tabs... try to reinstall and soft reset again and see if it sticks.

thanx dash, but since it was originally built in the rom do u mean i have 2 hard reset?

05-05-2009, 11:10 PM
thanx dash, but since it was originally built in the rom do u mean i have 2 hard reset?

huh never done it with those tabs built in so you will have to wait for someone that runs this to be able to help you further..... sorry.

05-05-2009, 11:12 PM
huh never done it with those tabs built in so you will have to wait for someone that runs this to be able to help you further..... sorry.

its coo thank man!!! its very common im sure some1 knos thanks again

05-05-2009, 11:34 PM
its coo thank man!!! its very common im sure some1 knos thanks again

check if you have it disabled in titanium customizer (settings/system)

but adding panels to titanium can be a real b!tch cuz the cpr files from the added panel overwrite the stock ones and they conflict resulting in missing panels and such, thats why nfsfan is trying to cook the best ones in so it doesnt happen

05-05-2009, 11:43 PM
check if you have it disabled in titanium customizer (settings/system)

but adding panels to titanium can be a real b!tch cuz the cpr files from the added panel overwrite the stock ones and they conflict resulting in missing panels and such, thats why nfsfan is trying to cook the best ones in so it doesnt happen

wassup mike, yeh it happened when i installed the twitter panel which i love..i did research and ppl say its common, i was just wonderin if theirs a way 2 get that internet panel back through a cab or something, and i wanted 2 try n get skyfire as a default on there instead of internet explorer

05-09-2009, 10:16 PM
if anyone is being annoyed by the text input always changing back to abc mode with the 20 key keyboard, you can stop it with this regedit

edit the value at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Tegic/eT9/CarrierDefaultTextMode

change the value from 0 to 1 and you're golden

05-10-2009, 02:05 PM
anyone know how to stop activesync from start up, i managed to get it 2 stop poppin up but i want it 2 not even show up when i turn my phone on

05-10-2009, 08:44 PM
anyone know how to stop activesync from start up, i managed to get it 2 stop poppin up but i want it 2 not even show up when i turn my phone on

Hev you tried going in2 settings -connections-usb to pc?

05-10-2009, 08:54 PM
Hev you tried going in2 settings -connections-usb to pc?

no i didnt, thanks for pointing it out to me but what exactly do i do in there to make activesync not start up wit my phone?

05-10-2009, 08:57 PM
no i didnt, thanks for pointing it out to me but what exactly do i do in there to make activesync not start up wit my phone?

Oh it just shows up for no reason ?

05-10-2009, 09:02 PM
Oh it just shows up for no reason ?

no no, i took care of that, i just have 2 close it in my taskmanager everytime my phone load up! i dont want it 2 start wit my phone, sometimes i forget 2 close it and it drains my battery

05-10-2009, 09:03 PM
can this be used for cricket

05-10-2009, 09:09 PM
can this be used for cricket

Yea i dont think so ,have u flash your phone yet or unlocked it ?

05-14-2009, 06:27 PM
is this a known issue? about half the time when i soft reset, the new wm6.5 wait cuiser stays on screen acting like its loadin. then wen i reset it goes away but sometimes i gotta do about 2-3 resets.

05-14-2009, 06:29 PM
is this a known issue? about half the time when i soft reset, the new wm6.5 wait cuiser stays on screen acting like its loadin. then wen i reset it goes away but sometimes i gotta do about 2-3 resets.

Hmm never heard of that one each rom always has a lil bug here and there u just have to suck it u like the rest of us lol

05-14-2009, 06:31 PM
Hmm never heard of that one each rom always has a lil bug here and there u just have to suck it u like the rest of us lol

lol tru no biggie, im still in love wit wm6.5

05-28-2009, 09:38 PM

just an update, NFSFAN has been working on his TP rom for the last little while but he said that he hoped to get an update in for this ROM sometime this week or next.

05-28-2009, 09:43 PM

just an update, NFSFAN has been working on his TP rom for the last little while but he said that he hoped to get an update in for this ROM sometime this week or next.

cool thanks for the update ray ray and how is your sister feeling?

05-28-2009, 09:45 PM
cool thanks for the update ray ray and how is your sister feeling?
she's still ****ed up man :(

headaches haven't gone away and her concentration is still bad, she's doing better physically though, going to physio and chiro.

05-28-2009, 09:47 PM
she's still ****ed up man :(

headaches haven't gone away and her concentration is still bad, she's doing better physically though, going to physio and chiro.

cool glad to hear that she is doing better.

05-28-2009, 09:48 PM
ima be visiting her lots over the summer since she's working in london.

speaking of visiting melissa and her friend kourtney are coming to my cottage some time in a few weeks. ;)

05-28-2009, 10:15 PM
ima be visiting her lots over the summer since she's working in london.

speaking of visiting melissa and her friend kourtney are coming to my cottage some time in a few weeks. ;)

hahhaha very nice ray ray and remember use a rubber and since they older than you let them teach :)

05-30-2009, 08:18 PM
with this rom my battery only charges to 97% when it is full, is this normal?

05-30-2009, 08:44 PM
with this rom my battery only charges to 97% when it is full, is this normal?

Do u have a custom taskbar?

05-30-2009, 08:54 PM
Do u have a custom taskbar?

yessir lol all except the start menu is customized

05-30-2009, 08:57 PM
yessir lol all exect the start menu is customized

That could be y bro when i have custom taskbar my battery drops to somewhere around the range of 95 -98 thats what happens when u run a custom taskbar almost never stays at 100 but im sure its fully charge

05-30-2009, 09:03 PM
:connie_mykilroy:That could be y bro when i have custom taskbar my battery drops to somewhere around the range of 95 -98 thats what happens when u run a custom taskbar almost never stays at 100 but im sure its fully charge

koo no problem, just wondering cuz when i take it off the charger it says 100% then it drops to 97% in 2 sec lol, but now i see why, as long as its fully charged, thanx

05-30-2009, 09:13 PM

koo no problem, just wondering cuz when i take it off the charger it says 100% then it drops to 97% in 2 sec lol, but now i see why, as long as its fully charged, thanx

This is a noob question bro what r u doing asking that lol jk:yahoo:

05-30-2009, 09:16 PM
This is a noob question bro what r u doing asking that lol jk:yahoo:

lol i am a noob, this is my 1st custom rom but yeh i get it lol

05-30-2009, 09:18 PM
lol i am a noob, this is my 1st custom rom but yeh i get it lol

Once u flash u aint that noobish thats the part all nooobs r scared of doing .

05-30-2009, 09:20 PM
Once u flash u aint that noobish thats the part all nooobs r scared of doing .

LMAO ive graduated

05-30-2009, 10:30 PM
Hello Fellow Noobs :)